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Increasing number of ads per page in Portal

Posted: 6. August 2008 17:35
by SiMaX
I am with this new portal Board3Portal installed on the forum, I would like to learn how to increase the amount of Anúnios the portal, because it is set to only 1 per page, each 1 ai ad is on a page.

know where to change to 10 ads per page?

Congratulations by Project, is excellent. :D

Re: Increasing number of ads per page in Portal

Posted: 6. August 2008 19:39
by Kevin
Seems to me like you want to add more blocks with ads?
Take a look in the Portal FAQ:

Adding a custom block

Re: Increasing number of ads per page in Portal

Posted: 6. August 2008 20:01
by SiMaX
Kevin, that is not, I will explain more, I have 10 ads, but appears only 1 per page in the portal, I would like it to appear 5 per page as well as the portal here that appears 3 per page.

Re: Increasing number of ads per page in Portal

Posted: 6. August 2008 20:04
by Kevin
I'm sorry - i don't get it.
We don't have any ads here on our site!?
Do you mean the announcements?

Re: Increasing number of ads per page in Portal

Posted: 6. August 2008 20:18
by SiMaX
Yes, Latest global announcements, appearing on page 3 for Portal, how do I increase and 8 per page as it appears in my forum announcements appears only 1 per page.

Note: I am Brazilian, I am using Google translator to write. :D

Re: Increasing number of ads per page in Portal

Posted: 6. August 2008 22:38
by Kevin
No problem. Wonderful new, digital world. From Europe to south America with three languages involved. ;)

Just go to the ACP:
Mods --> Announcements --> "Number of announcements on the portal"
There you can configure the number of announcements to be displayed.

Re: Increasing number of ads per page in Portal

Posted: 7. August 2008 15:30
by SiMaX
Kevin I do not have this in the ACP.

Mods -> Announcements -> "Number of announcements on the portal"

There has Tab "Mods" in the ACP, I would like to know what file I change.

Re: Increasing number of ads per page in Portal

Posted: 7. August 2008 15:44
by Kevin
No file to change - this is just a setting in the ACP, called "Number of announcements on portal".
You have to have it in the "mods" tab!
Could you please post a link to your site?

Re: Increasing number of ads per page in Portal

Posted: 7. August 2008 22:03
by SiMaX
My site is that,

One more question, has q insert any SQL statement in the database?

Re: Increasing number of ads per page in Portal

Posted: 8. August 2008 07:25
by Kevin
Por favor delete a instala??o do Portal do diretorio: ./install_portal
Please delete the install_portal directory. Otherwise you can't see the blocks in the middle.
SiMaX wrote:One more question, has q insert any SQL statement in the database?
q? Erm, the portal adds a table to your database, named "phpbb_portal_config"

Re: Increasing number of ads per page in Portal

Posted: 8. August 2008 20:41
by SiMaX
Already out of the folder Install.

Have resolved, joined in the table phpbb_portal_config and joined in the table portal_number_of_announcements edited and the number of announcements on the Portal, because the ACP I do not have the tab to configure the portal.

Thank you for your attention, I also congratulated him on the Gateway project, was excellent, I await new versions.


Note: Access the site to see it.