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Absolution: "Last post" placed in the wrong place

Posted: 4. October 2010 20:16
by fnys
Your Portal Version: 1.0.6
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

PHP Version: 3.0.7-PL1
MySQL Version: MySQL Server 5.1

What have you done before the problem was there?
Changed the width in file "absolution\theme\forum-width.css" to:
#page-wrap {width: 100%;}

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
restore to:
#page-wrap {width: 1017px;}
no success

Description and Message

I only get this problem in the style "Absolution" but not in my other 2 styles (prosilver & subsilver2).
I also get this problem in both my languages on my forum (english and swedish).
With hope that the problem would go away if I increased the width in the style didn't help. :(

The problem only appears in my web browser Opera (v. 10.62) but not in IE.
Anyone know how to "increase the margins" in the fourth column (last post), so this does not appear?

thanks in advance
Fredrik Nyström

Re: Absolution: "Last post" placed in the wrong place

Posted: 4. October 2010 20:47
by fnys
My friend get the same problem (also only in Absolution) with Firefox (v. 3.9)

Re: Absolution: "Last post" placed in the wrong place

Posted: 4. October 2010 23:16
by archivar
You can do under the ACP -> Mods -> Portal -> News -> Display the number of replies and views: Set to No.
2.EDIT :
replace the contents of root / styles / absolution / template / portal / block / announcements_compact.html:

Code: Select all

<!--version $Id: announcements_compact.html 521 2009-08-26 20:59:19Z christian_n $ //-->
<!-- BEGIN announcements_row -->
<!-- IF announcements_row.S_NO_TOPICS -->
    <div class="post bg2" style="margin-bottom: 0px">
        <div class="inner"><span class="portal-corners-top-inner"></span>
            <span style="text-align: center;"><strong>{L_NO_ANNOUNCEMENTS}</strong></span>
        <span class="portal-corners-bottom-inner"></span></div>
<!-- ELSE -->
<!-- IF announcements_row.S_FIRST_ROW -->
<a name="a"></a>
    <dt <!-- IF S_DISPLAY_ANNOUNCEMENTS_RVS -->style="width: 44%"<!-- ELSE -->style="width: 60%"<!-- ENDIF -->>{L_LATEST_ANNOUNCEMENTS}</dt>
        <dd class="posts" style="width: 11%">{L_REPLIES}</dd>
        <dd class="views" style="width: 11%">{L_VIEWS}</dd>
    <!-- ENDIF -->

<ul class="topiclist topics">
<!-- ENDIF -->
    <li class="row<!-- IF announcements_row.S_ROW_COUNT is even --> bg1<!-- ELSE --> bg2<!-- ENDIF -->">
        <dl class="icon" style="background-image: url({announcements_row.TOPIC_FOLDER_IMG_SRC}); background-repeat: no-repeat;">
            <dt style="<!-- IF S_DISPLAY_ANNOUNCEMENTS_RVS -->width: 44%;<!-- ELSE -->width: 60%;<!-- ENDIF --> <!-- IF announcements_row.TOPIC_ICON_IMG -->background-image: url({T_ICONS_PATH}{announcements_row.TOPIC_ICON_IMG}); background-repeat: no-repeat;<!-- ENDIF -->" title="{announcements_row.TOPIC_FOLDER_IMG_ALT}"><!-- IF announcements_row.S_UNREAD_TOPIC --><a href="{announcements_row.U_NEWEST_POST}">{NEWEST_POST_IMG}</a> <!-- ENDIF --><!-- IF announcements_row.ATTACH_ICON_IMG -->{announcements_row.ATTACH_ICON_IMG} <!-- ENDIF --><a href="{announcements_row.U_VIEW_COMMENTS}" title="{announcements_row.TITLE}" class="topictitle">{announcements_row.TITLE}</a><!-- IF U_VIEW_UNREAD_POST and not S_IS_BOT --> &bull; <a href="{U_VIEW_UNREAD_POST}">{L_VIEW_UNREAD_POST}</a> &bull; <!-- ENDIF -->
                <!-- IF announcements_row.PAGINATION --><strong class="pagination"><span>{announcements_row.PAGINATION}</span></strong><!-- ENDIF -->
                    <br />{L_POSTED} {L_POST_BY_AUTHOR} {announcements_row.POSTER_FULL} &raquo; {announcements_row.TIME}
                <!-- IF announcements_row.FORUM_NAME -->
                    <br />{L_FORUM}: <a href="{announcements_row.U_VIEWFORUM}" style="font-weight: bold;">{announcements_row.FORUM_NAME}</a>
                <!-- ELSE -->
                    <br />{L_GLOBAL_ANNOUNCEMENT}
                <!-- ENDIF -->
                <!-- IF not S_DISPLAY_ANNOUNCEMENTS_RVS --><!-- IF announcements_row.FORUM_NAME -->&bull; <!-- ENDIF -->{L_REPLIES}: <strong>{announcements_row.REPLIES}</strong>  &bull; {L_VIEWS}: <strong>{announcements_row.TOPIC_VIEWS}</strong><!-- ENDIF -->
                <dd class="posts" style="width: 11%">{announcements_row.REPLIES} <dfn>{L_REPLIES}</dfn></dd>
                <dd class="views" style="width: 11%">{announcements_row.TOPIC_VIEWS} <dfn>{L_VIEWS}</dfn></dd>
            <!-- ENDIF -->
            <dd class="lastpost" style="width: 25%"><span>{L_LAST_POST} {L_POST_BY_AUTHOR} {announcements_row.USERNAME_FULL_LAST} <!-- IF announcements_row.S_UNREAD_INFO --><a href="{announcements_row.U_VIEW_UNREAD}">{NEWEST_POST_IMG}</a><!-- ELSE --><a href="{announcements_row.U_LAST_COMMENTS}">{READ_POST_IMG}</a><!-- ENDIF --><br />
<!-- IF announcements_row.S_LAST_ROW -->
    <li class="row<!-- IF announcements_row.S_ROW_COUNT is even --> bg2<!-- ELSE --> bg1<!-- ENDIF -->">
        <div class="topic-actions">
            <div class="pagination">
                <!-- IF AP_PAGE_NUMBER --><!-- IF AP_PAGINATION --> &bull; {AP_PAGE_NUMBER} &bull; <span>{AP_PAGINATION}</span><!-- ELSE --> &bull; {AP_PAGE_NUMBER}<!-- ENDIF --><!-- ENDIF --> &nbsp;
    <!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- END announcements_row -->
replace the contents of root / styles / absolution / template / portal / block / news_compact.html:

Code: Select all

<!--version $Id: news_compact.html 521 2009-08-26 20:59:19Z christian_n $ //-->
<!-- BEGIN news_row -->
<!-- IF news_row.S_NO_TOPICS -->
    <div class="post bg2" style="margin-bottom: 0px">
        <div class="inner"><span class="portal-corners-top-inner"></span>
            <span style="text-align: center;"><strong>{L_NO_NEWS}</strong></span>
        <span class="portal-corners-bottom-inner"></span></div>
<!-- ELSE  -->
<!-- IF news_row.S_FIRST_ROW  -->
<a name="n"></a>
    <dt <!-- IF S_DISPLAY_NEWS_RVS -->style="width: 44%"<!-- ELSE -->style="width: 60%"<!-- ENDIF -->>{L_LATEST_NEWS}</dt>
    <!-- IF S_DISPLAY_NEWS_RVS -->
        <dd class="posts" style="width: 11%">{L_REPLIES}</dd>
        <dd class="views" style="width: 11%">{L_VIEWS}</dd>
    <!-- ENDIF -->

<ul class="topiclist topics">
<!-- ENDIF -->
    <li class="row<!-- IF news_row.S_ROW_COUNT is even --> bg1<!-- ELSE --> bg2<!-- ENDIF -->">
        <dl class="icon" style="background-image: url({news_row.TOPIC_FOLDER_IMG_SRC}); background-repeat: no-repeat;">
            <dt style="<!-- IF S_DISPLAY_NEWS_RVS -->width: 44%;<!-- ELSE -->width: 60%;<!-- ENDIF --> <!-- IF news_row.TOPIC_ICON_IMG -->background-image: url({T_ICONS_PATH}{news_row.TOPIC_ICON_IMG}); background-repeat: no-repeat;<!-- ENDIF -->" title="{news_row.TOPIC_FOLDER_IMG_ALT}"><!-- IF news_row.S_UNREAD_TOPIC --><a href="{news_row.U_NEWEST_POST}">{NEWEST_POST_IMG}</a> <!-- ENDIF --><!-- IF news_row.ATTACH_ICON_IMG -->{news_row.ATTACH_ICON_IMG} <!-- ENDIF --><!-- IF news_row.S_POLL --><strong>{L_POLL}: </strong><!-- ENDIF --><a href="{news_row.U_VIEW_COMMENTS}" title="{news_row.TITLE}" class="topictitle">{news_row.TITLE}</a><!-- IF U_VIEW_UNREAD_POST and not S_IS_BOT --> &bull; <a href="{U_VIEW_UNREAD_POST}">{L_VIEW_UNREAD_POST}</a> &bull; <!-- ENDIF -->
                <!-- IF news_row.PAGINATION --><strong class="pagination"><span>{news_row.PAGINATION}</span></strong><!-- ENDIF -->
                    <br />{L_POSTED} {L_POST_BY_AUTHOR} {news_row.POSTER_FULL} &raquo; {news_row.TIME}
                <!-- IF news_row.FORUM_NAME -->
                    <br />{L_FORUM}: <a href="{news_row.U_VIEWFORUM}" style="font-weight: bold;">{news_row.FORUM_NAME}</a>
                <!-- ENDIF -->
                <!-- IF not S_DISPLAY_NEWS_RVS --><!-- IF news_row.FORUM_NAME -->&bull; <!-- ENDIF -->{L_REPLIES}: <strong>{news_row.REPLIES}</strong>  &bull; {L_VIEWS}: <strong>{news_row.TOPIC_VIEWS}</strong><!-- ENDIF -->
            <!-- IF S_DISPLAY_NEWS_RVS -->
                <dd class="posts" style="width: 11%">{news_row.REPLIES} <dfn>{L_REPLIES}</dfn></dd>
                <dd class="views" style="width: 11%">{news_row.TOPIC_VIEWS} <dfn>{L_VIEWS}</dfn></dd>
            <!-- ENDIF -->
            <dd class="lastpost" style="width: 25%"><span>{L_LAST_POST} {L_POST_BY_AUTHOR} {news_row.USERNAME_FULL_LAST} <!-- IF news_row.S_UNREAD_INFO --><a href="{news_row.U_VIEW_UNREAD}">{NEWEST_POST_IMG}</a><!-- ELSE --><a href="{news_row.U_LAST_COMMENTS}">{READ_POST_IMG}</a><!-- ENDIF --><br />
<!-- IF news_row.S_LAST_ROW -->
        <li class="row<!-- IF news_row.S_ROW_COUNT is even --> bg2<!-- ELSE --> bg1<!-- ENDIF -->">
            <div class="topic-actions">
                <div class="pagination">
                    <!-- IF NP_PAGE_NUMBER --><!-- IF NP_PAGINATION --> &bull; {NP_PAGE_NUMBER} &bull; <span>{NP_PAGINATION}</span><!-- ELSE --> &bull; {NP_PAGE_NUMBER}<!-- ENDIF --><!-- ENDIF --> &nbsp;
    <!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- END news_row -->

Re: Absolution: "Last post" placed in the wrong place

Posted: 5. October 2010 23:07
by fnys
Thank you so much!
it helped when I chose "no" in ACP -> Mods -> Portal -> News -> Display the number of replies and views.
What does your other option (2.EDIT)? Is it just another way to solve the same problem?

Re: Absolution: "Last post" placed in the wrong place

Posted: 5. October 2010 23:13
by archivar
fnys wrote: What does your other option (2.EDIT)? Is it just another way to solve the same problem?
Please also change the addition.
Sorry for my bad English.

Re: Absolution: "Last post" placed in the wrong place

Posted: 6. October 2010 15:23
by fnys
Great update!
I have no bugs now even if I set "Display the number of replies and views:" to Yes. :)

Thank you!

Re: Absolution: "Last post" placed in the wrong place

Posted: 12. January 2011 23:30
by ossada
I have a problem in this style, look:


Re: Absolution: "Last post" placed in the wrong place

Posted: 13. January 2011 18:24
by archivar
ossada wrote:I have a problem in this style, look:

A link to your board would be helpful.

Re: Absolution: "Last post" placed in the wrong place

Posted: 15. April 2011 17:06
by DJDunk
Mine does this too, in IE only . . .