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Re: users not staying logged in?

Posted: 25. April 2009 20:18
by vectra-mods
Oshadha wrote:
Kevin wrote:The temporay fix until the next release is:

Open portal/includes/lang_adm_additional_blocks.php
search and delete:

Code: Select all

[color=#FF0000]    // Start session management
    $user->setup();   [/color] 

Thanks for your help.
so do i remove all 4 lines highlighted in red, from the /lang_adm_additional_blocks.php file?

Re: users not staying logged in?

Posted: 25. April 2009 22:49
by Mike
There are no red hightlighted lines. But you have to remove at least the last three lines from this quote. The first is a misquoted colortag which you dont find there, and a commentline, which dont do anything else than comment. :)

Re: users not staying logged in?

Posted: 26. April 2009 00:40
by vectra-mods
Mike wrote:There are no red hightlighted lines. But you have to remove at least the last three lines from this quote. The first is a misquoted colortag which you dont find there, and a commentline, which dont do anything else than comment. :)

done the edits will wait and se

thanks :D

Re: users not staying logged in?

Posted: 3. May 2009 18:46
by basalt
hi all
@Kevin: Thx for the quick fix, just fixed the problem on my board.
is there a plan when the next version will be available?

Re: users not staying logged in?

Posted: 14. May 2009 06:40
We just found out that when we have the problems it is due to cookies being saved even though you have cleared the browsers history. My machine wasnt doing it, I have IE8 but my friends machine runs IE7 and his was still retaining the old cookie for the site even though the browser history was cleared.

We found this via the search option in the start memu. The old cookie showed up straight away using this and as soon as this was deleted everything works fine!

Re: users not staying logged in?

Posted: 18. May 2009 14:39
by cromatics
Kevin wrote:The temporay fix until the next release is:

Open portal/includes/lang_adm_additional_blocks.php
search and delete:

Code: Select all

[color=#FF0000]    // Start session management
    $user->setup();   [/color] 
ich habe da auch sein ein problem mit dem autologin:
immer wenn andere reg. member das forum besuchen und über die portal.php startseite gehen, müssen sie sich immer wieder neu einloggen, gehen sie aber über index.php rein sind sie eingeloggt, habe auch schon wie kevin beschreiben das in der lang_adm_additional_blocks.php gelöscht bringt aber nix.
ach so es soll nur im ie sein habe ich mir sagen lassen und darauf hin mal getestet im ie und siehe da es geht wirklich nicht.
im Fierefox ist alles ok komischerweise

sry das ich in deutsch schreibe, aber mein eng ist zu schlecht um das zu formulieren

Re: users not staying logged in?

Posted: 18. May 2009 19:31
by Kevin
Das sollte dann eigentlich nicht mehr am Portal liegen, wenn du den Fix ausgeführt hast.
Hast du den Board Cache danach noch mal geleert und deine User angewiesen, die Board Cookies in ihrem Browser zu löschen? Auch kontrolliert, das du wirklich die Änderung hoch geladen hast?

Re: users not staying logged in?

Posted: 2. June 2009 23:18
by tring2200
Excellent work on fixing this, thanks.

Re: users not staying logged in?

Posted: 10. July 2009 11:30
by kutt
let's see if it works ...

Re: users not staying logged in?

Posted: 23. July 2009 01:22
by Morpheus
Kevin wrote:The temporay fix until the next release is:

Open portal/includes/lang_adm_additional_blocks.php
search and delete:

Code: Select all

    // Start session management
Hi, i have followed this instruction (some weeks ago) and noticed the that: The automatic login-issue is fixed, but ...

but - not the number of new posts will be shown anymore within the userbox (New Posts (x) ) - But only the number of threads with new posts.

So, if i have 14 new posts within 4 new threads, there will be "New Posts (4) - which ain't true ...

kr morph

Re: users not staying logged in?

Posted: 23. July 2009 11:51
by Marc
That's supposed to be that way and has been discussed several times.

Re: users not staying logged in?

Posted: 23. July 2009 13:21
by Morpheus
is there a simple way of changing the code, so i have the amount of posts displayed?


Re: users not staying logged in?

Posted: 12. September 2009 14:27
by mallix
I am still using version 1.0.2 .

And these three lines exists on portal.php ..
I have the same problems.
Should i remove them from portal.php ?
And i have one more questions: If portal is disabled, do you still have those staying logged in problems or only when the portal mod is enabled ?

Re: users not staying logged in?

Posted: 12. September 2009 22:15
by Mike
The problem is caused by a bug in 1.0.3. It means if you have this problem on 1.0.2 its maybe another problem.
Dont delete this lines on portal.php... Update your portal, and then remove this line from the right file ;)

Re: users not staying logged in?

Posted: 24. September 2009 13:33
still not working for me :(
When I delete the lines, I'm getting some php notices cause the includes/session.php ... I inserted a @ before the command and the errors are away, but the "Who was here" mod isn't working anymore, then.

Leider funktioniert es bei mir nicht :(
Wenn ich die Zeilen entferne, bekomme ich einige PHP "Notice" Errors wegen der includes/session.php...
Hab die Zeile gesucht und ein @ davorgesetzt. Fehler sind weg, aber leider funktioniert dann der "Who was here" mod nicht mehr...