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Jardin Technologique

Posted: 20. August 2010 18:35
by archivar
This config works for both Styles / Diese Konfiguration funktioniert für Styles: Jardin Technologique


Code: Select all

<!--version $Id: _block_config.html v1.0.5 adapted by: archivar $ //-->
<!-- Config for the left and right blocks //-->
<!-- DEFINE $LR_BLOCK_H_L = '<div class="post_profile_box2_topline_block"><div class="post_profile_box2_topline-l"></div><div class="post_profile_box2_topline-m"><div style="text-align:center" class="post_profile_box2_text">' -->
<!-- DEFINE $LR_BLOCK_H_R = '</div></div><div class="post_profile_box2_topline-r"></div></div><div class="post_profile_box2_border_block"><div class="post_profile_box2_borderleft"><div class="post_profile_box2_borderright"><div class="post_profile_box2_content">' -->
<!-- DEFINE $LR_BLOCK_F_L = '' -->
<!-- DEFINE $LR_BLOCK_F_R = '</div></div></div></div><div class="post_profile_box2_base_block"><div class="post_profile_box2_base-l"></div><div class="post_profile_box2_base-m"></div><div class="post_profile_box2_base-r"></div></div><br style="clear:both" />' -->

<!-- Config for the center blocks //-->
<!-- DEFINE $C_BLOCK_H_L = '<div class="cats_topline_block"><div class="cats_topline-l"></div><div class="cats_topline-m"><div style="text-align:center" class="cats_text"><dl>' -->   
<!-- DEFINE $C_BLOCK_H_R = '</dl></div></div><div class="cats_topline-r"></div></div><div class="cats_border_block"><div class="cats_borderleft"><div class="cats_borderright"><div class="cats_content">' -->
<!-- DEFINE $C_BLOCK_F_L = '' -->
<!-- DEFINE $C_BLOCK_F_R = '</div></div></div></div><div class="cats_base_block"><div class="cats_base-l"></div><div class="cats_base-m"></div><div class="cats_base-r"></div></div><br style="clear:both" />' -->

<!-- Images-URL //-->
<!-- DEFINE $NO_AVATAR_IMG = '/images/no_avatar.gif' -->

<!-- Vertical distance between left/right and center Blocks -->
<!-- DEFINE $BLOCK_DISTANCE = '10px' -->

<!-- show Icons in left/right Blocks? 0=no 1=yes -->
<!-- DEFINE $S_BLOCK_ICON = 0 -->

<!-- postbody top (default 1 by prosilver) 0=no 1=yes -->

<!-- override the column width settings of the ACP for this style? 0=no 1=yes -->

<!-- override the column width settings of the ACP - set the width if enabled -->
additional changes / zusätzliche Änderungen:
