Search found 1701 matches

by Kirk
23. June 2024 16:16
Forum: Board3 Portal 2.3.x - English Support
Topic: bots registering
Replies: 1
Views: 1723

Re: bots registering

This has nothing to do with the portal, please ask with .com.
by Kirk
6. June 2024 05:38
Forum: Board3 Portal 2.3.x - English Support
Topic: php 8.3 support
Replies: 2
Views: 2126

Re: php 8.3 support

Open: root/ext/board3/portal/ext.php

Code: Select all

		$php_below_ver		= '8.3.0-dev';
Replace with:

Code: Select all

		$php_below_ver		= '8.4.0-dev';
by Kirk
1. June 2024 10:54
Forum: Board3 Portal 2.3.x - Deutscher Support
Topic: Foren-internen Link einfügen
Replies: 3
Views: 2101

Re: Foren-internen Link einfügen

Gehe am Besten so vor: Knowledge Base - Installationsanleitung für eine Erweiterung (Extension) Abschnitt "Aktualisieren einer Erweiterung".
by Kirk
31. May 2024 18:11
Forum: Board3 Portal 2.3.x - Deutscher Support
Topic: Foren-internen Link einfügen
Replies: 3
Views: 2101

Re: Foren-internen Link einfügen

Hallo Erstmal ist deine Portal Version nicht aktuell, die wäre 2.3.0 Das was du verlinkt hast, ist schon lange nicht mehr aktuell. Diese Anleitung war für das Portal für phpBB 3.0. Im ACP bei dem entsprechenden Modul, dort auf das grüne Zahnrädchen klicken. Dann auf den Button "Link erstellen&q...
by Kirk
13. May 2024 09:24
Forum: Styles Support
Topic: Support for PbWoW3 Style
Replies: 5
Views: 22909

Re: Support for PbWoW3 Style

This has nothing to do with the portal, please ask the style author.
by Kirk
12. May 2024 22:14
Forum: Board3 Portal 2.3.x - English Support
Topic: Image Slider
Replies: 16
Views: 4952

Re: Image Slider

Open: root/ext/board3/portal/styles/prosilver/template/portal_body.html Find: {% if S_SLIDESHOW_PAGE_INDEX == 1 %} Replace with: {% if !S_SLIDESHOW_PAGE_INDEX %} This means that the slideshow is only displayed in the portal if in acp I click on the disable button in the index Pure the cache
by Kirk
12. May 2024 19:52
Forum: Board3 Portal 2.3.x - English Support
Topic: Image Slider
Replies: 16
Views: 4952

Re: Image Slider

Max_69 wrote: 12. May 2024 14:56 I made the various changes
What exactly did you change?
by Kirk
12. May 2024 18:19
Forum: v2.3.x
Topic: Board online Time Modul for Board3 Portal 2.3.x
Replies: 6
Views: 4853

Re: Board online Time Modul for Board3 Portal 2.3.x

You want to add hours minutes and seconds for not start date?
This would require many changes to the files.
by Kirk
12. May 2024 12:14
Forum: Board3 Portal 2.3.x - English Support
Topic: Image Slider
Replies: 16
Views: 4952

Re: Image Slider

I know of no other.
by Kirk
12. May 2024 12:13
Forum: v2.3.x
Topic: Board online Time Modul for Board3 Portal 2.3.x
Replies: 6
Views: 4853

Re: Board online Time Modul for Board3 Portal 2.3.x

Open: root/ext/kirk/b3pboardonlinetime/board_online_time.php
Find: 'D d. M Y' add the desired format
by Kirk
12. May 2024 08:41
Forum: Board3 Portal 2.3.x - English Support
Topic: Image Slider
Replies: 16
Views: 4952

Re: Image Slider

I also can't download it
by Kirk
11. May 2024 21:52
Forum: Board3 Portal 2.3.x - English Support
Topic: Image Slider
Replies: 16
Views: 4952

Re: Image Slider

There seem to be major problems with this board.
by Kirk
8. May 2024 18:43
Forum: Board3 Portal 2.3.x - English Support
Topic: Bug in attachment module
Replies: 2
Views: 1138

Re: Bug in attachment module

Open the File ./ext/board3/portal/modules/attachments.php

Code: Select all

						' . $this->db->sql_escape($where) . '
Replace with:

Code: Select all

						' . $where . '
by Kirk
8. May 2024 18:39
Forum: Board3 Portal 2.3.x - English Support
Topic: Forum images not shown in Portal
Replies: 2
Views: 1844

Re: Forum images not shown in Portal

Go to ACP/Genral/Server settings under "Enable URL Rewriting" set to Yes.

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