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Re: Portalview conflict with mChat

Posted: 18. June 2010 00:11
by Marc
Sorry I was a bit busy with university. I would love to help you and fix theproblem, but the fact is that I can't reproduce the error and it's kind of hard to fix something without being able to debug it.

Re: Portalview conflict with mChat

Posted: 18. June 2010 16:56
by Marc
I was finally able to reproduce the error and I was able to fix it:
Open portal/block/additonal_blocks.php

Code: Select all

// mChat Block for Board3 Portal 1.0.5 and 1.0.6
   define('MCHAT_INCLUDE', true);
   $mchat_include_index = true;
   include($phpbb_root_path . 'mchat.' . $phpEx);
// mChat Block END
Replace with:

Code: Select all

// mChat Block for Board3 Portal 1.0.5 and 1.0.6
	   define('MCHAT_INCLUDE', true);
	   $mchat_include_index = true;
	   include($phpbb_root_path . 'mchat.' . $phpEx);
// mChat Block END
Open portal/includes/portalview.php

Code: Select all

// load blocks in the left column
Add before:

Code: Select all

$load_center = false; // we don't show the center column

I also updated the mChat add-on so nobody will have to face the problem again. ;)

Re: Portalview conflict with mChat

Posted: 18. June 2010 19:18
by ReconMarine
You da man!


Re: Portalview conflict with mChat

Posted: 18. June 2010 21:54
by kolja
ReconMarine wrote:You da man!
that is exactly what i want to say!


Re: Portalview conflict with mChat

Posted: 16. October 2010 21:33
by terra

mit der Umsetzung des Mchats und Portalview hat es bei mir im Forum eigentlich geklappt - jetzt hab ich nur ein Problem:

Wenn man einen Beitrag schreiben möchte und dort einen BB-Code einfügt wird dieser nicht im Beitragsfenster sondern in der Mchat Eingabemaske eingefügt.
Hat jemand dafür eine Lösung?
Benutzer: test
PW: testtest