[RC] Portalview v1.0.0RC2

Dyos MOD Portalview - to show up Portal blocks in the whole forum.
Dyos MOD Portalview - um Portal Blöcke im gesamten Forum anzeigen zu lassen.

Moderator: Dyo

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Please note that this modification is not a official part of the Board3 Portal!
Bitte beachten das diese Modifikation kein offizieller Bestandteil des Board3 Portal ist!
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Re: [RC] Portalview v1.0.0RC2

Post by Christian_N »

Please download the MOD you down again, the files are all present.
There have been 100 users installed it and nobody did not find the file.

And it's also better to install it manually, it has not been tested on the AutoMod out, since both RC MODs still are.

Sorry Google-English *gg*
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Re: [RC] Portalview v1.0.0RC2

Post by wintstar »

Ich komm nochml auf meine Anfrage vom 27.10. zurück


Code: Select all

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in C:\xampp\htdocs\cq\gallery\includes\functions_recent.php on line 344
Wäre prima wenn jemand eine Lösung hätte
Would be great if someone had a solution

Versuchs nochmal eine Antwort auf meine Frage. Hatt jemand eine Lösung wie der Gallerybloock in der Portalview eingebaut wird, so das die obige Fehlermeldung nicht kommt

The experiment again an answer to my question. Hatt someone a solution like the Gallerybloock plugs into the Portalview, so the above error message is not


Last edited by wintstar on 9. December 2009 07:47, edited 1 time in total.
Gruß Stephan :-)

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Re: [RC] Portalview v1.0.0RC2

Post by frold »

Christian_N wrote:Please download the MOD you down again, the files are all present.
There have been 100 users installed it and nobody did not find the file.

And it's also better to install it manually, it has not been tested on the AutoMod out, since both RC MODs still are.

Sorry Google-English *gg*
Ill give it a try again.

Thanks for respons..
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Re: [RC] Portalview v1.0.0RC2

Post by frold »

I just downloaded the package again. I unzipped it.

Open the install.xml file:

It's say:

Included files

* root/portal/includes/portalview.php

But in the package I also find files like:

What to do with them?

Open: styles/prosilver/template/portal/portal_body.html

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%">
<!-- [+] left block area -->
<td valign="top" style="width: <!-- IF $S_COLUMNS_WIDTH_OVERRIDE -->{$PORTAL_LEFT_COLUMN_OVERRIDE}<!-- ELSE -->{PORTAL_LEFT_COLUMN}<!-- ENDIF -->px; padding-right:{$BLOCK_DISTANCE};">
<br style="clear:both" />

<!-- INCLUDE portal/block/main_menu.html -->
<!-- ENDIF -->

<!-- INCLUDE portal/block/change_style.html -->
<!-- ENDIF -->

<!-- INCLUDE portal/block/additional_blocks_left.html -->

<!-- INCLUDE portal/block/birthday_list.html -->
<!-- ENDIF -->

<!-- INCLUDE portal/block/clock.html -->
<!-- ENDIF -->

<!-- INCLUDE portal/block/search.html -->
<!-- ENDIF -->

<!-- INCLUDE portal/block/random_member.html -->
<!-- ENDIF -->

<!-- INCLUDE portal/block/attachments.html -->
<!-- ENDIF -->

<!-- INCLUDE portal/block/custom_small.html -->
<!-- ENDIF -->

<!-- INCLUDE portal/block/top_poster.html -->
<!-- ENDIF -->

<!-- INCLUDE portal/block/latest_members.html -->
<!-- ENDIF -->

<!-- INCLUDE portal/block/link_us.html -->
<!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- [-] left block area -->

<!-- [+] center block area -->
<td valign="top">
<br style="clear:both" />
Replace with

Code: Select all

With what? Is the part going to be deleted? Else somethings is missing...
Open: styles/prosilver/template/portal/portal_body.html


Code: Select all

		<!-- please keep this credits visible, thank you!  -->
		<br /><div class="copyright">{L_PORTAL_COPY}</div>
<!-- [-] center block area -->

<!-- [+] right block area -->
		<td valign="top" style="width: <!-- IF $S_COLUMNS_WIDTH_OVERRIDE -->{$PORTAL_RIGHT_COLUMN_OVERRIDE}<!-- ELSE -->{PORTAL_RIGHT_COLUMN}<!-- ENDIF -->px; padding-left:{$BLOCK_DISTANCE};">
		<br style="clear:both" />

			<!-- IF not S_USER_LOGGED_IN -->
				<!-- INCLUDE portal/block/login_box.html -->
			<!-- ENDIF -->
			<!-- IF not S_IS_BOT and S_USER_LOGGED_IN -->
				<!-- INCLUDE portal/block/user_menu.html -->
			<!-- ENDIF -->
		<!-- ENDIF -->

		  <!-- INCLUDE portal/block/additional_blocks_right.html -->

			<!-- INCLUDE portal/block/online_friends.html -->
		  <!-- ENDIF -->

			<!-- INCLUDE portal/block/statistics.html -->
		  <!-- ENDIF -->

			<!-- INCLUDE portal/block/mini_calendar.html -->
		  <!-- ENDIF -->

			<!-- INCLUDE portal/block/leaders_ext.html -->
			<!-- INCLUDE portal/block/leaders.html -->
		  <!-- ENDIF -->

				<!-- INCLUDE portal/block/latest_bots.html -->
			<!-- ENDIF -->

		  <!-- IF S_DISPLAY_LINKS -->
			<!-- INCLUDE portal/block/links.html -->
		  <!-- ENDIF -->

		  <!-- IF S_DISPLAY_PAY_S -->
			<!-- INCLUDE portal/block/donation_small.html -->
		  <!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- [-] right block area -->
<!--// board3 Portal by www.board3.de //-->
Replace with

Code: Select all

With what? Is the part going to be deleted? Else somethings is missing...
Open: portal/block/search.php


Code: Select all

   'S_SEARCH_ACTION'   => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}search.$phpEx"),
Replace with

Code: Select all

With what? Is the part going to be deleted? Else somethings is missing...

I hope you can help?
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Re: [RC] Portalview v1.0.0RC2

Post by Christian_N »

What is your problem?
1. I have the MOD by http://www.phpbb-projekt.de/downloads.p ... il&df_id=4 downloaded.
2. Did I unzipped that file.
3. All files are available, see screenshot:
Image Image Image

When you comment, it still stands, what to do:
install.xml wrote:Comments
There is no "replace-with"-code as you need to delete the code.
Sorry, but here I must also warn you about repeated Topic-Bumping.

Please consider our Board3.de Rules.
Board3 Rules wrote:
    • Topic-Bumping is only accepted at least 24 hrs. after posting.
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Re: [RC] Portalview v1.0.0RC2

Post by frold »

Christian_N wrote: Sorry, but here I must also warn you about repeated Topic-Bumping.

Please consider our Board3.de Rules.
Board3 Rules wrote:
    • Topic-Bumping is only accepted at least 24 hrs. after posting.

I made a post:

Postby frold on Tue 10. Nov 2009, 22:19

I made a gentle bump:

by frold on Thu 12. Nov 2009, 14:44

Well I get it more then 24hours between the 2 posts. So I dont see the sense in that line...?

I havent said anything about missing files I said there is more files included in the package then mention in the install file.
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Re: [RC] Portalview v1.0.0RC2

Post by Christian_N »

Sry my english not very good, now I have understood it.
Please download the complete ROOT directory on your webspace.
The install.xml is fixed with the next version.
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Re: [RC] Portalview v1.0.0RC2

Post by Spadewar »

well im installing this and i have installed your mod countless times on diff styles and for some odd reason, when i install it on se_pro style it puts all my page's to a blank page. or makes the main portal page all distorted. i see i just missed you 42 mins ago, but if we can set up a time i can install it real fast and you can see the error's, i will not leave the error's up for any extended period of time, for i need to continue working on this webscript.

so if you use Aol Instant Msger, you can msg me here

AIM = Hazmatspade

i know im american and your english is not to strong but we ill manage :P

fyi Website = ironmog.org
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Re: [RC] Portalview v1.0.0RC2

Post by DDG »

installiere phpBB Version 3.0.6 -> OK
installiere Portal Version 1.0.4 -> OK
installiere Portalview Version 1.0.0RC2 -> Fehler:
portal.php wird noch angezeigt. index.php bringt fehler 500.

Habe etwas rumprobiert, dabei ist mir aufgefallen, das wenn ich die Änderung in der /includes/functions.php wieder raus nehme der Fehler 500 weg ist. Nur funktioniert dann natürlich der Portalview nicht. Ich vermute, das es in der phpBB 3.0.6 eine Änderung gab, die in Verbindung mit Portalview den Fehler verursacht. mit der 3.0.5 hatte ich das alles am laufen.

Bitte um Hilfe

Gruß Dirk
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Re: [RC] Portalview v1.0.0RC2

Post by DDG »

keiner eine Idee?
wie schon geschrieben mit phpBB 3.0.5 lief noch alles!
Hat sonst noch jemand das Problem?

Hoffe, mir kann jemand helfen, bin völlig ratlos.

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Re: [RC] Portalview v1.0.0RC2

Post by Glueckmacher »

Versuche es mal mit dieser functions.php.
http://rapidshare.com/files/315525094/f ... s.php.html
Bin mir jetzt nicht mehr sicher, ob ich nicht irgendwas eingebaut habe, das dann einen Fehler bei Dir verursachen könnte, aber ein Versuch sollte es wert sein. Die 3 von Dir genannten Installationen habe ich jedenfalls auch.
Natürlich solltest Du Deine eigene Datei vorher sichern. ;)
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Re: [RC] Portalview v1.0.0RC2

Post by DDG »

Versuch mißglückt :(
da hatte ich sogar auf der Portal.php schon den fehler 500

Trotzdem danke fürs versuchen

Gruß Dirk

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Re: [RC] Portalview v1.0.0RC2

Post by liquid digitz »

I have just tried to download, and install.
As mentioned in an earlier post, the install.xml replacement information is blank for a few of the replacements. Is there a download link to the new version of the install.xml, or an old version that works with phpbb3 3.0.6, board3 1.0.4, etc?
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Re: [RC] Portalview v1.0.0RC2

Post by Marc »

If it is blank you probably have to replace it with a blank.
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Re: [RC] Portalview v1.0.0RC2

Post by DDG »

Da offensichtlich keiner das gleiche Problem hat wie ich, habe ich hier mal den link zu meine functions.php
Vielleicht sieht ja jemand den Fehler. (der Teil der Probleme macht ist Auskommentiert: Zeile 4426-4429)

Gruß Dirk

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