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Portal Help (Style coffee_time)

Posted: 25. February 2010 21:52
by Cr33per
Your Portal Version: 1.0.0RC3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

PHP Version: 3.0.6

What have you done before the problem was there?

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?

Description and Message
Could anybody tell me why my portal turned out like this? ... tled-3.png
I've installed it on 3 other subsilver based styles and had no problems.

Code: Select all

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Re: Portal Help

Posted: 25. February 2010 23:31
by Marc
As far as I know, that style will not work properly with Board3 Portal.

Re: Portal Help

Posted: 26. February 2010 15:36
by Cr33per
Why wont it work right. Could you give me an explanation of why it wont work.
It just sucks i guess. I will loose out on like 8 hours worth of work on this style.

Re: Portal Help

Posted: 26. February 2010 19:40
by Marc
It is not wide enough and you will have some issues with the center blocks. I think Christian already tried adjusting the style for Board3 Portal and that didn't work out. As far as I recall it, you would have to edit the whole overall_header.html to make it wider.

Re: Portal Help

Posted: 7. March 2010 19:38
by Mike
I tryed something too to make it fit with the portal, but i failed the same way as you ;)
Maybe someone can help here, but some Styles simply wont work... :/

One of the problems is the fixed Background which is why you are'nt able to make it wider...


The other one is the also fixed Backgroundimage for the blockheaders, which is why you arent able to increase the width of the center Blocks...

So you have to make as first new images and change the whole code of the Style to make it more flexible... if you have the time and knowhow, good luck ;)