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supernova 3.3.4 style help

Posted: 1. October 2021 13:26
by -neo-
Hi All,

Can someone help with the "Supernova" style on phpbb 3.3.4, found this guide on here - but the styles have changed for the newer versions of phpBB so i cant follow the guide, is there a guide i can follow for 3.3.4 instead ?

Thanks in advance for any replies :)

Re: supernova 3.3.4 style help

Posted: 1. October 2021 18:43
by archivar
Usually the styles for
Board3 can no longer be adapted to phpbb-3.3.4. Install the styles and write where it looks like with Board3 on phpbb-3.3.4. Take a picture with Board3 on phpbb-3.3.4 and put it in here.
Which style version do you have?
Show the download link of the styles.

Re: supernova 3.3.4 style help

Posted: 1. October 2021 19:27
by -neo-
Thank you for your quick reply :D

style download -

style version 1.1.3 (same as link above)



hopefully the dropbox links work :)

Re: supernova 3.3.4 style help

Posted: 1. October 2021 19:32
by archivar
And what's the problem with Board3?

Re: supernova 3.3.4 style help

Posted: 1. October 2021 19:34
by -neo-
on the forum the style displays correctly but on the portal its missing most of the styling from supernova.

changed the links in my post above to display the images from dropbox

from my first post - this displays the supernova theme correctly on a older version of phpBB.

Re: supernova 3.3.4 style help

Posted: 1. October 2021 21:55
by Kirk
This style is very narrow.
Open: root/styles/Supernova/theme/supernova.css

Code: Select all

.wrap {
	min-height: 90%;
	max-width: 932px;
	padding: 0 19px;
	margin: 0 auto;
	background: url("./images/shadow.png") repeat-y;
	margin-top: 40px;
	padding-top: 15px;
	border: none;
	background-size: 100%;
Inline Find:

Code: Select all

	max-width: 932px;
Replace with:

Code: Select all

	max-width: 933px;
or change the width of the left or right column in ACP/Extension/Portal Administration/General settings

Re: supernova 3.3.4 style help

Posted: 1. October 2021 22:46
by -neo-
thanks for the tip for the width :)

what about the headers/titles for the modules in the portal as they aren't using the supernova style as they do on the forum ?

Re: supernova 3.3.4 style help

Posted: 1. October 2021 23:04
by -neo-
this is how it looks now

this is how it should look with the supernova style.

which files do i need to upload/alter to achive this ?

Re: supernova 3.3.4 style help

Posted: 2. October 2021 09:50
by Kirk
Here is a customization, unzip the .zip file and upload the Supernova folder to root/ext/board3/portal/styles/
(9.77 KiB) Downloaded 750 times
In the end "ACP -> General" --> purge cache It's recommended to purge your browser cache too.

Re: supernova 3.3.4 style help

Posted: 2. October 2021 13:15
by -neo-
Thank you so much :D :D :D


the title/headers for all the middle modules are slightly out of place, can this be corrected, if so how can i do it ?

sorry if i'm asking too much of you as you've already helped me a lot already :oops:



Re: supernova 3.3.4 style help

Posted: 2. October 2021 16:07
by Kirk
You can on ACP/Extension/Portal Administration/Portal Modules change the title of the respective module, simply click on green cogs.

Re: supernova 3.3.4 style help

Posted: 2. October 2021 18:34
by -neo-
Thanks for the reply.


apologises if i didn't make myself clear in my last post, on the above image i've altered the "welcome message" header to be inline with the left and right modules in a paint program, where as the "recent" header is lower down the blue header bar, guess its something to do with the style you so very graciously provided :)

if i move the "poll" module from the middle column to either left or right the title displays correctly, nearer the top of the blue header blue so i can assume there's a change that needs to be done with the middle column style or module layout?

Re: supernova 3.3.4 style help

Posted: 2. October 2021 19:37
by Kirk
Open: root/ext/board3/portal/styles/Supernova/template/portal/_block_config.html

Code: Select all

<!-- DEFINE $LR_BLOCK_H_L = '<div class="forabg" role="row"><div class="inner"><ul class="topiclist"><li class="header"><dl><dt style="padding: 0px 0px 2px; white-space: nowrap; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px;"><div class="cat-name"><span>' -->
Replace with:

Code: Select all

<!-- DEFINE $LR_BLOCK_H_L = '<div class="forabg" role="row"><div class="inner"><ul class="topiclist"><li class="header"><dl><dt style="padding: 0px 0px 2px; white-space: nowrap; margin-bottom: 0px;"><div class="cat-name"><span>' -->

Code: Select all

<!-- DEFINE $C_BLOCK_H_L = '<div class="forabg" role="row"><div class="inner"><ul class="topiclist"><li class="header"><dl class="row-item"><dt><div class="cat-name"><span>' -->
Replace with:

Code: Select all

<!-- DEFINE $C_BLOCK_H_L = '<div class="forabg" role="row"><div class="inner"><ul class="topiclist"><li class="header"><dl class="row-item"><dt style="padding: 0;"><div class="cat-name"><span>' -->
In the end "ACP -> General" --> purge cache It's recommended to purge your browser cache too.

Re: supernova 3.3.4 style help

Posted: 2. October 2021 20:43
by -neo-
Fantastic, works spot on :D :D :D

Thanks once again for taking the time from your personal life to sort out this style for a random person on the internet, hopefully it may help others out in the future :D :D