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Warcraft Recent loots (port from phpbb3portal)

Posted: 1. July 2009 21:08
by talonos
here is a port over of teksonics recent loots block @ HERE


Follow the install instructions

also make your you have crackpots wowhead tooltip installed into your forum from HERE

2 Raids visible

3 Raids visible

3 Raids visible and wowhead tooltip



Re: Warcraft Recent loots (port from phpbb3portal)

Posted: 4. July 2009 17:28
by Ice
Cleaned up the code a bit.
Recent Item's Block
(4.71 KiB) Downloaded 1823 times

Re: Warcraft Recent loots (port from phpbb3portal)

Posted: 4. July 2009 17:33
by Ice
Also, here's a link to the wowhead tooltip.
(71.32 KiB) Downloaded 1367 times
And the itemcache
(144.3 KiB) Downloaded 1311 times
And install instructions. ... BB3Install

Re: Warcraft Recent loots (port from phpbb3portal)

Posted: 10. July 2009 23:20
by talonos
i cant beleive it 84 topic views and 7days later and no reply or comment except for Ices fix and to think loads of people are after blocks like this......... i think i better just say "bump" and try and continue my work..........

Re: Warcraft Recent loots (port from phpbb3portal)

Posted: 13. July 2009 15:16
by solaxx
I'm working on a new board for my guild, and I have installed "Recent Item's Block" this morning. It was a hard work for me, I'm a noob in php but I did it (installation, translation in french, customization).

It seems everything works fine, so I must say a big thanks to you talonos and Ice.

Next, Recruitment block and Raid progress block, and after maybe the hardest one, a phpraider block (like the one you use on your site Heroes of Warcraft).

Thanks again.

(sorry for my english).

Re: Warcraft Recent loots (port from phpbb3portal)

Posted: 26. August 2009 12:45
by cromatics
habe da was gefunden um den Phpraidplaner ins Portal einzufügen, und es geht ganz gut.....

raidweek.php to go into your phpraider folder folder

Code: Select all

    // Where the raidcalender's index.php is located
    $raid_cal_index = 'http://YOURSITENAME/phpraider/';

    // Where the raidcalenders raid-icons are located
    $raid_icon_folder = '/LINK TO YOUR RAID IMAGES FOLDER/'; // IE                   /raid/games/WoW/images/raids/

    // MySQL- settings. Note that db_table_prefixes can vary depending on what you choose when you install phpraider.
    $db_raid_server         = 'HOSTNAME';
    $db_raid_database_name   = 'DATABASE NAME';
    $db_raid_database_user   = 'USERNAME';
    $db_raid_database_pwd   = 'PASSWORD';
    $db_table_raid         = 'phpraider_raid';
    $db_table_signups      = 'phpraider_signups';

    // How many hours + or - the viewer should calculate. Some do have to edit this to make
    // the timedisplay to be correct.
    // For example $timezone = 3  or  $timezone = -4
    $timezone = -7;

    // Layout. The size of the windows of the days displayed.
    //$layout_frame_width   = 100;
    $layout_frame_width     = 65;
    $layout_frame_height   = 46;
    $layout_frame_raidinfo   = 20;

    // How many raid icons fit in the table cell?
    $max_raids_per_day      = 2;

    // What will be displayed when no raids are planned for that particular day.
    // You can choose to have a text or an icon.
    // $no_raid_type = 'image';
    // $no_raid_type = 'text';
    // $no_raid_type = 'none';
    $no_raid_type = 'text';                                                // What mode do you want?
    $no_raid_text = 'No raid today';                                // What text to be shown
    $no_raid_image = '/phpraider/games/WoW/images/raids/unknown.png';        // link to your icon if you use that.

    // READ ME ________________________________________________________________________________________
    //goto line 131 and in that line u will find the word URLINK change that word to the link of your phpraider index.php IE http://mywebsite/phpraider/index.php
    // ******************************************************

    $db = mysql_connect($db_raid_server, $db_raid_database_user, $db_raid_database_pwd);
    mysql_select_db($db_raid_database_name, $db);

    if ($_GET["offset"]) {
       $weekoffset = $_GET["offset"]*604800;
       $wo = $_GET["offset"];
    else {
       $weekoffset = 0;
       $wo = 0;
    $prev = $wo-1;
    $next = $wo+1;

    $weekstart = (date('U')-(date('w')+6)%7*86400)+$weekoffset;        // sets start date of displayed week
    $timezone = $timezone * 3600;                                        // Calculates the timezone-diff.


    body {
       margin: 0px;
       padding: 0px;
       background-color: #000000;
       color: #b0b0b0;
       font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;
    table {
       border: 1px solid #282828;
    td {
       border: 1px solid #404040;
    } {
       background-color: #202020;
       border: 1px solid #407040;
    a:link,a:active,a:visited {
       text-decoration: none;
       color: #006699;
    a:hover {
       text-decoration: underline;
       color: #4080b0;
    .daycontent {
       clear: both;
       text-align: center;
       margin: 0px;
       padding-bottom: 0px;
       padding-top: 2px;
    .day {
       color: #ffcc33;
       font-size: 10pt;
       padding-left: 4px;
       font-weight: bold;
       float: left;
    .date {
       color: #808080;
       font-size: 8pt;
       padding-top: 2px;
       padding-right: 4px;
       float: right;
    #info {
       color: #c0b050;
       font-size: 8pt;
       text-align: center;
    .available    { color: #80d080; }
    .unavailable  { color: #f08080; }
    .field        { color: #60b0b0; }

       <script type="text/javascript">
    function InsertText(str) {
       var oDiv=document.getElementById("info");
    function ClearText() {
    InsertText("<a href=\"?offset=<?=$prev;?>\"><< Previous</a> - <a href=\"?offset=0\">Current</a> - <a href=\"?offset=<?=$next;?>\">Next >></a><a href=\"URLINK/index.php\" class=\"raid_calendar\" target=\"_parent\">Sign Up Here</a></td></tr></table>");
    <body onload='javascript:ClearText()'>

    <!-- PHP -->

    // Lets deal with the output

    echo "\t<table width='" . (7 * ($layout_frame_width+2) + 2) . "px' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>\n";
    echo "\t<tr height='" . $layout_frame_height . "'>\n";

    $now_timestamp = time( date("H,i") );
    $now = date(dm, $now_timestamp);

    // Loops through the week
    for ( $i = 0; $i < 7; $i++ ) {

       $raidscheduled = 0;
       $current = $weekstart + (86400*($i) );
       $xday = date('D', $current);
       $xdate = date('d', $current);
       $currdate = date('dm', $current);
       if ($now == $currdate) {
          $today = " class='today'";
       } else {
          $today = "";
       echo "\t\t<td{$today} valign='top' width='" . $layout_frame_width . "px'>\n";
       echo "\t\t\t<div class='day'>" . $xday . "</div><div class='date'>" . $xdate . "</div>\n";
       echo "\t\t\t<div class='daycontent'>";
       // Getting raid start dates
       $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $db_table_raid ORDER by start_time", $db);
       while ($check = mysql_fetch_array($sql)){
          // Checks if the date of the raid is equal to displayed day
            if ($currdate == date('dm', $check["start_time"])) {
          // We need to have a maximum number of raids per day (otherwise layout becomes a mess)      
          if ($raidscheduled < $max_raids_per_day) {

             // Count the signups
             $sql2 = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $db_table_signups WHERE raid_id=".$check['raid_id']." AND cancel=0");
             $signupcount = mysql_result($sql2, 0);
             // Count the cancels
             $sql2 = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $db_table_signups WHERE raid_id=".$check['raid_id']." AND cancel=1");
             $cancelcount = mysql_result($sql2, 0);
                $invite_time = date("H:i",($check["invite_time"]+$timezone));
                $start_time = date("H:i",($check["start_time"]+$timezone));
                $freeze_time = date("H:i",$check["start_time"]-(($check["freeze_time"]*3600)+$timezone));
                $img_txt = $check['location'];
             $img_txt .= " (<span class='available'>" . $signupcount . "</span>,<span class='unavailable'>" . $cancelcount . "</span>)";
                if ($now_timestamp <= $freeze_timestamp) {
                $img_txt .= " Freeze: <span class='field'>" . $freeze_time . "</span>";
                } else {
                   $img_txt .= " <span class='field'>Frozen</span>";
             $img_txt .= " Invite: <span class='field'>" . $invite_time . "</span>";
             $img_txt .= " Start: <span class='field'>" . $start_time . "</span>";
             echo "<a target='_parent' href='" . $raid_cal_index . "index.php?option=com_view&id=" . $check['raid_id'] . "'><img src='" . $raid_icon_folder . $check['icon_name']."' onmouseover=\"InsertText('" . addslashes($img_txt) . "');\" onmouseout='ClearText();' border='0'></a>";
             echo "</a>";

               $raidscheduled = $raidscheduled + 1;
       if (!$raidscheduled) {
          switch ($no_raid_type) {
             case text:
                  echo $no_raid_txt . "";
             case image:
                  echo "<img src='" . $no_raid_image . "'>";
                  echo "";
       echo "</div>\n";
        echo "\t\t</td>\n";

    echo "\t</tr>\n";
    echo "\t<tr>\n";
    echo "\t\t<td colspan='7' height='" . $layout_frame_raidinfo . "'><div id='info'></div></td>\n";
    echo "\t</tr>\n";
    echo "\t</table>\n";
    <!-- ENDPHP -->


raidwwek.html to go into your /styles/YOUR THEME/template/portal/block/ folder

Code: Select all

{$C_BLOCK_H_L}Wochenuebersicht Radplaner{$C_BLOCK_H_R}
<table class="tablebg" cellspacing="1" width="100%">
	<tr class="row1">
		<td style="text-align:center;">
             <div align="center"><p align="center"><iframe src="http://deine seite/phpraider/raidweek.php" frameborder="0" width="471" scrolling="no" height="90" allowtransparency="allowtransparency"></iframe></p>      <span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span>

and to display it on your portal put

Code: Select all

<!-- INCLUDE portal/block/raidweek.html -->

Re: Warcraft Recent loots (port from phpbb3portal)

Posted: 29. October 2009 10:52
by Thresherinc
cromatics wrote:hallo,
habe da was gefunden um den Phpraidplaner ins Portal einzufügen, und es geht ganz gut.....

raidweek.php to go into your phpraider folder folder

Code: Select all

    // Where the raidcalender's index.php is located
    $raid_cal_index = 'http://YOURSITENAME/phpraider/';

    // Where the raidcalenders raid-icons are located
    $raid_icon_folder = '/LINK TO YOUR RAID IMAGES FOLDER/'; // IE                   /raid/games/WoW/images/raids/

    // MySQL- settings. Note that db_table_prefixes can vary depending on what you choose when you install phpraider.
    $db_raid_server         = 'HOSTNAME';
    $db_raid_database_name   = 'DATABASE NAME';
    $db_raid_database_user   = 'USERNAME';
    $db_raid_database_pwd   = 'PASSWORD';
    $db_table_raid         = 'phpraider_raid';
    $db_table_signups      = 'phpraider_signups';

    // How many hours + or - the viewer should calculate. Some do have to edit this to make
    // the timedisplay to be correct.
    // For example $timezone = 3  or  $timezone = -4
    $timezone = -7;

    // Layout. The size of the windows of the days displayed.
    //$layout_frame_width   = 100;
    $layout_frame_width     = 65;
    $layout_frame_height   = 46;
    $layout_frame_raidinfo   = 20;

    // How many raid icons fit in the table cell?
    $max_raids_per_day      = 2;

    // What will be displayed when no raids are planned for that particular day.
    // You can choose to have a text or an icon.
    // $no_raid_type = 'image';
    // $no_raid_type = 'text';
    // $no_raid_type = 'none';
    $no_raid_type = 'text';                                                // What mode do you want?
    $no_raid_text = 'No raid today';                                // What text to be shown
    $no_raid_image = '/phpraider/games/WoW/images/raids/unknown.png';        // link to your icon if you use that.

    // READ ME ________________________________________________________________________________________
    //goto line 131 and in that line u will find the word URLINK change that word to the link of your phpraider index.php IE http://mywebsite/phpraider/index.php
    // ******************************************************

    $db = mysql_connect($db_raid_server, $db_raid_database_user, $db_raid_database_pwd);
    mysql_select_db($db_raid_database_name, $db);

    if ($_GET["offset"]) {
       $weekoffset = $_GET["offset"]*604800;
       $wo = $_GET["offset"];
    else {
       $weekoffset = 0;
       $wo = 0;
    $prev = $wo-1;
    $next = $wo+1;

    $weekstart = (date('U')-(date('w')+6)%7*86400)+$weekoffset;        // sets start date of displayed week
    $timezone = $timezone * 3600;                                        // Calculates the timezone-diff.


    body {
       margin: 0px;
       padding: 0px;
       background-color: #000000;
       color: #b0b0b0;
       font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;
    table {
       border: 1px solid #282828;
    td {
       border: 1px solid #404040;
    } {
       background-color: #202020;
       border: 1px solid #407040;
    a:link,a:active,a:visited {
       text-decoration: none;
       color: #006699;
    a:hover {
       text-decoration: underline;
       color: #4080b0;
    .daycontent {
       clear: both;
       text-align: center;
       margin: 0px;
       padding-bottom: 0px;
       padding-top: 2px;
    .day {
       color: #ffcc33;
       font-size: 10pt;
       padding-left: 4px;
       font-weight: bold;
       float: left;
    .date {
       color: #808080;
       font-size: 8pt;
       padding-top: 2px;
       padding-right: 4px;
       float: right;
    #info {
       color: #c0b050;
       font-size: 8pt;
       text-align: center;
    .available    { color: #80d080; }
    .unavailable  { color: #f08080; }
    .field        { color: #60b0b0; }

       <script type="text/javascript">
    function InsertText(str) {
       var oDiv=document.getElementById("info");
    function ClearText() {
    InsertText("<a href=\"?offset=<?=$prev;?>\"><< Previous</a> - <a href=\"?offset=0\">Current</a> - <a href=\"?offset=<?=$next;?>\">Next >></a><a href=\"URLINK/index.php\" class=\"raid_calendar\" target=\"_parent\">Sign Up Here</a></td></tr></table>");
    <body onload='javascript:ClearText()'>

    <!-- PHP -->

    // Lets deal with the output

    echo "\t<table width='" . (7 * ($layout_frame_width+2) + 2) . "px' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>\n";
    echo "\t<tr height='" . $layout_frame_height . "'>\n";

    $now_timestamp = time( date("H,i") );
    $now = date(dm, $now_timestamp);

    // Loops through the week
    for ( $i = 0; $i < 7; $i++ ) {

       $raidscheduled = 0;
       $current = $weekstart + (86400*($i) );
       $xday = date('D', $current);
       $xdate = date('d', $current);
       $currdate = date('dm', $current);
       if ($now == $currdate) {
          $today = " class='today'";
       } else {
          $today = "";
       echo "\t\t<td{$today} valign='top' width='" . $layout_frame_width . "px'>\n";
       echo "\t\t\t<div class='day'>" . $xday . "</div><div class='date'>" . $xdate . "</div>\n";
       echo "\t\t\t<div class='daycontent'>";
       // Getting raid start dates
       $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $db_table_raid ORDER by start_time", $db);
       while ($check = mysql_fetch_array($sql)){
          // Checks if the date of the raid is equal to displayed day
            if ($currdate == date('dm', $check["start_time"])) {
          // We need to have a maximum number of raids per day (otherwise layout becomes a mess)      
          if ($raidscheduled < $max_raids_per_day) {

             // Count the signups
             $sql2 = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $db_table_signups WHERE raid_id=".$check['raid_id']." AND cancel=0");
             $signupcount = mysql_result($sql2, 0);
             // Count the cancels
             $sql2 = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $db_table_signups WHERE raid_id=".$check['raid_id']." AND cancel=1");
             $cancelcount = mysql_result($sql2, 0);
                $invite_time = date("H:i",($check["invite_time"]+$timezone));
                $start_time = date("H:i",($check["start_time"]+$timezone));
                $freeze_time = date("H:i",$check["start_time"]-(($check["freeze_time"]*3600)+$timezone));
                $img_txt = $check['location'];
             $img_txt .= " (<span class='available'>" . $signupcount . "</span>,<span class='unavailable'>" . $cancelcount . "</span>)";
                if ($now_timestamp <= $freeze_timestamp) {
                $img_txt .= " Freeze: <span class='field'>" . $freeze_time . "</span>";
                } else {
                   $img_txt .= " <span class='field'>Frozen</span>";
             $img_txt .= " Invite: <span class='field'>" . $invite_time . "</span>";
             $img_txt .= " Start: <span class='field'>" . $start_time . "</span>";
             echo "<a target='_parent' href='" . $raid_cal_index . "index.php?option=com_view&id=" . $check['raid_id'] . "'><img src='" . $raid_icon_folder . $check['icon_name']."' onmouseover=\"InsertText('" . addslashes($img_txt) . "');\" onmouseout='ClearText();' border='0'></a>";
             echo "</a>";

               $raidscheduled = $raidscheduled + 1;
       if (!$raidscheduled) {
          switch ($no_raid_type) {
             case text:
                  echo $no_raid_txt . "";
             case image:
                  echo "<img src='" . $no_raid_image . "'>";
                  echo "";
       echo "</div>\n";
        echo "\t\t</td>\n";

    echo "\t</tr>\n";
    echo "\t<tr>\n";
    echo "\t\t<td colspan='7' height='" . $layout_frame_raidinfo . "'><div id='info'></div></td>\n";
    echo "\t</tr>\n";
    echo "\t</table>\n";
    <!-- ENDPHP -->


raidwwek.html to go into your /styles/YOUR THEME/template/portal/block/ folder

Code: Select all

{$C_BLOCK_H_L}Wochenuebersicht Radplaner{$C_BLOCK_H_R}
<table class="tablebg" cellspacing="1" width="100%">
	<tr class="row1">
		<td style="text-align:center;">
             <div align="center"><p align="center"><iframe src="http://deine seite/phpraider/raidweek.php" frameborder="0" width="471" scrolling="no" height="90" allowtransparency="allowtransparency"></iframe></p>      <span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span>

and to display it on your portal put

Code: Select all

<!-- INCLUDE portal/block/raidweek.html -->
These instructions worked perfectly with but one exception.

In raidweek.php at line 171 the line

Code: Select all

     $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $db_table_raid ORDER by start_time", $db);
was not actually resolving the variable $db_table_raid now clearly this is something to do with the quoting in it.

I solved it by hardcoding in the table name, I'm sure there's a more elegant method of doing it but it was about 01:00 when I found it and I was a little tired.

Many thanks for this simple solution.