Time zone set to index also show on portal

Current Version: 2.3.0
Released: 2023-03-19
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Time zone set to index also show on portal

Post by bennybernaer »

I would like to show the time setting shown at the top of the index page also above the portal.

Is this somehow possible ?

Thank you in advance!

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Re: Time zone set to index also show on portal

Post by bennybernaer »

Open: portal_body.html


Code: Select all

{% INCLUDE 'overall_header.html' %}
{% INCLUDE 'portal/_block_config.html' %}
post below:

Code: Select all

<p class="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_END} responsive-center time<!-- IF S_USER_LOGGED_IN --> rightside<!-- ENDIF -->"><!-- IF S_USER_LOGGED_IN -->{LAST_VISIT_DATE}<!-- ELSE -->{CURRENT_TIME}<!-- ENDIF --></p>
<!-- IF S_USER_LOGGED_IN --><p class="responsive-center time">{CURRENT_TIME}</p><!-- ENDIF -->
Am I right ?
It certainly works.
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Re: Time zone set to index also show on portal

Post by archivar »

bennybernaer wrote: 2. December 2023 22:29 Open: portal_body.html

Code: Select all

{% INCLUDE 'overall_header.html' %}
{% INCLUDE 'portal/_block_config.html' %}
The code can be found in root/ext/board3/portal/styles/prosilver/template/portal/portal_body.html.
bennybernaer wrote: 2. December 2023 22:29 post below:

Code: Select all

<p class="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_END} responsive-center time<!-- IF S_USER_LOGGED_IN --> rightside<!-- ENDIF -->"><!-- IF S_USER_LOGGED_IN -->{LAST_VISIT_DATE}<!-- ELSE -->{CURRENT_TIME}<!-- ENDIF --></p>
<!-- IF S_USER_LOGGED_IN --><p class="responsive-center time">{CURRENT_TIME}</p><!-- ENDIF -->
The code can be found in root/styles/prosilver/template/index_body.html.
I tested it once and if you like it that way you can do it that way.
V.G. archivar
sorry for my bad english

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