i have phpbb 3.0.5

Current Version: 1.0.6
Released: 09.01.10
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i have phpbb 3.0.5

Post by vampirictorch »

Your Portal Version: n/a
Your phpBB Type: Premodded phpBB
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge
Boardlink: http://www.teamcrusade.co.cc

What have you done before the problem was there?
I installed board3portal (No other addon besides pbwow)

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?

Description and Message
Hello, I am wandering which board3portal works with phpbb 3.0.5 the Reason I have that version is, it is the latest version that supports "pbwow" and pbwow had support built into it, for board3portal, I was wandering which version I would use with that + phpbb 3.0.5? I attempted the latest version and it came out in portal.php as a blank page, which led me to believe it is not supported in the prior version of phpbb.

NOTE: I uninstalled board3portal, so you will not see that error on the site, I am just wandering what version I should use with phpbb 3.0.5
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Re: i have phpbb 3.0.5

Post by Marc »

I think Board3 Portal 1.0.4 should work with phpBB 3.0.5. Just take a look at the release topic. ;)

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