Vorraussetzung für das Modul ist das ihr die Erweiterung Advent Calendar in eurem Board eingebaut habt!
For the module you have the extension Advent Calendar installed in your board!
Addon: Adventskalender Module
Addon Version: 1.2.0
Addon Author: Kirk, Würzi (Original Author)
Addon Description:
Adds a Advent Calendar modul to your portal.
Fügt deinem Portal ein Adventskalender Modul hinzu.
Sprachen: de, de_x_sie, en
Addon Anforderung: phpBB 3.3.0 und Board3 Portal 2.3.0 oder höher
Addon Requirements: phpBB 3.3.0 and Board3 Portal 2.3.0 and newer
Download: https://kirk-phpbb.com/viewtopic.php?f=33&t=188
Adventskalender Module for B3P 2.3.x
Topic author - Dev
- Posts: 1965
- Joined: 27. July 2010 18:02
- phpBB.de User: Kirk
Adventskalender Module for B3P 2.3.x
Gruß Udo
Topic author - Dev
- Posts: 1965
- Joined: 27. July 2010 18:02
- phpBB.de User: Kirk
Re: Adventskalender Module for B3P 2.1.x
There is an update of this extension.
In the responsive view this advent calendar is now also displayed, but gets a horizontal scroll bar.
Download see first contribution!
In the responsive view this advent calendar is now also displayed, but gets a horizontal scroll bar.
Download see first contribution!
Gruß Udo
Topic author - Dev
- Posts: 1965
- Joined: 27. July 2010 18:02
- phpBB.de User: Kirk
Re: Adventskalender Module for B3P 2.1.x
There is an update of this extension.
Download see first contribution!
Download see first contribution!
Gruß Udo
Topic author - Dev
- Posts: 1965
- Joined: 27. July 2010 18:02
- phpBB.de User: Kirk
Re: Adventskalender Module for B3P 2.1.x
There is an update of this extension.
Download see 1. contribution!
New features:
Since the file name has changed, the previous version of this extension (including deleting work data) must be completely deleted!
It is important to delete the corresponding B3P module in the ACP first!
Download see 1. contribution!
New features:
- Various code adjustments
- A version-check is also available
Since the file name has changed, the previous version of this extension (including deleting work data) must be completely deleted!
It is important to delete the corresponding B3P module in the ACP first!
Gruß Udo
Topic author - Dev
- Posts: 1965
- Joined: 27. July 2010 18:02
- phpBB.de User: Kirk
Re: Adventskalender Module for B3P 2.3.x
Extension updated to version 1.1.0
Download see 1. contribution!
Download see 1. contribution!
Gruß Udo
Topic author - Dev
- Posts: 1965
- Joined: 27. July 2010 18:02
- phpBB.de User: Kirk
Re: Adventskalender Module for B3P 2.3.x
Extension updated to version 1.2.0
Download see 1. contribution!
Download see 1. contribution!
Gruß Udo