Calendar block for phpBB Calendar 0.0.8

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Re: Calendar block for phpBB Calendar 0.0.7

Post by frold »

tomcon wrote:@frold: woul you be so kind to post the following code of your Poratl:

1. actual themes: the last poster is on the right side ...that looks good
2. the registertabs on your actual themes are linked to differnt forum?

thx a lot+

viewtopic.php?style=1&f=9&t=604 - Portal for doctors and medical students in Denmark
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Re: Calendar block for phpBB Calendar 0.0.7

Post by thomas.d »

Hi frold,

FYI: Your hack works fine with phpBB Calendar 0.0.8 ...
Viele Grüße


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Re: Calendar block for phpBB Calendar 0.0.7

Post by frold »

thomas.d wrote:Hi frold,

FYI: Your hack works fine with phpBB Calendar 0.0.8 ...
Thank you subject updated :D - Portal for doctors and medical students in Denmark

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Re: Calendar block for phpBB Calendar 0.0.8

Post by Graceland »

Today I have installed these great mod on my new phpbb3 Forum and I have updated it a little bit.

The 60 extra SQL querys on the Portal was too much for me.
I have done these changes:

- Removed the birthdays(31 SQL Querys) from the list, because there is another Box on the portal, which solved it better
- Reduce the Query for every day to one Query at the end for all days
(You needn't use the event_day row, because these timestamps stands in sort_timestamp )
- The mini calendar shows the next 5 events in the next 30 days. Not only from the current month.
- Days with events are shown bold
- The style is changed a little bit

You need do changes in functions_calendar.php and calendar.html.

Open includes/functions_calendar.php


Code: Select all

function calendar_display_mini_month() { 
REPLACE THE COMPLETE FUNCTION WITH (UP TO function get_weekday_names_mini ...)

Code: Select all

function calendar_display_mini_month()
   global $auth, $db, $user, $config, $template, $date, $available_etype_colors, $available_etype_images, $available_etype_display_names, $month_sel_code, $day_sel_code, $year_sel_code, $mode_sel_code;
   global $phpEx, $phpbb_root_path;


   // data of akt. month
   $time = getdate(time());
   //create next and prev links
   set_date_prev_next( "month" );
   $calling_page = (!empty($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) ? $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] : $_ENV['PHP_SELF'];
   $mini_prev_link = append_sid($calling_page, "calM=".$date['prev_month']."&calY=".$date['prev_year']);
   $mini_next_link = append_sid($calling_page, "calM=".$date['next_month']."&calY=".$date['next_year']);

   //find the first day of the week
   $first_day_of_week = get_calendar_config_value("first_day_of_week", 0);
   get_weekday_names_mini( $first_day_of_week, $sunday, $monday, $tuesday, $wednesday, $thursday, $friday, $saturday );

   //get the first day of the month
   $date['num'] = "01";
   $date['fday'] = get_fday( $date['num'], $date['month_no'], $date['year'], $first_day_of_week );

   $number_days = gmdate("t", gmmktime( 0,0,0,$date['month_no'], $date['day'], $date['year']));

   //$mini_calendar_header_txt = $user->lang['MONTH_OF'] . sprintf($user->lang['LOCAL_DATE_FORMAT'], $user->lang['datetime'][$date['month']], $date['day'], $date['year'] );
   $mini_calendar_header_txt = $user->lang['datetime'][$date['month']] . ' - ' . $date['year'];
   $subject_limit = get_calendar_config_value("display_truncated_name", 0);

   // Is the user able to view ANY events?
   $user_can_view_events = false;
   if ( $auth->acl_get('u_calendar_view_events') )
      $user_can_view_events = true;

      /* find the group options here so we do not have to look them up again for each day */
      $group_options = get_sql_group_options($user->data['user_id']);

   $counter = 0;
   for ($j = 1; $j < $number_days+1; $j++, $counter++)
      // if it is the first week
      if ($j == 1)
         // find how many place holders we need before day 1
         if ($date['fday'] < 7)
            $date['fday'] = $date['fday']+1;
            for ($i = 1; $i < $date['fday']; $i++, $counter++)
               // create dummy days (place holders)
               if( $i == 1 )
                  $mini_calendar_days['START_WEEK'] = true;
                  $mini_calendar_days['START_WEEK'] = false;
               $mini_calendar_days['END_WEEK'] = false;
               $mini_calendar_days['HEADER_CLASS'] = 'bg3';
               $mini_calendar_days['DAY_CLASS'] = 'bg2';
               $mini_calendar_days['NUMBER'] = 0;
               $mini_calendar_days['DUMMY_DAY'] = true;
               $mini_calendar_days['ADD_LINK'] = '';
               $mini_calendar_days['BIRTHDAYS'] = '';
               $template->assign_block_vars('mini_calendar_days', $mini_calendar_days);
      // start creating the data for the real days
      $mini_calendar_days['START_WEEK'] = false;
      $mini_calendar_days['END_WEEK'] = false;
      $mini_calendar_days['DUMMY_DAY'] = false;
      $mini_calendar_days['HEADER_CLASS'] = 'bg3';
      $mini_calendar_days['DAY_CLASS'] = 'bg2';
      $mini_calendar_days['NUMBER'] = 0;
      $mini_calendar_days['ADD_LINK'] = '';
      $mini_calendar_days['BIRTHDAYS'] = '';
	  $mini_calendar_days['WRITE_BOLD'] = 100;
      if($counter % 7 == 0)
         $mini_calendar_days['START_WEEK'] = true;
      if($counter % 7 == 6 )
         $mini_calendar_days['END_WEEK'] = true;
      $mini_calendar_days['NUMBER'] = $j;
      if( $auth->acl_get('u_calendar_create_events') )
         $mini_calendar_days['ADD_LINK'] = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}calendarpost.$phpEx", "mode=post&calD=".$j."&calM=".$date['month_no']."&calY=".$date['year']);
      $mini_calendar_days['DAY_VIEW_URL'] = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}calendar.$phpEx", "view=day&calD=".$j."&calM=".$date['month_no']."&calY=".$date['year']);
      $mini_calendar_days['WEEK_VIEW_URL'] = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}calendar.$phpEx", "view=week&calD=".$j."&calM=".$date['month_no']."&calY=".$date['year']);

      //highlight selected day
      if( $j == $date['day'] && $date["month_no"] == $time["mon"])
         $mini_calendar_days['DAY_CLASS'] = 'bg4';

      //highlight current day
      $test_start_hi_time = mktime( 0,0,0,$date['month_no'], $j, $date['year']) + date('Z');
      $test_end_hi_time = $test_start_hi_time + 86399;
      $test_hi_time = time() + $user->timezone + $user->dst;

      if( ($test_start_hi_time <= $test_hi_time) &&
          ($test_end_hi_time >= $test_hi_time))
         $mini_calendar_days['HEADER_CLASS'] = 'bg3';
         $mini_calendar_days['DAY_CLASS'] = 'bg4';

      if ( $user_can_view_events && $auth->acl_get('u_viewprofile') )
         // find birthdays
         $mini_calendar_days['BIRTHDAYS'] = generate_birthday_list( $j, $date['month_no'], $date['year'] );
      $arrayOfDays[] = $mini_calendar_days;

   	  if ( $user_can_view_events )
      	if($time["mon"] == $date["month_no"]) $day = $date['day']; else $day = 1;
      	// startDate = first Day of viewed month
      	$start_temp_date = gmmktime( 0,0,0,$date['month_no'], $day, $date['year']);

		$end_temp_date = $start_temp_date + 2678400;
		// find all day events that are still taking place
		$sort_timestamp_cutoff = $start_temp_date - 86400+1;

		// don't list events that are more than 1 year in the future
				WHERE ( (event_access_level = 2) OR
					(event_access_level = 0 AND poster_id = '.$db->sql_escape($user->data['user_id']).' ) OR
					(event_access_level = 1 AND ('.$db->sql_escape($group_options).') ) ) AND
				((( event_start_time >= '.$db->sql_escape($start_temp_date).' AND event_start_time <= '.$db->sql_escape($end_temp_date).' ) OR
				 ( event_end_time > '.$db->sql_escape($start_temp_date).' AND event_end_time <= '.$db->sql_escape($end_temp_date).' ) OR
				 ( event_start_time < '.$db->sql_escape($start_temp_date).' AND event_end_time > '.$db->sql_escape($end_temp_date)." )) OR (sort_timestamp > ".$db->sql_escape($sort_timestamp_cutoff)." AND event_all_day = 1) ) ORDER BY sort_timestamp ASC";
		// find next 5 events
		$result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, 5, 0);

//         $result = $monthEventResult;
         while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
         	$dayOfEvent =  getdate($row["sort_timestamp"]);
            $event_output['COLOR'] = $available_etype_colors[$row['etype_id']];
            $event_output['IMAGE'] = $available_etype_images[$row['etype_id']];
            $event_output['EVENT_URL'] = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}calendar.$phpEx", "view=event&calEid=".$row['event_id']);
            $event_output['NUMBER'] = $dayOfEvent["mday"].".".$dayOfEvent["mon"].".";
            $event_output['DAY_VIEW_URL'] = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}calendar.$phpEx", "view=day&calD=".$dayOfEvent["mday"]."&calM=".$dayOfEvent["mon"]."&calY=".$dayOfEvent["year"]);
            $event_output['WEEK_VIEW_URL'] = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}calendar.$phpEx", "view=week&calD=".$dayOfEvent["mday"]."&calM=".$dayOfEvent["mon"]."&calY=".$dayOfEvent["year"]);

            if($date["month_no"] == $dayOfEvent["mon"]) {
            	$arrayOfDays[$dayOfEvent["mday"]-1]["WRITE_BOLD"] = "bold";
            // if the event was created by this user
            // display it in bold
            if( $user->data['user_id'] == $row['poster_id'] )
               $event_output['DISPLAY_BOLD'] = true;
               $event_output['DISPLAY_BOLD'] = false;

            $event_output['ETYPE_DISPLAY_NAME'] = $available_etype_display_names[$row['etype_id']];

            $event_output['EVENT_SUBJECT'] = censor_text($row['event_subject']);
            if( $subject_limit > 0 )
               if(utf8_strlen($event_output['EVENT_SUBJECT']) > $subject_limit)
                  $event_output['EVENT_SUBJECT'] = truncate_string($event_output['EVENT_SUBJECT'], $subject_limit) . '...';

            $template->assign_block_vars('events', $event_output);

     for($a=0;$a<count($arrayOfDays);$a++) {
     	if(!empty($arrayOfDays[$a]["NUMBER"])) {
     		$template->assign_block_vars('mini_calendar_days', $arrayOfDays[$a]);
   $dummy_end_day_count = 6 - ($counter % 7);
   for ($i = 1; $i <= $dummy_end_day_count; $i++)
      // create dummy days (place holders)
      $mini_calendar_days['START_WEEK'] = false;
      if( $i == $dummy_end_day_count )
         $mini_calendar_days['END_WEEK'] = true;
         $mini_calendar_days['END_WEEK'] = false;
      $mini_calendar_days['HEADER_CLASS'] = '';
      $mini_calendar_days['DAY_CLASS'] = '';
      $mini_calendar_days['NUMBER'] = 0;
      $mini_calendar_days['DUMMY_DAY'] = true;
      $mini_calendar_days['ADD_LINK'] = '';
      $mini_calendar_days['BIRTHDAYS'] = '';
      $template->assign_block_vars('mini_calendar_days', $mini_calendar_days);

   // A typical usage for sending your variables to your template.
      'CALENDAR_HEADER_MINI'         => $mini_calendar_header_txt,
      'DAY_IMG'                  => $user->img('button_calendar_day', 'DAY'),
      'WEEK_IMG'                  => $user->img('button_calendar_week', 'WEEK'),
      'CALENDAR_PREV_MINI'         => '<a href=\''.$mini_prev_link.'\'><img src="' . $phpbb_root_path . 'styles/' . $user->theme['theme_path'] . '/theme/images/portal/mini_cal_icon_left_arrow.png' . '" title="' . $user->lang['View_previous_month'] . '" height="16" width="16" alt="<<" /></a>',
      'CALENDAR_NEXT_MINI'         =>  '<a href=\''.$mini_next_link.'\'><img src="' . $phpbb_root_path . 'styles/' . $user->theme['theme_path'] . '/theme/images/portal/mini_cal_icon_right_arrow.png' . '" title="' . $user->lang['View_next_month'] . '" height="16" width="16" alt=">>" /></a>',      
      'CALENDAR_VIEW_OPTIONS'       => $mode_sel_code.' '.$month_sel_code.' '.$day_sel_code.' '.$year_sel_code,
      'SUNDAY_MINI'               => $sunday,
      'MONDAY_MINI'               => $monday,
      'TUESDAY_MINI'               => $tuesday,
      'WEDNESDAY_MINI'            => $wednesday,
      'THURSDAY_MINI'               => $thursday,
      'FRIDAY_MINI'               => $friday,
      'SATURDAY_MINI'               => $saturday,
      'S_POST_ACTION_MINI'         => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}calendar.$phpEx" ),

OPEN styles/prosilver/template/portal/block/calendar.html


Code: Select all

<div class="portal-panel">
   <div class="inner">
      <span class="corners-top"><span></span></span>
         <h3><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><td><img src="{T_THEME_PATH}/images/portal/portal_calendar.gif" width="18px" height="15px" alt=""/>&nbsp;</td><td><a href="{U_CALENDAR}" title="{L_CALENDAR}">Kalender</a></td></table></h3>
<table cellspacing="0" width="100%">
				<td align="left" colspan="2"><!-- IF CALENDAR_PREV_MINI -->{CALENDAR_PREV_MINI}</a><!-- ENDIF --></td>
				<td colspan="3" align="center"><span class="genmed">{CALENDAR_HEADER_MINI}</span></td>
				<td align="right" colspan="2"><!-- IF CALENDAR_NEXT_MINI -->{CALENDAR_NEXT_MINI}</a><!-- ENDIF --></td>


<table class="table_minical" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
   <th style="text-align:left;" colspan="7">{L_MINI_CAL_CALENDAR}</td>
  <tr class="row1">
    <td style="width: 5%; text-align: center"><span class="gensmall" style="color:#0000FF">{SUNDAY_MINI}</span></td>
    <td style="width: 5%; text-align: center"><span class="gensmall" style="color:#0000FF">{MONDAY_MINI}</span></td>
    <td style="width: 5%; text-align: center"><span class="gensmall" style="color:#0000FF">{TUESDAY_MINI}</span></td>
    <td style="width: 5%; text-align: center"><span class="gensmall" style="color:#0000FF">{WEDNESDAY_MINI}</span></td>
    <td style="width: 5%; text-align: center"><span class="gensmall" style="color:#0000FF">{THURSDAY_MINI}</span></td>
    <td style="width: 5%; text-align: center"><span class="gensmall">{FRIDAY_MINI}</span></td>
    <td style="width: 5%; text-align: center"><span class="gensmall" style="color:#FF0000">{SATURDAY_MINI}</span></td>
  <!-- BEGIN mini_calendar_days -->
  <!-- IF mini_calendar_days.START_WEEK -->
    <!-- ENDIF -->
    <!-- IF mini_calendar_days.DUMMY_DAY -->
    <td valign="top" class="bg3_calMon">&nbsp;</td>
    <!-- ELSE -->
     <td valign="top" class="{mini_calendar_days.DAY_CLASS}">
     <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" border="0" width="100%">
          <td class="{mini_calendar_days.HEADER_CLASS}" style="font-weight:{mini_calendar_days.WRITE_BOLD}; text-align:center;">
             <!-- IF mini_calendar_days.ADD_LINK -->
            <a href="{mini_calendar_days.ADD_LINK}">{mini_calendar_days.NUMBER}</a>
            <!-- ELSE -->
            <!-- ENDIF -->
            <br />
    <!-- ENDIF -->
    <!-- IF mini_calendar_days.END_WEEK -->
  <!-- ENDIF -->
  <!-- END mini_calendar_days -->
<br clear="all" />

<table class="table_minical" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
  <tr class="row1">
      <td style="width: 100%; text-align: center" class="bg4">Veranstaltungen</td>

<table class="table_minical" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
    <td class="row1">

      <!-- BEGIN events -->
      <!-- IF events.S_FIRST_ROW -->
      <!-- ELSE --><hr><!-- ENDIF -->
      <a href="{events.DAY_VIEW_URL}"><!-- IF events.COLOR --><span style="color:#{events.COLOR}"><!-- ENDIF -->
      [{events.NUMBER}]<!-- IF events.COLOR --></span><!-- ENDIF --></a>
      <a href="{events.EVENT_URL}" title="{events.EVENT_SUBJECT}">
      <!-- IF events.COLOR --><span style="color:#{events.COLOR}"><!-- ENDIF -->
      <!-- IF events.DISPLAY_BOLD --><strong><!-- ENDIF -->
      <!-- IF events.IMAGE --><img src="{events.IMAGE}" title="{events.ETYPE_DISPLAY_NAME}" height="20" width="20" /><!-- ENDIF -->
      <!-- IF events.ETYPE_DISPLAY_NAME -->{events.ETYPE_DISPLAY_NAME}:<!-- ENDIF -->
      <!-- IF events.DISPLAY_BOLD --></strong><!-- ENDIF -->
      <!-- IF events.SHOW_TIME --><br /><!-- IF events.ALL_DAY -->{L_ALL_DAY}<!-- ELSE -->
      {L_FROM_TIME}: {events.START_TIME} <br />{L_TO_TIME}: {events.END_TIME}<!-- ENDIF -->
      <!-- ENDIF -->
      <!-- IF events.COLOR --></span><!-- ENDIF --></a><br />
      <!-- END events -->


      <span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span>
<br style="clear:both" />
I hope you understand my english and could use these modifications.
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Re: Calendar block for phpBB Calendar 0.0.8

Post by Kevin »

Thank you, Graceland! :)
~~~ They say the definition of madness is doing the same thing and expecting a different result ~~~

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Re: Calendar block for phpBB Calendar 0.0.8

Post by Kevin »

Moved topic into released blocks
~~~ They say the definition of madness is doing the same thing and expecting a different result ~~~

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Re: Calendar block for phpBB Calendar 0.0.8

Post by Sir Charles »


Because I wanted to have my site XHTML 1.0 valid, and these changes of the calendar.html prevented this, I've changed the calendar.html as it was posted on the beginning.

it looks like this:

Code: Select all

<div class="panel">
       <div class="inner">
          <span class="corners-top"><span></span></span>
             <h3><a href="{U_CALENDAR}" title="{L_CALENDAR}">{L_MINI_CAL_CALENDAR}</a></h3>
    <table cellspacing="0" width="100%">
        <td class="row1" style="text-align: left"><!-- IF CALENDAR_PREV_MINI -->{CALENDAR_PREV_MINI}<!-- ENDIF --></td>
        <td class="row1" style="text-align: center"><span class="genmed">{CALENDAR_HEADER_MINI}</span></td>
        <td class="row1" style="text-align: right"><!-- IF CALENDAR_NEXT_MINI -->{CALENDAR_NEXT_MINI}<!-- ENDIF --></td>

    <table class="table_minical" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
       <th style="text-align:left;" colspan="7">{L_MINI_CAL_CALENDAR}</td>
      <tr class="row1">
        <td style="width: 5%; text-align: center" class="bg4">{SUNDAY_MINI}</td>
        <td style="width: 5%; text-align: center" class="bg4">{MONDAY_MINI}</td>
        <td style="width: 5%; text-align: center" class="bg4">{TUESDAY_MINI}</td>
        <td style="width: 5%; text-align: center" class="bg4">{WEDNESDAY_MINI}</td>
        <td style="width: 5%; text-align: center" class="bg4">{THURSDAY_MINI}</td>
        <td style="width: 5%; text-align: center" class="bg4">{FRIDAY_MINI}</td>
        <td style="width: 5%; text-align: center" class="bg4">{SATURDAY_MINI}</td>
      <!-- BEGIN mini_calendar_days -->
      <!-- IF mini_calendar_days.START_WEEK -->
        <!-- ENDIF -->
        <!-- IF mini_calendar_days.DUMMY_DAY -->
        <td valign="top" class="bg3_calMon">&nbsp;</td>
        <!-- ELSE -->
         <td valign="top" class="{mini_calendar_days.DAY_CLASS}">
         <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" border="0" width="100%">
              <td class="{mini_calendar_days.HEADER_CLASS}">
                 <!-- IF mini_calendar_days.ADD_LINK -->
                <a href="{mini_calendar_days.ADD_LINK}">{mini_calendar_days.NUMBER}</a>
                <!-- ELSE -->
                <!-- ENDIF -->
                <br />
        <!-- ENDIF -->
        <!-- IF mini_calendar_days.END_WEEK -->
      <!-- ENDIF -->
      <!-- END mini_calendar_days -->
   <br style="clear:both" />

    <table class="table_minical" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
      <tr class="row1">
          <td style="width: 100%; text-align: center" class="bg4">Events</td>

    <table class="table_minical" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
        <td class="row1">
    <!-- BEGIN mini_calendar_days -->
          <!-- BEGIN events -->
          <!-- IF -->
          <!-- IF mini_calendar_days.BIRTHDAYS --><hr><!-- ENDIF -->
          <!-- ELSE --><hr><!-- ENDIF -->
          <a href="{}"><!-- IF --><span style="color:#{}"><!-- ENDIF -->
          [{}]<!-- IF --></span><!-- ENDIF --></a>
          <a href="{}" title="{}">
          <!-- IF --><span style="color:#{}"><!-- ENDIF -->
          <!-- IF --><strong><!-- ENDIF -->
          <!-- IF --><img src="{}" title="{}" height="20" width="20" /><!-- ENDIF -->
          <!-- IF -->{}:<!-- ENDIF -->
          <!-- IF --></strong><!-- ENDIF -->
          <!-- IF --><br /><!-- IF -->{L_ALL_DAY}<!-- ELSE -->
          {L_FROM_TIME}: {} <br />{L_TO_TIME}: {}<!-- ENDIF -->
          <!-- ENDIF -->
          <!-- IF --></span><!-- ENDIF --></a><br />
          <!-- END events -->
    <!-- END mini_calendar_days -->

          <span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span>
    <br style="clear:both" />
hope, this information help somebody ;)

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Re: Calendar block for phpBB Calendar 0.0.8

Post by wernermarcel »


Is it possible to do this for subsilver2.
I hope so....

I searching and searching for a litle simple EventCalander just not more :-)



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Re: Calendar block for phpBB Calendar 0.0.8

Post by airsoftpacific »

Is there a version of this block for Calendar 1.0.0 in the works? The current mod doesn't seem to be compatible with Calendar 1.0.0.

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Re: Calendar block for phpBB Calendar 0.0.8

Post by frold »

airsoftpacific wrote:Is there a version of this block for Calendar 1.0.0 in the works? The current mod doesn't seem to be compatible with Calendar 1.0.0.
I dont know that mod... It must be another Calenadar mod... This block works with: ... 0&t=666195 - Portal for doctors and medical students in Denmark

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Re: Calendar block for phpBB Calendar 0.0.8

Post by airsoftpacific »

Oh, wrong mod! Sorry. The other calendar has RSVP. I guess I better throw down a block request :)

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Re: Calendar block for phpBB Calendar 0.0.8

Post by jerkstore »

I did the updates that Graceland provided and have a question. He seemed to leave the Deutche wording in his updates. I have already replaced the word KALENDER with CALENDAR, and the other one with the word Events. I may be overlooking something but I want to change the way the Events dates are displayed below the calendar. Right now they are European format day:month. I want to switch it around to the American month:day format if it isn't too much trouble. Also I would rather do month/day with the forward slash (/) in place of the period (.). Thanks for your mod and help.

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Re: Calendar block for phpBB Calendar 0.0.8

Post by jerkstore »

Gonna change I don't see the advantages of a date if I can't put it in US format.

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Re: Calendar block for phpBB Calendar 0.0.8

Post by jarky »

My upcoming events is showing things that have already ended, like stuff from yesterday. Should it be doing this? Can anyone in point me in the direction of where I may have screwed up.

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Re: US date

Post by DianaRae »

I too would really appreciate knowing what file to change & what to change to make the "events" date have the Day and month like this for October 20: [10.25] instead of how it is current showing [25.10]

Can anyone please help?

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