creating dropdown menu in ACP

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creating dropdown menu in ACP

Post by talonos »

ok so i've created a few basic blocks upto now and i've started to work on one thats a bit more complex.

the problem i'm having is creating a custom dropdown menu in the acp that will store the selected value.

i'll show what i have already and maybe someone could point out where i've gone wrong.


Code: Select all

'DK_1'	=> ($config['board3_recruitmentdk1_' . $module_id]),

Code: Select all

'board3_recruitmentdk1_' . $module_id			=> array('lang' => 'DK1',	'validate' => 'string', 	'type' => 'custom',	'explain' => true,	'method' => 'select_recruit', 'submit' => 'store_recruit'),

Code: Select all

set_config('board3_recruitmentdk1_' . $module_id, 'Medium');
custom php

Code: Select all

		public function select_recruit($value, $key, $module_id)
		global $db, $cache;
		// Build options
		$ext_options = '<select id="' . $key . '" name="' . $key . '[]">';
		$ext_options .= '<option value="None">None</option><option value="Low">Low</option><option value="Medium">Medium</option><option value="High">High</option>';
		$ext_options .= '</select>';
		return $ext_options;
	public function store_recruit($key, $module_id)
		global $db, $cache;
		// Get selected extensions
		$values = request_var($key, array(0 => ''));
		$valuess = implode(',', $values);
		set_config($key, $valuess);

within the ACP it seems to work fine apart from the selected values are not working and theres no error logs to say theres a problem.
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Talonos: Pretereo stormrage EU OFFLINE!
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Re: creating dropdown menu in ACP

Post by talonos »

ok seems i got it fixed. i've posted my finished code above for anyone else who might possibly find it of use. the thing i missed was the

Code: Select all

$valuess = implode(',', $values);
as soon as i added that i worked without fault.
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Talonos: Pretereo stormrage EU OFFLINE!

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