Board3 Portal "default"?

Current Version: 2.3.0
Released: 2023-03-19
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Board3 Portal "default"?

Post by Karado58 »


Firstly, thank you for such a great add-on to phpBB!!

How can I make the Portal page default?

Right now it defaults to "Board index".

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Thank you.
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Re: Board3 Portal "default"?

Post by archivar »

Please look here: Portal as Site Main Page
V.G. archivar
sorry for my bad english

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Re: Board3 Portal "default"?

Post by Karado58 »

Hello @archivar
Fantastic tutorial!!
The second method worked beautifully!!

Create a file called portal.php with the following content:
header("Location: https://xxxxxxxxxxxx/app.php/portal");

Replace the xxx with the URL to your forum. Load this file into your forum root (where the config.php is located).
Open: root/.htaccess

Insert this at the very end:
DirectoryIndex portal.php index.php index.html index.htm

Thank you!!!

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