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Re: Raid Progress Block w/ACP

Posted: 9. December 2009 02:33
by Teksonic
Hey guys, just got soe time away from my army training to make this post. Sory it took so long. I will be back in the real world and off this base in about a week. At that point I will take a lok into the issues you have mentioned. I didn't have an session based issues before so i'm ot sure what that would be, but i'll definatly get it fixed and get a version that works better.

In the mean time any other info you can post up about the problems will be super helpful.

again sorry for the delay's.


Re: Raid Progress Block w/ACP

Posted: 10. December 2009 14:42
by Unrak
As a workaround for now set your board to the most used style and over-ride users style choice.
This has worked for me and completely circumvents the issue.

Re: Raid Progress Block w/ACP

Posted: 12. December 2009 13:50
by Swinder
Ok got the updated version of this mod working but I have a style issue.

You can see it here;

Basically the style is not carried into the block, had a quick skim through the mod block and can not see anything to change that looks like what I need.

Re: Raid Progress Block w/ACP

Posted: 15. December 2009 00:08
by Unrak
Yeah that's the same issue that i have been having. My workaround in the post above yours solved the problem for me until Tek gets off base and has some spare time to look at the coding.

Re: Raid Progress Block w/ACP

Posted: 15. December 2009 11:59
by Swinder
I tried that fix already but I was already running the forced styles for users. I also tried to adjust it to the default setting and then back to the over ride setting to see if that had any effect but it didn't.

Re: Raid Progress Block w/ACP

Posted: 15. December 2009 16:52
by Voodood
Having hte same issue for guests that load the board, they do not get hte images.

Re: Raid Progress Block w/ACP

Posted: 17. December 2009 01:13
by Teksonic
ok off base as of today. just got in. heading out with the boys for some drinks, but I will be sitting down with this tomorrow to dig through the issues you guys have reported.

Re: Raid Progress Block w/ACP

Posted: 17. December 2009 12:37
by Swinder
Just as a heads up I think my issue is a little different to the others.

All my images actually load and are displaying correctly (perhaps due to my style being forced for everyone).
The problem with mine is that it drops the board style and just uses a black box. You can see it here;

I assume this is something obvious to fix but I couldn't see anything that stood out to me so I decided not to mess and wait for proper advice.

If you need any access to my boards to take a look then that can be provided just give me a message :)

Re: Raid Progress Block w/ACP

Posted: 17. December 2009 16:37
by Teksonic
Swinder wrote:Just as a heads up I think my issue is a little different to the others.

All my images actually load and are displaying correctly (perhaps due to my style being forced for everyone).
The problem with mine is that it drops the board style and just uses a black box. You can see it here;

I assume this is something obvious to fix but I couldn't see anything that stood out to me so I decided not to mess and wait for proper advice.

If you need any access to my boards to take a look then that can be provided just give me a message :)
your style issue is an easy fix, so no worries there. first though can you tell me what raid_progress.html file you used? the subsilver or the prosilver one?

Re: Raid Progress Block w/ACP

Posted: 17. December 2009 16:45
by Teksonic
Ok guys, i'm checking out your sites and most show the block working correctly, so i need to ask, did things resolve themselves or are you still having issues, and if you are are they the same as you posted above or are they different?

thanks all.

(side note: stay tuned big new mod in development, Raid and Event Planner. 75-80% complete :!: )

Re: Raid Progress Block w/ACP

Posted: 17. December 2009 23:07
by Teksonic
@ Swinder
Use the raid_progress.html file from the subsilver folder. backup the current one you have on your webserver first and then upload the new one. clear your cache and let me know what happens.

Re: Raid Progress Block w/ACP

Posted: 17. December 2009 23:33
by Teksonic
well fuck.... it was an issue with my code.... ok guys. here's a fix that should solve the issue for it.

SESSION BUG FIX - anyone having issues with the images not showing should apply this fix immediately. I will including it in the next patch also.


'RP_IMAGE' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}styles/" . $user->theme['theme_path'] . "/theme/images/raid_progress/"),

Replace With:
'RP_IMAGE' => "{$phpbb_root_path}styles/" . $user->theme['theme_path'] . '/theme/images/raid_progress/',

I was applying the session id at the wrong spot and some theme's were breaking the image links because of it.

Re: Raid Progress Block w/ACP

Posted: 17. December 2009 23:38
by Swinder
@ Swinder
Use the raid_progress.html file from the subsilver folder. backup the current one you have on your webserver first and then upload the new one. clear your cache and let me know what happens.
That worked although I am sure I was using a prosilver based theme. Ah well it works so thats all that matters.

Thanks Teksonic for the mod and the excellent help you have provided us all.

Re: Raid Progress Block w/ACP

Posted: 17. December 2009 23:46
by Teksonic
Glad it's working better for ya now. also, i'm thoroughly enjoying your graphics, tell your designer he's doing a damn good job.

Re: Raid Progress Block w/ACP

Posted: 18. December 2009 00:02
by Teksonic
for the site. i'm having issues loading your site it times out, so i can't check much,but i will continue trying to get it up and look at the issue.

are you still getting the error you posted. i checked your site and it runs fine for me, popup shows... etc. if your having the issue still, can you check a different browser and tell me if it's specific to certain browsers?

anything else i've missed up till now?