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EN translation suggestions

Posted: 18. March 2009 15:10
by liquidspark
Suggestions, corrections, grammar stuff, clarity, etc.


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* @package - Board3portal
* @version $Id: info_acp_portal.php 467 2009-02-13 04:01:32Z Christian_N $
* @copyright (c) kevin / saint ( ), (c) Ice, (c) nickvergessen ( ), (c) redbull254 ( ), (c) Christian_N ( )
* @based on: phpBB3 Portal by Sevdin Filiz,
* @translator (c) ( You - )
* @license GNU Public License 

if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))
if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
	$lang = array();

$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
	'ACP_PORTAL_INFO'							=> 'Portal',
	'ACP_PORTAL_GENERAL_INFO'					=> 'General',
	'ACP_PORTAL_ANNOUNCEMENTS_INFO'				=> 'Global announcements',
	'ACP_PORTAL_NEWS_INFO'						=> 'News',
	'ACP_PORTAL_RECENT_INFO'					=> 'Recent topics',
	'ACP_PORTAL_WORDGRAPH_INFO'					=> 'Wordgraph',
	'ACP_PORTAL_GENERAL_INFO'					=> 'General settings',
	'ACP_PORTAL_PAYPAL_INFO'					=> 'Paypal donations',
	'ACP_PORTAL_ATTACHMENTS_INFO'				=> 'Attachments',
	'ACP_PORTAL_MEMBERS_INFO'					=> 'Newest members',
	'ACP_PORTAL_POLLS_INFO'						=> 'Poll',
	'ACP_PORTAL_BOTS_INFO'						=> 'Recent bots',
	'ACP_PORTAL_POSTER_INFO'					=> 'Peak posters',
	'ACP_PORTAL_WELCOME_INFO'					=> 'Welcome message',
	'ACP_PORTAL_CUSTOMBLOCK_INFO'				=> 'Custom block',
	'ACP_PORTAL_MINICALENDAR_INFO'				=> 'Mini calendar',
	'ACP_PORTAL_LINKS_INFO'						=> 'Links',
	'ACP_PORTAL_BIRTHDAYS_INFO'					=> 'Birthdays',
	'ACP_PORTAL_FRIENDS_INFO'					=> 'Friends',
	// Logs
	'LOG_PORTAL_CONFIG'			=> '<strong>Altered Portal settings</strong><br />&raquo; %s',
	// Adding the permissions
	'acl_a_portal_manage'		=> array('lang' => 'Can alter Portal settings', 'cat' => 'misc'),


Code: Select all

* @package - Board3portal
* @version $Id: install_portal.php 457 2009-01-30 14:58:00Z Christian_N $
* @copyright (c) kevin / saint ( ), (c) Ice, (c) nickvergessen ( ), (c) redbull254 ( ), (c) Christian_N ( )
* @installer based on: phpBB Gallery by nickvergessen,
* @license GNU Public License 

if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))

if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
	$lang = array();

$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
	'INSTALL_CONGRATS_EXPLAIN'		=> 	'<p>You have successfully installed the Board3 Portal v%s<br/><br/><strong>Now delete, move or rename the "install" folder before using your board. As long as this directory is present, you can only access the ACP.</strong></p>',
	'INSTALL_INTRO_BODY'			=> 	'This installation system will guide you through the processes of installing the Board3 Portal onto your phpBB forum.',

	'MISSING_CONSTANTS'			=> 	'Prior to running the installation script, you need to upload the edited files, especially /includes/constants.php.',
	'MODULES_CREATE_PARENT'		=> 	'Create parent standard module',
	'MODULES_PARENT_SELECT'		=> 	'Select parent module',
	'MODULES_SELECT_4ACP'		=> 	'Parent module for the ACP',
	'MODULES_SELECT_NONE'		=> 	'No parent module',

	'STAGE_ADVANCED_EXPLAIN'        =>  'Please select the parent modules for the Board3 Portal modules. Usually there is no need to change the default settings.',
	'STAGE_CREATE_TABLE_EXPLAIN'	=> 	'The Board3 Portal database tables have been created and initialized with basic values. Proceed to the next step to finish the Board3 Portal installation.',
	'STAGE_ADVANCED_SUCCESSFUL'		=> 	'The Board3 Portal modules have been created. Proceed to finish the Board3 Portal installation.',
	'STAGE_UNINSTALL'				=> 	'Uninstall',

	'FILES_EXISTS'				=> 	'File still exists',
	'FILES_OUTDATED'			=> 	'Out-of-date files',
	'FILES_OUTDATED_EXPLAIN'	=> 	'<strong>Out-of-date files</strong> - please delete these files to avoid security issues.',
	'REQUIREMENTS_EXPLAIN'		=> 	'Please delete all of the out-of-date files from your server before continuing with the update.',
	'NOT_REQUIREMENTS_EXPLAIN'	=> 	'No out-of-date files were found on your server, you may proceed with the update.',

	'UPDATE_INSTALLATION'			=> 	'Update Board3 Portal',
	'UPDATE_INSTALLATION_EXPLAIN'	=> 	'This option will update your Board3 Portal to the latest version.',
	'UPDATE_CONGRATS_EXPLAIN'		=> 	'<p>You have successfully updated your Board3 Portal to v%s<br/><br/><strong>Now delete, move or rename the "install" folder before using your board. As long as this directory is present, you can only access the ACP.</strong></p>',

	'UNINSTALL_INTRO'				=> 	'Welcome to Uninstall',
	'UNINSTALL_INTRO_BODY'			=> 	'This installation system will guide you through the process of uninstalling the Board3 Portal from your phpBB forum.',
	'CAT_UNINSTALL'					=> 	'Uninstall',
	'UNINSTALL_CONGRATS'			=> 	'<h1>Board3 Portal removed.</h1>
									You have successfully uninstalled the Board3 Portal.',
	'UNINSTALL_CONGRATS_EXPLAIN'	=> 	'<strong>Now delete, move or rename the "install" folder before using your board. As long as this directory is present, you can only access the ACP.<br /><br />Remember to delete the Portal-related files and reverse any Portal-related edits made to phpBB&apos;s core files.</strong></p>',

	'SUPPORT_BODY'		=> 	'Support for the latest stable version of the Board3 Portal is available free-of-charge for:</p><ul><li>Installation</li><li>Technical questions</li><li>Program-related issues</li><li>Downloading the latest Release Candidate (RC) or stable version</li></ul><p>You will find support in these forums:</p><ul><li><a href=""> - Homepage of Kevin - MOD author</a></li><li><a href=""></a></li><li><a href=""></a></li></ul><p>',
	'GOTO_INDEX'		=> 	'Proceed to forum',
	'GOTO_PORTAL'		=> 	'Proceed to Portal',
	'CAT_CONVERT'					=> 'Convert phpBB3 Portal',
	'CONVERT_P3P_INTRO'				=> 'Converts your "phpBB3 Portal" to a "Board3 Portal"',
	'STAGE_REMOVE_P3P'				=> 'Remove phpBB3 Portal',
	'STAGE_REMOVE_TABLE'			=> 'Remove database tables',
	'STAGE_REMOVE_TABLE_EXPLAIN'	=> 'The phpBB3 Portal database tables have been removed successfully. Proceed to the next step to finish the Board3 Portal installation.',
	'CONVERT_COMPLETE_EXPLAIN'		=> 'The phpBB3 Portal has been successfully converted to Board3 Portal v%s.<br /><br /><strong>Now delete, move or rename the "install" folder before using your board. As long as this directory is present, you can only access the ACP.</strong>',


Code: Select all


* @package - Board3portal
* @version $Id: lang_portal_acp.php 468 2009-02-13 21:01:41Z Christian_N $
* @copyright (c) kevin / saint ( ), (c) Ice, (c) nickvergessen ( ), (c) redbull254 ( ), (c) Christian_N ( )
* @based on: phpBB3 Portal by Sevdin Filiz,
* @translator (c) ( You - )
* @license GNU Public License 

if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))
if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
	$lang = array();

// All language files should use UTF-8 as their encoding and the files must not contain a BOM.
// Placeholders can now contain order information, e.g. instead of
// 'Page %s of %s' you can (and should) write 'Page %1$s of %2$s', this allows
// translators to re-order the output of data while ensuring it remains correct
// You do not need this where single placeholders are used, e.g. 'Message %d' is fine
// equally where a string contains only two placeholders which are used to wrap text
// in a url you again do not need to specify an order e.g., 'Click %sHERE%s' is fine

$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
	// general
	'ACP_PORTAL_GENERAL_TITLE'				=> 'Portal administration',
	'ACP_PORTAL_GENERAL_TITLE_EXPLAIN'		=> 'Thank you for choosing Board3 Portal! This is where you can manage your portal page. The options below let you customize the various general settings. The links on the left-hand side allow you to customize in detail every aspect of your portal experience.',
	'ACP_PORTAL_VERSION'					=> '<strong>Board3 Portal Version v%s</strong>',
	'ACP_PORTAL_GENERAL_SETTINGS'			=> 'General settings',
	'PORTAL_ENABLE'							=> 'Enable Portal',
	'PORTAL_ENABLE_EXPLAIN'					=> 'Turns the whole portal on or off.',
	'PORTAL_ADVANCED_STAT'					=> 'Advanced statistics block',
	'PORTAL_ADVANCED_STAT_EXPLAIN'			=> 'Display this block on the portal.',
	'PORTAL_LEADERS'						=> 'Leaders / Team block',
	'PORTAL_LEADERS_EXPLAIN'				=> 'Display this block on the portal.',
	'PORTAL_LEADERS_EXT'					=> 'Extended Leaders / Team',
	'PORTAL_LEADERS_EXT_EXPLAIN'			=> 'The "Leaders / Team" block must be activated in order to display this extended block.<br />The standard block lists all admins/mods, while the extended block includes all non-hidden groups with a legend.',
	'PORTAL_CLOCK'							=> 'Clock block',
	'PORTAL_CLOCK_EXPLAIN'					=> 'Display this block on the portal.',
	'PORTAL_LINK_US'						=> 'Link us block',
	'PORTAL_LINK_US_EXPLAIN'				=> 'Display this block on the portal.',
	'PORTAL_SEARCH'							=> 'Search block',
	'PORTAL_SEARCH_EXPLAIN'					=> 'Display this block on the portal.',
	'PORTAL_WELCOME'						=> 'Welcome center block',
	'PORTAL_WELCOME_EXPLAIN'				=> 'Display this block on the portal.',
	'PORTAL_WHOIS_ONLINE'					=> 'Who is online?',
	'PORTAL_WHOIS_ONLINE_EXPLAIN'			=> 'Display this block on the portal.',
	'PORTAL_CHANGE_STYLE'					=> 'Styleswitcher',
	'PORTAL_CHANGE_STYLE_EXPLAIN'			=> 'Display this block on the portal.<br /><span style="color:red">Please note:</span> If "Override user style:" in the board settings is set to "Yes", this block will <strong>not</strong> be displayed, regardless of this setting.',
	'PORTAL_MAIN_MENU'						=> 'Main menu',
	'PORTAL_MAIN_MENU_EXPLAIN'				=> 'Display this block on the portal.',
	'PORTAL_PHPBB_MENU'						=> 'phpBB menu',
	'PORTAL_PHPBB_MENU_EXPLAIN'				=> 'Display the phpBB Header on the portal.',
	'PORTAL_USER_MENU'						=> 'User menu / Login box',
	'PORTAL_USER_MENU_EXPLAIN'				=> 'Display this block on the portal.',
	'PORTAL_FORUM_INDEX'					=> 'Forum Index (Forum list)',
	'PORTAL_FORUM_INDEX_EXPLAIN'			=> 'Display this block on the portal.',
	// random member
	'PORTAL_RANDOM_MEMBER'					=> 'Random member block',
	'PORTAL_RANDOM_MEMBER_EXPLAIN'			=> 'Display this block on the portal.',
	// news and announcements
	'PORTAL_SHOW_REPLIES_VIEWS'				=> 'Display the number of replies and views',
	'PORTAL_SHOW_REPLIES_VIEWS_EXPLAIN'		=> 'This setting pertains to the compact block.<br />When Yes, the number of replies and views are shown in 2 extra columns. When No, replies and views will be shown beside the forum name. Select No if you have problems with the display of the extra columns due to the extra width required.', 

	// birthdays
	'ACP_PORTAL_BIRTHDAYS_SETTINGS'			=> 'Birthdays Settings',
	'ACP_PORTAL_BIRTHDAYS_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN'	=> 'This is where you customize the birthday block.',
	'PORTAL_BIRTHDAYS'						=> 'Birthday block',
	'PORTAL_BIRTHDAYS_EXPLAIN'				=> 'Display this block on the portal.',
	'PORTAL_BIRTHDAYS_AHEAD'				=> 'Birthdays ahead days',
	'PORTAL_BIRTHDAYS_AHEAD_EXPLAIN'		=> 'How many days to look ahead for future birthdays.',
	// global announcements
	'ACP_PORTAL_ANNOUNCE_SETTINGS'				=> 'Global announcements settings',
	'ACP_PORTAL_ANNOUNCE_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN'		=> 'This is where you customize the global announcements block.',
	'PORTAL_ANNOUNCEMENTS'						=> 'Display global announcements',
	'PORTAL_ANNOUNCEMENTS_EXPLAIN'				=> 'Display this block on the portal.',
	'PORTAL_ANNOUNCEMENTS_STYLE'				=> 'Compact global announcements block style',
	'PORTAL_ANNOUNCEMENTS_STYLE_EXPLAIN'		=> 'Select Yes to use the compact style for global announcements. Select No to use the large style.',
	'PORTAL_NUMBER_OF_ANNOUNCEMENTS'			=> 'Number of announcements on the portal',
	'PORTAL_ANNOUNCEMENTS_DAY'					=> 'Number of days to display the announcement',
	'PORTAL_ANNOUNCEMENTS_DAY_EXPLAIN'			=> '0 means infinite',
	'PORTAL_ANNOUNCEMENTS_LENGTH'				=> 'Maximum size/length of global announcements',
	'PORTAL_GLOBAL_ANNOUNCEMENTS_FORUM'			=> 'Global global announcements forum ID',
	'PORTAL_GLOBAL_ANNOUNCEMENTS_FORUM_EXPLAIN'	=> 'Forums from which we retrieve the articles. Leave this blank to retrieve articles from all the forums. Separate forum IDs with commas for multiple forums, eg. 1,2,5',
	'PORTAL_ANNOUNCEMENTS_PERMISSIONS'			=> 'Enable/disable permissions',
	'PORTAL_ANNOUNCEMENTS_PERMISSIONS_EXPLAIN'	=> 'When displaying announcements, consider a user&apos;s forum-viewing permissions.',
	'PORTAL_ANNOUNCEMENTS_ARCHIVE'				=> 'Enable the announcements archive system',
	'PORTAL_ANNOUNCEMENTS_ARCHIVE_EXPLAIN'		=> 'If enabled, old announcements will be displayed with page numbers.',

	// news
	'ACP_PORTAL_NEWS_SETTINGS'			=> 'News settings',
	'ACP_PORTAL_NEWS_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN'	=> 'This is where you customize the news block.',
	'PORTAL_NEWS'						=> 'Display news block',
	'PORTAL_NEWS_EXPLAIN'				=> 'Display this block on the portal.',
	'PORTAL_NEWS_STYLE'					=> 'Compact news block style',
	'PORTAL_NEWS_STYLE_EXPLAIN'			=> '"Yes" means use the compact style for news. "No" means use the large style (text view).',
	'PORTAL_SHOW_ALL_NEWS'				=> 'Show all of the articles in this forum',
	'PORTAL_SHOW_ALL_NEWS_EXPLAIN'		=> 'Includes stickies.',
	'PORTAL_NUMBER_OF_NEWS'				=> 'Number of news articles on the portal',
	'PORTAL_NUMBER_OF_NEWS_EXPLAIN'		=> '0 means infinite',
	'PORTAL_NEWS_LENGTH'				=> 'Max length of news article',
	'PORTAL_NEWS_LENGTH_EXPLAIN'		=> '0 means infinite',
	'PORTAL_NEWS_FORUM'					=> 'News Forum ID',
	'PORTAL_NEWS_FORUM_EXPLAIN'			=> 'Forum we pull the articles from, leave blank to pull from all forums, separate by comma for multi-forums, eg. 1,2,5',
	'PORTAL_EXCLUDE_FORUM'				=> 'Exclude Forum ID',
	'PORTAL_EXCLUDE_FORUM_EXPLAIN'		=> 'Forum we pull the articles from, leave blank to pull from all forums, separate by comma for multi-forums, eg. 1,2,5',
	'PORTAL_NEWS_PERMISSIONS'			=> 'Enable/disable permissions',
	'PORTAL_NEWS_PERMISSIONS_EXPLAIN'	=> 'Take forum viewing permissions into account when displaying news',
	'PORTAL_NEWS_SHOW_LAST'				=> 'Sort in order to the newest posts',
	'PORTAL_NEWS_SHOW_LAST_EXPLAIN'		=> 'When activated, the newest will be sorted in order to the newest posts. When deactivated, the news will be sorted in order to the newest topic.',
	'PORTAL_NEWS_ARCHIVE'				=> 'Enable the news archive system',
	'PORTAL_NEWS_ARCHIVE_EXPLAIN'		=> 'If enabled the news archive system / page numbers will be displayed.',

	// recent topics
	'ACP_PORTAL_RECENT_SETTINGS'			=> 'Recent topics settings',
	'ACP_PORTAL_RECENT_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN'	=> 'This is where you customize the recent topics block.',
	'PORTAL_RECENT'							=> 'Display recent topics block',
	'PORTAL_RECENT_EXPLAIN'					=> 'Display this block on the portal.',
	'PORTAL_MAX_TOPIC'						=> 'Limit of recent announcements/hot topics',
	'PORTAL_MAX_TOPIC_EXPLAIN'				=> '0 means infinite',
	'PORTAL_RECENT_TITLE_LIMIT'				=> 'Character limit for each recent topic',
	'PORTAL_RECENT_TITLE_LIMIT_EXPLAIN'		=> '0 means infinite',

	// paypal
	'ACP_PORTAL_PAYPAL_SETTINGS'			=> 'Paypal settings',
	'ACP_PORTAL_PAYPAL_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN'	=> 'This is where you customize the Paypal block.',
	'PORTAL_PAY_C_BLOCK'					=> 'Display paypal center block',
	'PORTAL_PAY_C_BLOCK_EXPLAIN'			=> 'Display this block on the portal.',
	'PORTAL_PAY_S_BLOCK'					=> 'Display paypal small block',
	'PORTAL_PAY_S_BLOCK_EXPLAIN'			=> 'Display this block on the portal.',
	'PORTAL_PAY_ACC'						=> 'Paypal account to use',
	'PORTAL_PAY_ACC_EXPLAIN'				=> 'Enter your Paypal e-mail address eg.',

	// newest members
	'ACP_PORTAL_MEMBERS_SETTINGS'			=> 'Newest members settings',
	'ACP_PORTAL_MEMBERS_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN'	=> 'This is where you customize the newest members block.',
	'PORTAL_LATEST_MEMBERS'					=> 'Display newest members block',
	'PORTAL_LATEST_MEMBERS_EXPLAIN'			=> 'Display this block on the portal.',
	'PORTAL_MAX_LAST_MEMBER'				=> 'Maximum number of newest members shown',
	'PORTAL_MAX_LAST_MEMBER_EXPLAIN'		=> '0 means infinite',

	// bots
	'ACP_PORTAL_BOTS_SETTINGS'					=> 'Visiting bots settings',
	'ACP_PORTAL_BOTS_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN'			=> 'This is where you customize the visiting bots block.',
	'PORTAL_LOAD_LAST_VISITED_BOTS'				=> 'Display visiting bots block',
	'PORTAL_LOAD_LAST_VISITED_BOTS_EXPLAIN'		=> 'Display this block on the portal.',
	'PORTAL_LAST_VISITED_BOTS_NUMBER'			=> 'How many bots to display',

	// polls   
	'ACP_PORTAL_POLLS_SETTINGS'			=> 'Poll settings',
	'ACP_PORTAL_POLLS_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN'	=> 'This is where you customize the poll block.',
	'PORTAL_POLL_TOPIC'					=> 'Display poll blocks',
	'PORTAL_POLL_TOPIC_EXPLAIN'			=> 'Display this block on the portal.',
	'PORTAL_POLL_TOPIC_ID'				=> 'Poll forum ID(s)',
	'PORTAL_POLL_TOPIC_ID_EXPLAIN'		=> 'The ID(s) of the forum(s) from which the polls should be displayed. Use a comma to separate multiple forums, or leave blank to use all available forums.',
	'PORTAL_POLL_LIMIT'					=> 'Poll display limit',
	'PORTAL_POLL_LIMIT_EXPLAIN'			=> 'The number of polls you would like to display on the portal page.',
	'PORTAL_POLL_ALLOW_VOTE'			=> 'Allow voting',
	'PORTAL_POLL_ALLOW_VOTE_EXPLAIN'	=> 'Allow users with the required permissions to vote from the portal page.',
	'PORTAL_POLL_HIDE'					=> 'Hide expired polls?',

	// peak posters
	'ACP_PORTAL_MOST_POSTER_SETTINGS'			=> 'Peak posters settings',
	'ACP_PORTAL_MOST_POSTER_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN'	=> 'This is where you customize the peak posters block.',
	'PORTAL_TOP_POSTERS'                  		=> 'Display peak/top posters block',
	'PORTAL_TOP_POSTERS_EXPLAIN'				=> 'Display this block on the portal.',
	'PORTAL_MAX_MOST_POSTER'					=> 'How many users to display',
	'PORTAL_MAX_MOST_POSTER_EXPLAIN'			=> '0 means infinite',

	// left and right column width 
	'ACP_PORTAL_COLUMN_WIDTH_SETTINGS'	=> 'Left and right column width settings',
	'PORTAL_LEFT_COLUMN_WIDTH'			=> 'Width of the left column',
	'PORTAL_LEFT_COLUMN_WIDTH_EXPLAIN'	=> 'Change the width of the left column in pixels; recommended value is 180',
	'PORTAL_RIGHT_COLUMN_WIDTH'			=> 'Width of the right column',
	'PORTAL_RIGHT_COLUMN_WIDTH_EXPLAIN'	=> 'Change the width of the right column in pixels; recommended value is 180',

	// attachments    
	'ACP_PORTAL_ATTACHMENTS_NUMBER_SETTINGS'			=> 'Attachments settings',
	'ACP_PORTAL_ATTACHMENTS_NUMBER_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN'	=> 'This is where you customize the attachments block.',
	'PORTAL_ATTACHMENTS'								=> 'Display attachments block',
	'PORTAL_ATTACHMENTS_EXPLAIN'						=> 'Display this block on the portal.',
	'PORTAL_ATTACHMENTS_NUMBER'							=> 'Limit of displayed attachments',
	'PORTAL_ATTACHMENTS_NUMBER_EXPLAIN'					=> '0 means infinite',
	'PORTAL_ATTACHMENTS_FORUM_IDS'						=> 'Attachments forum id(s)',
	'PORTAL_ATTACHMENTS_FORUM_IDS_EXPLAIN'				=> 'The ID(s) of the forums from which the attachments should be displayed. Use a comma to separate multiple forums, or leave blank to use all available forums.',
	// friends
	'ACP_PORTAL_FRIENDS_SETTINGS'			=> 'Friends Settings',
	'ACP_PORTAL_FRIENDS_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN'	=> 'This is where you customize the friends block.',
	'PORTAL_FRIENDS'						=> 'Display friends block',
	'PORTAL_FRIENDS_EXPLAIN'				=> 'Display this block on the portal.',
	'PORTAL_MAX_ONLINE_FRIENDS'				=> 'Limit of displayed friends',
	'PORTAL_MAX_ONLINE_FRIENDS_EXPLAIN'		=> 'The maximum number of friends displayed.',

	// wordgraph
	'ACP_PORTAL_WORDGRAPH_SETTINGS'			=> 'Wordgraph settings',
	'ACP_PORTAL_WORDGRAPH_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN'	=> 'This is where you customize the wordgraph block.',
	'PORTAL_WORDGRAPH'						=> 'Display wordgraph block',
	'PORTAL_WORDGRAPH_EXPLAIN'				=> 'Display this block on the portal.<br /><strong>Wordgraph does not work when fulltext mysql is selected as the search backend.</strong>',
	'PORTAL_WORDGRAPH_MAX_WORDS'			=> 'How many words to display',
	'PORTAL_WORDGRAPH_MAX_WORDS_EXPLAIN'	=> '0 means infinite',
	'PORTAL_WORDGRAPH_WORD_COUNTS'			=> 'Display word count',
	'PORTAL_WORDGRAPH_WORD_COUNTS_EXPLAIN'	=> 'Display the number of occurrences of each word, eg. (25).',
	'PORTAL_WORDGRAPH_RATIO'				=> 'Text size aspect ratio',
	'PORTAL_WORDGRAPH_RATIO_EXPLAIN'		=> 'Change the aspect ratio (bigger/smaller) for the words, based on their popularity (default=18).',

	// welcome message
	'ACP_PORTAL_WELCOME_SETTINGS'			=> 'Welcome settings',
	'ACP_PORTAL_WELCOME_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN'	=> 'This is where you customize the welcome message block.',
	'PORTAL_WELCOME_INTRO'					=> 'Welcome message',
	'PORTAL_WELCOME_GUEST'					=> 'Welcome message only for guests?',
	'PORTAL_WELCOME_INTRO_EXPLAIN'			=> 'Change the welcome message (BBCode is allowed).',
	// links
	'ACP_PORTAL_LINKS_SETTINGS' 		=> 'Link Settings',
	'ACP_PORTAL_LINKS_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN' => 'Customize the links listed in the links block.',
	'PORTAL_LINKS'						=> 'Links block',
	'PORTAL_LINKS_EXPLAIN'				=> 'Display this block on the portal.',
	'PORTAL_LINK_TEXT'					=> 'Text/URL',
	'PORTAL_LINK_TEXT_EXPLAIN'			=> 'The text, followed by the url for the link. Use the buttons to delete and reorder the links. Don\'t forget the http:// !',
	'PORTAL_ADD_LINK_TEXT'				=> 'Add link',
	'PORTAL_ADD_LINK_TEXT_EXPLAIN'		=> 'Click the text to create a new link.',
	'PORTAL_LINK_ADD'					=> '<strong>Add</strong>',

	// custom
	'ACP_PORTAL_CUSTOM_SETTINGS'			=> 'Custom blocks settings',
	'ACP_PORTAL_CUSTOM_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN'	=> 'Here you can change your custom blocks. These blocks could be filled with HTML or BBCode for several purposes like advertisements, videos, images, flash or text. Just insert the desired code.',
	'ACP_PORTAL_CUSTOM_SMALL_SETTINGS'		=> 'Custom blocks settings for the small block',
	'PORTAL_CUSTOM_SMALL_HEADLINE'			=> 'Headline for the small custom block',
	'PORTAL_CUSTOM_SMALL_HEADLINE_EXPLAIN'	=> 'Here you can change the headline for the small custom block.',
	'PORTAL_CUSTOM_SMALL'					=> 'Display the small custom block',
	'PORTAL_CUSTOM_SMALL_EXPLAIN'			=> 'Display this block on the portal.',
	'PORTAL_CUSTOM_SMALL_BBCODE'			=> 'Activate BBCode for the small custom block',
	'PORTAL_CUSTOM_SMALL_BBCODE_EXPLAIN'	=> 'BBCode could be used in this box. If BBCode is not activated, HTML will be parsed.',
	'PORTAL_CUSTOM_CODE_SMALL'				=> 'Code for the small custom block',
	'PORTAL_CUSTOM_CODE_SMALL_EXPLAIN'		=> 'Change the code for the small custom block (HTML or BBCode) here.',
	'ACP_PORTAL_CUSTOM_CENTER_SETTINGS'		=> 'Custom blocks settings for the center block',
	'PORTAL_CUSTOM_CENTER'					=> 'Display the center custom block',
	'PORTAL_CUSTOM_CENTER_EXPLAIN'			=> 'Display this block on the portal.',
	'PORTAL_CUSTOM_CENTER_HEADLINE'			=> 'Headline for the center custom block',
	'PORTAL_CUSTOM_CENTER_HEADLINE_EXPLAIN'	=> 'Here you can change the headline for the center custom block.',
	'PORTAL_CUSTOM_CENTER_BBCODE'			=> 'Activate BBCode for the center custom block',
	'PORTAL_CUSTOM_CENTER_BBCODE_EXPLAIN'	=> 'BBCode could be used in this box. If BBCode is not activated, HTML will be parsed.',
	'PORTAL_CUSTOM_CODE_CENTER'				=> 'Code for the center custom block',
	'PORTAL_CUSTOM_CODE_CENTER_EXPLAIN'		=> 'Change the code for the small custom block (HTML or BBCode) here.',

	// minicalendar
	'ACP_PORTAL_MINICALENDAR_SETTINGS'			=> 'Mini calendar settings',
	'ACP_PORTAL_MINICALENDAR_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN'	=> 'This is where you customize the mini calendar block.',
	'PORTAL_MINICALENDAR'						=> 'Display mini calendar block',
	'PORTAL_MINICALENDAR_EXPLAIN'				=> 'Display this block on the portal.',
	'PORTAL_MINICALENDAR_TODAY_COLOR'			=> 'Active day color',
	'PORTAL_MINICALENDAR_TODAY_COLOR_EXPLAIN'	=> 'HEX or named colors are allowed such as #FFFFFF for white, or color names like violet.',
	'PORTAL_MINICALENDAR_DAY_LINK_COLOR_EXPLAIN'=> 'HEX or named colors are allowed such as #FFFFFF for white, or color names like violet.',



Code: Select all


* @package - Board3portal
* @version $Id: lang_portal.php 469 2009-02-14 08:39:15Z kevin74 $
* @copyright (c) kevin / saint ( ), (c) Ice, (c) nickvergessen ( ), (c) redbull254 ( ), (c) Christian_N ( )
* @based on: phpBB3 Portal by Sevdin Filiz,
* @translator (c) ( You - )
* @license GNU Public License 

if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))
if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
	$lang = array();

// Placeholders can now contain order information, e.g. instead of
// 'Page %s of %s' you can (and should) write 'Page %1$s of %2$s', this allows
// translators to re-order the output of data while ensuring it remains correct
// You do not need this where single placeholders are used, e.g. 'Message %d' is fine
// equally where a string contains only two placeholders which are used to wrap text
// in a url you again do not need to specify an order e.g., 'Click %sHERE%s' is fine

$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
	// General
	'PORTAL'				=> 'Portal',
	'WELCOME'				=> 'Welcome',
	'PORTAL_INSTALL'			=> 'Installation directory detected',
	'PORTAL_INSTALL_TEXT'		=> 'An installation file has been detected. If you want to update your portal (or any other mod), please execute the installer. If you have already done so, please remove or rename the directory for security reasons.',

	// news & global announcements
	'LATEST_ANNOUNCEMENTS'	=> 'Latest global announcements',
	'GLOBAL_ANNOUNCEMENT'	=> 'Global announcement',
	'VIEW_LATEST_ANNOUNCEMENT'   => '1 announcement',
	'VIEW_LATEST_ANNOUNCEMENTS'   => '%d announcements',
	'LATEST_NEWS'			=> 'Latest news',
	'READ_FULL'				=> 'Read all',
	'NO_NEWS'				=> 'No news',
	'NO_ANNOUNCEMENTS'		=> 'No global announcements',
	'POSTED_BY'				=> 'Poster',
	'COMMENTS'				=> 'Comments',
	'VIEW_COMMENTS'			=> 'View comments',
	'POST_REPLY'			=> 'Write comments',
	'TOPIC_VIEWS'			=> 'Views',
	'JUMP_NEWEST'			=> 'Jump to newest post',
	'JUMP_FIRST'			=> 'Jump to first post',
	'JUMP_TO_POST'			=> 'Jump to post',
	'BACK'							=> 'Back',

	// Birthday
	'BIRTHDAYS_AHEAD'              => 'In the next %s days',
	'NO_BIRTHDAYS_AHEAD'        => 'No members have a birthday within this period of time.',

	// user menu
	'USER_MENU'			=> 'User menu',
	'UM_LOG_ME_IN'		=> 'Remember me',
	'UM_HIDE_ME'		=> 'Hide me',
	'UM_MAIN_SUBSCRIBED'=> 'Subscribed',
	'UM_BOOKMARKS'		=> 'Bookmarks',

	// statistics
	'ST_TOP'		=> 'Totals',
	'ST_TOP_ANNS'	=> 'Total Announcements:',
	'ST_TOP_STICKYS'=> 'Total Stickies:',
	'ST_TOT_ATTACH'	=> 'Total Attachments:',

	// search
	'SH'		=> 'Go',
	'SH_SITE'	=> 'Forums',
	'SH_POSTS'	=> 'Posts',
	'SH_AUTHOR'	=> 'Author',
	'SH_ENGINE'	=> 'Search engines',
	'SH_ADV'	=> 'Advanced search',
	// recent
	'RECENT_NEWS'		=> 'Recent',
	'RECENT_TOPIC'		=> 'Recent topics',
	'RECENT_ANN'		=> 'Recent announcements',
	'RECENT_HOT_TOPIC'	=> 'Recent popular topics',

	// random member
	'RND_MEMBER'	=> 'Random member',
	'RND_JOIN'		=> 'Join',
	'RND_POSTS'		=> 'Posts',
	'RND_OCC'		=> 'Occupation',
	'RND_FROM'		=> 'Location',
	'RND_WWW'		=> 'Web page',

	// top poster
	'TOP_POSTER'	=> 'Peak posters',
	// attachments
	'DOWNLOADS'			=> 'Downloads',
	'NO_ATTACHMENTS'	=> 'No attachments',

	// links
	'LINKS'				=> 'Links',
	'NO_LINKS'			=> 'No links', 
	// latest members
	'LATEST_MEMBERS'	=> 'Newest members',

	// make donation
	'DONATION' 		=> 'PayPal donations',
	'DONATION_TEXT'	=> 'is a group supplying services with no intention of any monetary profit. Your donations are welcome so that the cost of our server, domain name, etc. can be covered.',
	'PAY_MSG'       => 'Please use a decimal point (not a comma) as the separator, e.g. 3.50',
	'PAY_ITEM'		=> 'Donate!', // paypal item

	'AUD'						=> 'Australian Dollars (AUD)',
	'CAD'						=> 'Canadian Dollars (CAD)',
	'CZK'						=> 'Czech Koruna (CZK)',
	'DKK'						=> 'Danish Kroner (DKK)',
	'HKD'						=> 'Hong Kong Dollars (HKD)',
	'HUF'						=> 'Hungarian Forint (HUF)',
	'NZD'						=> 'New Zealand Dollars (NZD)',
	'NOK'						=> 'Norwegian Kroner (NOK)',
	'PLN'						=> 'Polish Zlotych (PLN)',
	'GBP'						=> 'British Pounds (GBP)',
	'SGD'						=> 'Singapore Dollars (SGD)',
	'SEK'						=> 'Swedish Kronor (SEK)',
	'CHF'						=> 'Swiss Francs (CHF)',
	'JPY'						=> 'Japanese Yen (JPY)',
	'USD'						=> 'U.S. Dollars (USD)',
	'EUR'						=> 'Euros (EUR)',
	'MXN'						=> 'Mexican Pesos (MXN)',
	'ILS'						=> 'Israeli New Shekels (ILS)',
	// main menu
	'M_MENU' 	=> 'Menu',
	'M_CONTENT'	=> 'Content',
	'M_ACP'		=> 'ACP',
	'M_HELP'	=> 'Help',
	'M_BBCODE'	=> 'BBCode FAQ',
	'M_TERMS'	=> 'Terms of use',
	'M_PRV'		=> 'Privacy policy',
	'M_SEARCH'	=> 'Search',

	// link us
	'LINK_US'		=> 'Link to us',
	'LINK_US_TXT'	=> 'Please feel free to link to <strong>%s</strong>. Use the following HTML:',

	// friends
	'FRIENDS'				=> 'Friends',
	'FRIENDS_OFFLINE'		=> 'Offline',
	'FRIENDS_ONLINE'		=> 'Online',
	'NO_FRIENDS'			=> 'No friends currently defined',
	'NO_FRIENDS_OFFLINE'	=> 'No friends offline',
	'NO_FRIENDS_ONLINE'		=> 'No friends online',
	// last bots
	'LAST_VISITED_BOTS'		=> 'Last %s visited bots',
	// wordgraph
	'WORDGRAPH'				=> 'Wordgraph',

	// change style
	'BOARD_STYLE'			=> 'Board style',
	'STYLE_CHOOSE'			=> 'Select a style',
	// team
	'NO_ADMINISTRATORS_P'	=> 'No Administrators',
	'NO_MODERATORS_P'		=> 'No Moderators',
	'NO_GROUPS_P'			=> 'No Groups',

	// average Statistics
	'TOPICS_PER_DAY_OTHER'	=> 'Topics per day: <strong>%d</strong>',
	'TOPICS_PER_DAY_ZERO'	=> 'Topics per day: <strong>0</strong>',
	'POSTS_PER_DAY_OTHER'	=> 'Posts per day: <strong>%d</strong>',
	'POSTS_PER_DAY_ZERO'	=> 'Posts per day: <strong>0</strong>',
	'USERS_PER_DAY_OTHER'	=> 'Users per day: <strong>%d</strong>',
	'USERS_PER_DAY_ZERO'	=> 'Users per day: <strong>0</strong>',
	'TOPICS_PER_USER_OTHER'	=> 'Topics per user: <strong>%d</strong>',
	'TOPICS_PER_USER_ZERO'	=> 'Topics per user: <strong>0</strong>',
	'POSTS_PER_USER_OTHER'	=> 'Posts per user: <strong>%d</strong>',
	'POSTS_PER_USER_ZERO'	=> 'Posts per user: <strong>0</strong>',
	'POSTS_PER_TOPIC_OTHER'	=> 'Posts per topic: <strong>%d</strong>',
	'POSTS_PER_TOPIC_ZERO'	=> 'Posts per topic: <strong>0</strong>',

	// Poll
	'POLL'					=> 'Poll',
	'LATEST_POLLS'			=> 'Latest Polls',
	'NO_OPTIONS'			=> 'This poll has no available options.',
	'NO_POLL'				=> 'No polls available',
	'RETURN_PORTAL'			=> '%sReturn to the portal%s',

	// other
	'VIEWING_PORTAL'         => 'Portal page',
	'CLOCK'		=> 'Clock',
	'SPONSOR'	=> 'Sponsors',
	'PORTAL_COPY'	=> '<a href="" title="">board3 Portal</a> - based on <a href="" title="phpBB3 Portal">phpBB3 Portal</a>',

// mini calendar
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
	'Mini_Cal_calendar'		=> 'Calendar',
	'View_next_month'		=> 'Next month',
	'View_previous_month'	=> 'Previous month',

// uses MySQL DATE_FORMAT - %c  long_month, numeric (1..12) - %e  Day of the long_month, numeric (0..31)
// see for more details
// currently supports: %a, %b, %c, %d, %e, %m, %y, %Y, %H, %k, %h, %l, %i, %s, %p
	'Mini_Cal_date_format'		=> '%b %e',
	'Mini_Cal_date_format_Time'	=> '%H:%i',

// if you change the first day of the week in constants.php, you should change values for the short day names accordingly
// e.g. FDOW = Sunday -> $lang['mini_cal']['day'][1] = 'Su'; ... $lang['mini_cal']['day'][7] = 'Sa'; 
//      FDOW = Monday -> $lang['mini_cal']['day'][1] = 'Mo'; ... $lang['mini_cal']['day'][7] = 'Su'; 
	'mini_cal'	=> array(
		'day'	=> array(
			'1'	=> 'Mo',
			'2'	=> 'Tu',
			'3'	=> 'We',
			'4'	=> 'Th',
			'5'	=> 'Fr',
			'6'	=> 'Sa',
			'7'	=> 'Su',

		'month'	=> array(
			'1'	=> 'Jan',
			'2'	=> 'Feb',
			'3'	=> 'Mar',
			'4'	=> 'Apr',
			'5'	=> 'May',
			'6'	=> 'Jun',
			'7'	=> 'Jul',
			'8'	=> 'Aug',
			'9'	=> 'Sep',
			'10'=> 'Oct',
			'11'=> 'Nov',
			'12'=> 'Dec',

		'long_month'=> array(
			'1'	=> 'January',
			'2'	=> 'February',
			'3'	=> 'March',
			'4'	=> 'April',
			'5'	=> 'May',
			'6'	=> 'June',
			'7'	=> 'July',
			'8'	=> 'August',
			'9'	=> 'September',
			'10'=> 'October',
			'11'=> 'November',
			'12'=> 'December',


Re: EN translation suggestions

Posted: 18. March 2009 17:46
by Kevin
Thank you very much liquidspark, much appreciated! :)

The diffs can be found here: http://board3deportal.svn.sourceforge.n ... 3&view=rev
The English portal ACP Demo will be updated soon.

Re: EN translation suggestions

Posted: 23. March 2009 14:59
by Kevin
Kevin wrote:The English portal ACP Demo will be updated soon.
Updated: acp_demo/en/