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English Translation (v0.2.1)

Posted: 13. April 2008 03:22
by liquidspark
English Translation (US English when applicable, but mostly just syntax and grammar optimizations):


Code: Select all


* @package - Board3portal
* @version $Id: info_acp_portal.php 90 2008-02-03 21:43:30Z kevin74 $
* @copyright (c) kevin / saint ( ), (c) Ice, (c) nickvergessen ( ), (c) redbull254 ( )
* @based on: phpBB3 Portal by Sevdin Filiz,
* @translator (c) Liquid Spark ( )
* @license GNU Public License 

if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))
if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
	$lang = array();

// All language files should use UTF-8 as their encoding, and the files must not contain a BOM.
// Placeholders can now contain order information, e.g., instead of
// 'Page %s of %s' you can (and should) write 'Page %1$s of %2$s'. This allows
// translators to re-order the output of data while ensuring that it remains correct.
// You do not need this where single placeholders are used, e.g., 'Message %d' is fine.
// Equally, when a string contains only two placeholders which are used to wrap text
// in a url, you again do not need to specify an order: 'Click %sHERE%s' is fine.

$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
	'ACP_PORTAL_INFO'							=> 'Portal',
	'ACP_PORTAL_GENERAL_INFO'					=> 'General',
	'ACP_PORTAL_ANNOUNCE_INFO'					=> 'Global announcements',
	'ACP_PORTAL_NEWS_INFO'						=> 'News',
	'ACP_PORTAL_RECENT_INFO'					=> 'Recent topics',
	'ACP_PORTAL_WORDGRAPH_INFO'					=> 'Wordgraph',
	'ACP_PORTAL_GENERAL_INFO'					=> 'General settings',
	'ACP_PORTAL_PAYPAL_INFO'					=> 'Paypal donations',
	'ACP_PORTAL_MEMBERS_INFO'					=> 'Latest members',
	'ACP_PORTAL_POLLS_INFO'						=> 'Poll',
	'ACP_PORTAL_BOTS_INFO'						=> 'Last visited bots',
	'ACP_PORTAL_MOST_POSTER_INFO'				=> 'Most posters',
	'ACP_PORTAL_WELCOME_INFO'					=> 'Welcome message',
	'ACP_PORTAL_ADS_INFO'						=> 'Advertisement',
	'ACP_PORTAL_MINICALENDAR_INFO'				=> 'Mini calendar',


Code: Select all


* @package - Board3portal
* @version $Id: lang_portal.php 90 2008-02-03 21:43:30Z kevin74 $
* @copyright (c) kevin / saint ( ), (c) Ice, (c) nickvergessen ( ), (c) redbull254 ( )
* @based on: phpBB3 Portal by Sevdin Filiz,
* @translator (c) Liquid Spark ( )
* @license GNU Public License 

if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))
if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
	$lang = array();

// All language files should use UTF-8 as their encoding, and the files must not contain a BOM.
// Placeholders can now contain order information, e.g., instead of
// 'Page %s of %s' you can (and should) write 'Page %1$s of %2$s'. This allows
// translators to re-order the output of data while ensuring that it remains correct.
// You do not need this where single placeholders are used, e.g., 'Message %d' is fine.
// Equally, when a string contains only two placeholders which are used to wrap text
// in a url, you again do not need to specify an order: 'Click %sHERE%s' is fine.

$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
	// General
	'PORTAL'				=> 'Portal',
	'WELCOME'				=> 'Welcome',

	'PORTAL_ERROR'			=> 'Portal Error',
	'PORTAL_DELETE_DIR'		=> 'Please delete the portal installation directory: %s',
	'PORTAL_UPDATE'			=> 'Portal Update',
	'PORTAL_UPDATE_TEXT'	=> 'There\'s an update for portal waiting to be installed! Install <a href="%1$s">%2$s</a>!',

	// news & global announcements
	'LATEST_ANNOUNCEMENTS'	=> 'Latest global announcements',
	'GLOBAL_ANNOUNCEMENT'	=> 'Global announcements',
	'LATEST_NEWS'			=> 'Latest news',
	'READ_FULL'				=> 'Read all',
	'NO_NEWS'				=> 'No news',
	'NO_ANNOUNCEMENTS'		=> 'No global announcements',
	'POSTED_BY'				=> 'Poster',
	'COMMENTS'				=> 'Comments',
	'VIEW_COMMENTS'			=> 'View comments',
	'POST_REPLY'			=> 'Write comments',
	'TOPIC_VIEWS'			=> 'Views',
	'JUMP_NEWEST'			=> 'Jump to newest post',
	'JUMP_FIRST'			=> 'Jump to first post',
	'JUMP_TO_POST'			=> 'Jump to post',
	'BACK'					=> 'Back',

	// who is online
	'WIO_TOTAL'				=> 'Total',
	'WIO_REGISTERED'		=> 'Registered',
	'WIO_HIDDEN'			=> 'Hidden',
	'WIO_GUEST'				=> 'Guest',
	//'RECORD_ONLINE_USERS'=> 'View record: <strong>%1$s</strong><br />%2$s',

	// Birthday
	'BIRTHDAYS_AHEAD'		=> 'In the next %s days',
	'NO_BIRTHDAYS_AHEAD'	=> 'In this period, no members have a birthday.',

	// user menu
	'USER_MENU'				=> 'User menu',
	'UM_LOG_ME_IN'			=> 'remember me',
	'UM_HIDE_ME'			=> 'hide me',
	'UM_MAIN_SUBSCRIBED'	=> 'Subscriptions',
	'UM_BOOKMARKS'			=> 'Bookmarks',

	// statistics
	'ST_NEW'				=> 'New',
	'ST_NEW_POSTS'			=> 'New posts',
	'ST_NEW_TOPICS'			=> 'New topics',
	'ST_NEW_ANNS'			=> 'New announcements',
	'ST_NEW_STICKYS'		=> 'New stickies',
	'ST_TOP'				=> 'Totals',
	'ST_TOP_ANNS'			=> 'Announcements:',
	'ST_TOP_STICKYS'		=> 'Stickies:',
	'ST_TOT_ATTACH'			=> 'Attachments:',

	// search
	'SH'		=> 'go',
	'SH_SITE'	=> 'forums',
	'SH_POSTS'	=> 'posts',
	'SH_AUTHOR'	=> 'author',
	'SH_ENGINE'	=> 'search engines',
	'SH_ADV'	=> 'advanced search',
	// recent
	'RECENT_NEWS'		=> 'Recent',
	'RECENT_TOPIC'		=> 'Recent topics',
	'RECENT_ANN'		=> 'Recent announcements',
	'RECENT_HOT_TOPIC'	=> 'Recent popular topics',

	// random member
	'RND_MEMBER'	=> 'Random member',
	'RND_JOIN'		=> 'Joined',
	'RND_POSTS'		=> 'Posts',
	'RND_OCC'		=> 'Occupation',
	'RND_FROM'		=> 'Location',
	'RND_WWW'		=> 'Web page',

	// top poster
	'TOP_POSTER'	=> 'Top posters',
	// attachments
	'DOWNLOADS'		=> 'Downloads',

	// links
	'LINKS'			=> 'Links',

	// latest members
	'LATEST_MEMBERS'	=> 'Latest members',

	// make donation
	'DONATION' 		=> 'Make a donation',
	'DONATION_TEXT'	=> 'is a network providing services with no intention of financial gain. Your donation pays for the server, domain and other website costs, helping to ensure this site\'s future.',
	'PAY_MSG'		=> 'After selecting the amount from the menu, please click on the PayPal picture.',
	'PAY_ITEM'		=> 'Make donation', // paypal item

	// main menu
	'M_MENU' 	=> 'Menu',
	'M_CONTENT'	=> 'Content',
	'M_ACP'		=> 'ACP',
	'M_HELP'	=> 'Help',
	'M_BBCODE'	=> 'BBCode FAQ',
	'M_TERMS'	=> 'Terms of use',
	'M_PRV'		=> 'Privacy policy',
	'M_SEARCH'	=> 'Search',

	// link us
	'LINK_US'		=> 'Link to us',
	'LINK_US_TXT'	=> 'Please feel free to link to <strong>%s</strong>. Use the following HTML:',

	// friends
	'FRIENDS'				=> 'Friends',
	'FRIENDS_OFFLINE'		=> 'Offline',
	'FRIENDS_ONLINE'		=> 'Online',
	'NO_FRIENDS'			=> 'No friends currently defined',
	'NO_FRIENDS_OFFLINE'	=> 'No friends offline',
	'NO_FRIENDS_ONLINE'		=> 'No friends online',
	// last bots
	'LAST_VISITED_BOTS'		=> 'Last %s visited bots',
	// wordgraph
	'WORDGRAPH'				=> 'Wordgraph',

	// change style
	'BOARD_STYLE'			=> 'Board style',
	'STYLE_CHOOSE'			=> 'Select a style',
	// team
	'NO_ADMINISTRATORS_P'	=> 'No administrators',
	'NO_MODERATORS_P'		=> 'No moderators',

	// average Statistics
	'TOPICS_PER_DAY_OTHER'	=> 'Topics per day: <strong>%d</strong>',
	'TOPICS_PER_DAY_ZERO'	=> 'Topics per day: <strong>0</strong>',
	'POSTS_PER_DAY_OTHER'	=> 'Posts per day: <strong>%d</strong>',
	'POSTS_PER_DAY_ZERO'	=> 'Posts per day: <strong>0</strong>',
	'USERS_PER_DAY_OTHER'	=> 'Users per day: <strong>%d</strong>',
	'USERS_PER_DAY_ZERO'	=> 'Users per day: <strong>0</strong>',
	'TOPICS_PER_USER_OTHER'	=> 'Topics per user: <strong>%d</strong>',
	'TOPICS_PER_USER_ZERO'	=> 'Topics per user: <strong>0</strong>',
	'POSTS_PER_USER_OTHER'	=> 'Posts per user: <strong>%d</strong>',
	'POSTS_PER_USER_ZERO'	=> 'Posts per user: <strong>0</strong>',
	'POSTS_PER_TOPIC_OTHER'	=> 'Posts per topic: <strong>%d</strong>',
	'POSTS_PER_TOPIC_ZERO'	=> 'Posts per topic: <strong>0</strong>',

	// Poll
	'POLL'					=> 'Poll',
	'LATEST_POLLS'			=> 'Latest Polls',
	'NO_OPTIONS'			=> 'This poll has no available options.',
	'NO_POLL'				=> 'No polls available',
	'RETURN_PORTAL'			=> '%sReturn to the portal%s',

	// other
	'CLOCK'		=> 'Clock',
	'SPONSOR'	=> 'Sponsors',
	'PORTAL_COPY'	=> '<a href="" title="">board3 Portal</a> - based on <a href="" title="phpBB3 Portal">phpBB3 Portal</a>',

// mini calendar
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
	'Mini_Cal_calendar'		=> 'Calendar',
	'Mini_Cal_add_event'	=> 'Add Event',
	'Mini_Cal_events'		=> 'Upcoming Events',
	'Mini_Cal_no_events'	=> 'None',
	'Mini_cal_this_event'	=> 'This month\'s holiday events',
	'View_next_month'		=> 'next month',
	'View_previous_month'	=> 'previous month',

// uses MySQL DATE_FORMAT - %c  long_month, numeric (1..12) - %e  Day of the long_month, numeric (0..31)
// see for more details
// currently supports: %a, %b, %c, %d, %e, %m, %y, %Y, %H, %k, %h, %l, %i, %s, %p
	'Mini_Cal_date_format'		=> '%b %e',
	'Mini_Cal_date_format_Time'	=> '%H:%i',

// if you change the first day of the week in constants.php, you should change values for the short day names accordingly
// e.g. FDOW = Sunday -> $lang['mini_cal']['day'][1] = 'Su'; ... $lang['mini_cal']['day'][7] = 'Sa'; 
//      FDOW = Monday -> $lang['mini_cal']['day'][1] = 'Mo'; ... $lang['mini_cal']['day'][7] = 'Su'; 
	'mini_cal'	=> array(
		'day'	=> array(
			'1'	=> 'Su',
			'2'	=> 'Mo',
			'3'	=> 'Tu',
			'4'	=> 'We',
			'5'	=> 'Th',
			'6'	=> 'Fr',
			'7'	=> 'Sa',

		'month'	=> array(
			'1'	=> 'Jan',
			'2'	=> 'Feb',
			'3'	=> 'Mar',
			'4'	=> 'Apr',
			'5'	=> 'May',
			'6'	=> 'Jun',
			'7'	=> 'Jul',
			'8'	=> 'Aug',
			'9'	=> 'Sep',
			'10'=> 'Oct',
			'11'=> 'Nov',
			'12'=> 'Dec',

		'long_month'=> array(
			'1'	=> 'January',
			'2'	=> 'February',
			'3'	=> 'March',
			'4'	=> 'April',
			'5'	=> 'May',
			'6'	=> 'June',
			'7'	=> 'July',
			'8'	=> 'August',
			'9'	=> 'September',
			'10'=> 'October',
			'11'=> 'November',
			'12'=> 'December',


Code: Select all


* @package - Board3portal
* @version $Id: lang_portal_acp.php 95 2008-02-04 21:00:33Z IcedCold $
* @copyright (c) kevin / saint ( ), (c) Ice, (c) nickvergessen ( ), (c) redbull254 ( )
* @based on: phpBB3 Portal by Sevdin Filiz,
* @translator (c) Liquid Spark ( )
* @license GNU Public License 

if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))
if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
	$lang = array();

// All language files should use UTF-8 as their encoding, and the files must not contain a BOM.
// Placeholders can now contain order information, e.g., instead of
// 'Page %s of %s' you can (and should) write 'Page %1$s of %2$s'. This allows
// translators to re-order the output of data while ensuring that it remains correct.
// You do not need this where single placeholders are used, e.g., 'Message %d' is fine.
// Equally, when a string contains only two placeholders which are used to wrap text
// in a url, you again do not need to specify an order: 'Click %sHERE%s' is fine.

$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
	'ACP_PORTAL_INFO_SETTINGS'			=> 'General settings',
	'ACP_PORTAL_INFO_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN'	=> 'Thank you for choosing board3 Portal! You can change the general portal settings here. The links at your left will allow you to customize your portal in greater detail.',

	'ACP_PORTAL_SETTINGS'				=> 'Portal settings',
	'ACP_PORTAL_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN'		=> 'Thank you for choosing board3 Portal! You can change the general portal settings here. The links at your left will allow you to customize your portal in greater detail.',

	// general
	'ACP_PORTAL_GENERAL_INFO'				=> 'Portal administration',
	'ACP_PORTAL_GENERAL_INFO_EXPLAIN'		=> 'Thank you for choosing board3 Portal! You can change the general portal settings here. The links at your left will allow you to customize your portal in greater detail.',
	'ACP_PORTAL_GENERAL_SETTINGS'			=> 'General settings',
	'ACP_PORTAL_GENERAL_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN'	=> 'Here you can change your general and certain specific options.',
	'PORTAL_ADVANCED_STAT'					=> 'Advanced statistics block',
	'PORTAL_ADVANCED_STAT_EXPLAIN'			=> 'Display this block on the portal.',
	'PORTAL_LEADERS'						=> 'Leaders / team block',
	'PORTAL_LEADERS_EXPLAIN'				=> 'Display this block on the portal.',
	'PORTAL_CLOCK'							=> 'Clock block',
	'PORTAL_CLOCK_EXPLAIN'					=> 'Display this block on the portal.',
	'PORTAL_LINK_US'						=> 'Link us block',
	'PORTAL_LINK_US_EXPLAIN'				=> 'Display this block on the portal.',
	'PORTAL_LINKS'							=> 'Links block',
	'PORTAL_LINKS_EXPLAIN'					=> 'Display this block on the portal.',
	'PORTAL_BIRTHDAYS'						=> 'Birthday block',
	'PORTAL_BIRTHDAYS_EXPLAIN'				=> 'Display this block on the portal.',
	'PORTAL_BIRTHDAYS_AHEAD'				=> 'Birthdays ahead days',
	'PORTAL_BIRTHDAYS_AHEAD_EXPLAIN'		=> 'How many days to look ahead for birthdays.',
	'PORTAL_SEARCH'							=> 'Search block',
	'PORTAL_SEARCH_EXPLAIN'					=> 'Display this block on the portal.',
	'PORTAL_WELCOME'						=> 'Welcome center block',
	'PORTAL_WELCOME_EXPLAIN'				=> 'Display this block on the portal.',
	'PORTAL_WHOIS_ONLINE'							=> 'Who is online?',
	'PORTAL_WHOIS_ONLINE_EXPLAIN'					=> 'Display this block on the portal.',
	'PORTAL_CHANGE_STYLE'							=> 'Style-switcher',
	'PORTAL_CHANGE_STYLE_EXPLAIN'					=> 'Display this block on the portal.<br /><span style="color:red">Please note:</span> if "Override user style:" in the board settings is set to "Yes", this block <u>will not</u> be displayed, regardless of the setting here.',
	'PORTAL_FRIENDS'						=> 'Friends block',
	'PORTAL_FRIENDS_EXPLAIN'				=> 'Display this block on the portal.',
	'PORTAL_MAX_ONLINE_FRIENDS'				=> 'Maximum displayed online friends',
	'PORTAL_MAX_ONLINE_FRIENDS_EXPLAIN'		=> 'This is how many online friends to display in the portal block.',
	'PORTAL_MAIN_MENU'						=> 'Main menu',
	'PORTAL_MAIN_MENU_EXPLAIN'				=> 'Display this block on the portal.',
	'PORTAL_USER_MENU'						=> 'User menu / Login box',
	'PORTAL_USER_MENU_EXPLAIN'				=> 'Display this block on the portal.',

	// random member
	'PORTAL_RANDOM_MEMBER'					=> 'Random member block',
	'PORTAL_RANDOM_MEMBER_EXPLAIN'			=> 'Display this block on the portal.',

	// global announcements
	'ACP_PORTAL_ANNOUNCE_INFO'					=> 'Global announcements',
	'ACP_PORTAL_ANNOUNCE_SETTINGS'				=> 'Global announcements settings',
	'ACP_PORTAL_ANNOUNCE_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN'		=> 'Here you can change your global announcement information and certain specific options.',
	'PORTAL_ANNOUNCEMENTS'						=> 'Display global announcements',
	'PORTAL_ANNOUNCEMENTS_EXPLAIN'				=> 'Display this block on the portal.',
	'PORTAL_ANNOUNCEMENTS_STYLE'				=> 'Use compact global announcements block style',
	'PORTAL_ANNOUNCEMENTS_STYLE_EXPLAIN'		=> 'Yes uses the compact style, No uses the large style.',
	'PORTAL_NUMBER_OF_ANNOUNCEMENTS'			=> 'Number of announcements on portal',
	'PORTAL_ANNOUNCEMENTS_DAY'					=> 'Number of days to display the announcements',
	'PORTAL_ANNOUNCEMENTS_DAY_EXPLAIN'			=> '0 means infinite.',
	'PORTAL_ANNOUNCEMENTS_LENGTH'				=> 'Max length of global announcements',
	'PORTAL_GLOBAL_ANNOUNCEMENTS_FORUM'			=> 'Global announcements forum ID',
	'PORTAL_GLOBAL_ANNOUNCEMENTS_FORUM_EXPLAIN'	=> 'The forum ID(s) that contain the announcements. Leave blank to pull from all the forums. Separate multiple forums with a comma, e.g. 1,2,5',

	// news
	'ACP_PORTAL_NEWS_INFO'				=> 'News',
	'ACP_PORTAL_NEWS_SETTINGS'			=> 'News settings',
	'ACP_PORTAL_NEWS_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN'	=> 'Here you can change your news information and certain specific options.',
	'PORTAL_NEWS'						=> 'Display news block',
	'PORTAL_NEWS_EXPLAIN'				=> 'Display this block on the portal.',
	'PORTAL_NEWS_STYLE'					=> 'Compact news block style',
	'PORTAL_NEWS_STYLE_EXPLAIN'			=> 'Yes means use the compact style for news, No means use the large style.',
	'PORTAL_SHOW_ALL_NEWS'				=> 'Show all of the articles in this forum',
	'PORTAL_SHOW_ALL_NEWS_EXPLAIN'		=> 'Including stickies and announcements.',
	'PORTAL_NUMBER_OF_NEWS'				=> 'Number of news articles on portal',
	'PORTAL_NUMBER_OF_NEWS_EXPLAIN'		=> '0 means infinite.',
	'PORTAL_NEWS_LENGTH'				=> 'Max length of each news article',
	'PORTAL_NEWS_LENGTH_EXPLAIN'		=> '0 means infinite.',
	'PORTAL_NEWS_FORUM'					=> 'News Forum ID',
	'PORTAL_NEWS_FORUM_EXPLAIN'			=> 'Forum(s) we pull the articles from. Leave blank to pull from all forums, separate multiple forums with a comma, e.g. 1,2,5',
	'PORTAL_EXCLUDE_FORUM'				=> 'Exclude Forum ID',
	'PORTAL_EXCLUDE_FORUM_EXPLAIN'		=> 'Any forum(s) you don\'t want to include. Leave blank to allow use of all forums, separate multiple forums with a comma, e.g. 1,2,5',

	// recent topics
	'ACP_PORTAL_RECENT_INFO'				=> 'Recent topics',
	'ACP_PORTAL_RECENT_SETTINGS'			=> 'Recent topics settings',
	'ACP_PORTAL_RECENT_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN'	=> 'Here you can change your recent topics information and certain specific options.',
	'PORTAL_RECENT'							=> 'Display recent topics block',
	'PORTAL_RECENT_EXPLAIN'					=> 'Display this block on the portal.',
	'PORTAL_MAX_TOPIC'						=> 'Limit of recent announcements/hot topics',
	'PORTAL_MAX_TOPIC_EXPLAIN'				=> '0 means infinite.',
	'PORTAL_RECENT_TITLE_LIMIT'				=> 'Character limit for each recent topic',
	'PORTAL_RECENT_TITLE_LIMIT_EXPLAIN'		=> '0 means infinite.',

	// paypal
	'ACP_PORTAL_PAYPAL_INFO'				=> 'Paypal',
	'ACP_PORTAL_PAYPAL_SETTINGS'			=> 'Paypal settings',
	'ACP_PORTAL_PAYPAL_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN'	=> 'Here you can change your Paypal information and certain specific options.',
	'PORTAL_PAY_C_BLOCK'					=> 'Display paypal center block',
	'PORTAL_PAY_C_BLOCK_EXPLAIN'			=> 'Display this block on the portal.',
	'PORTAL_PAY_S_BLOCK'					=> 'Display paypal small block',
	'PORTAL_PAY_S_BLOCK_EXPLAIN'			=> 'Display this block on the portal.',
	'PORTAL_PAY_ACC'						=> 'Paypal account to use',
	'PORTAL_PAY_ACC_EXPLAIN'				=> 'Enter your Paypal account e-mail address, e.g.',

	// last member
	'ACP_PORTAL_MEMBERS_INFO'				=> 'Latest members',
	'ACP_PORTAL_MEMBERS_SETTINGS'			=> 'Latest members settings',
	'ACP_PORTAL_MEMBERS_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN'	=> 'Here you can change your latest members information and certain specific options.',
	'PORTAL_LATEST_MEMBERS'					=> 'Display latest members block',
	'PORTAL_LATEST_MEMBERS_EXPLAIN'			=> 'Display this block on the portal.',
	'PORTAL_MAX_LAST_MEMBER'				=> 'Limit of displayed latest members',
	'PORTAL_MAX_LAST_MEMBER_EXPLAIN'		=> '0 means infinite.',

	// bots
	'ACP_PORTAL_BOTS_INFO'						=> 'Visiting bots',
	'ACP_PORTAL_BOTS_SETTINGS'					=> 'Visiting bots settings',
	'ACP_PORTAL_BOTS_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN'			=> 'Here you can change your visiting bots information and certain specific options.',
	'PORTAL_LOAD_LAST_VISITED_BOTS'				=> 'Display visiting bots block',
	'PORTAL_LOAD_LAST_VISITED_BOTS_EXPLAIN'		=> 'Display this block on the portal.',
	'PORTAL_LAST_VISITED_BOTS_NUMBER'			=> 'How many bots to display',

	// polls   
	'ACP_PORTAL_POLLS_INFO'				=> 'Poll',
	'ACP_PORTAL_POLLS_SETTINGS'			=> 'Poll settings',
	'ACP_PORTAL_POLLS_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN'	=> 'Here you can change your poll information and certain specific options.',
	'PORTAL_POLL_TOPIC'					=> 'Display poll blocks',
	'PORTAL_POLL_TOPIC_EXPLAIN'			=> 'Display this block on the portal.',
	'PORTAL_POLL_TOPIC_ID'				=> 'Poll forum id(s)',
	'PORTAL_POLL_TOPIC_ID_EXPLAIN'		=> 'The id(s) of the forums from which the polls should be displayed. Use a comma to separate multiple forums, or leave blank to use all available forums.',
	'PORTAL_POLL_LIMIT'					=> 'Poll display limit',
	'PORTAL_POLL_LIMIT_EXPLAIN'			=> 'The number of polls you would like to display on the portal page.',
	'PORTAL_POLL_ALLOW_VOTE'			=> 'Allow voting',
	'PORTAL_POLL_ALLOW_VOTE_EXPLAIN'	=> 'Allow users with the required permissions to vote from the portal page.',

	// most poster
	'ACP_PORTAL_MOST_POSTER_INFO'				=> 'Highest poster',
	'ACP_PORTAL_MOST_POSTER_SETTINGS'			=> 'Highest posters settings',
	'ACP_PORTAL_MOST_POSTER_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN'	=> 'This block displays members with the highest post count.',
	'PORTAL_TOP_POSTERS'                  		=> 'Display leading/highest posters block',
	'PORTAL_TOP_POSTERS_EXPLAIN'				=> 'Display this block on the portal.',
	'PORTAL_MAX_MOST_POSTER'					=> 'How many highest posters to display',
	'PORTAL_MAX_MOST_POSTER_EXPLAIN'			=> '0 means infinite.',

	// left and right column width 
	'ACP_PORTAL_COLLUMN_WIDTH_INFO'				=> 'Column width',
	'ACP_PORTAL_COLLUMN_WIDTH_SETTINGS'			=> 'Left and right column width settings',
	'PORTAL_LEFT_COLLUMN_WIDTH'					=> 'Width of the left column',
	'PORTAL_LEFT_COLLUMN_WIDTH_EXPLAIN'			=> 'Change the width of left column in pixels, recommended value 180',
	'PORTAL_RIGHT_COLLUMN_WIDTH'				=> 'Width of the right column',
	'PORTAL_RIGHT_COLLUMN_WIDTH_EXPLAIN'		=> 'Change the width of the right column in pixels, recommended value 180',

	// attachments    
	'ACP_PORTAL_ATTACHMENTS_NUMBER_SETTINGS'			=> 'Attachments settings',
	'ACP_PORTAL_ATTACHMENTS_NUMBER_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN'	=> 'Here you can change your attachments information and certain specific options.',
	'PORTAL_ATTACHMENTS'								=> 'Display attachments block',
	'PORTAL_ATTACHMENTS_EXPLAIN'						=> 'Display this block on the portal.',
	'PORTAL_ATTACHMENTS_NUMBER'							=> 'Limit of displayed attachments',
	'PORTAL_ATTACHMENTS_NUMBER_EXPLAIN'					=> '0 means infinite.',
	// friends
	'ACP_PORTAL_FRIENDS_INFO'				=> 'Friends',
	'ACP_PORTAL_FRIENDS_SETTINGS'			=> 'Friends Settings',
	'ACP_PORTAL_FRIENDS_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN'	=> 'Here you can change your friends information and certain specific options.',
	'PORTAL_FRIENDS'						=> 'Display friends block',
	'PORTAL_FRIENDS_EXPLAIN'				=> 'Display this block on the portal.',
	'PORTAL_MAX_ONLINE_FRIENDS'				=> 'Limit of displayed friends',
	'PORTAL_MAX_ONLINE_FRIENDS_EXPLAIN'		=> 'Limits the amount of displayed friends to the given value.',

	// wordgraph
	'ACP_PORTAL_WORDGRAPH_INFO'				=> 'Wordgraph',
	'ACP_PORTAL_WORDGRAPH_SETTINGS'			=> 'Wordgraph settings',
	'ACP_PORTAL_WORDGRAPH_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN'	=> 'Here you can change your wordgraph information and certain specific options.',
	'PORTAL_WORDGRAPH'						=> 'Display wordgraph block',
	'PORTAL_WORDGRAPH_EXPLAIN'				=> 'Display this block on the portal.<br /><strong>Wordgraph does not work when full-text mysql is selected as the search back-end.</strong>',
	'PORTAL_WORDGRAPH_MAX_WORDS'			=> 'How many words to display',
	'PORTAL_WORDGRAPH_MAX_WORDS_EXPLAIN'	=> '0 means infinite.',
	'PORTAL_WORDGRAPH_WORD_COUNTS'			=> 'Display count next to words',
	'PORTAL_WORDGRAPH_WORD_COUNTS_EXPLAIN'	=> 'Display the number of times each word is used on the forum, e.g. (25) for 25 times.',
	'PORTAL_WORDGRAPH_RATIO'				=> 'Use aspect ratio word size',
	'PORTAL_WORDGRAPH_RATIO_EXPLAIN'		=> 'Change the aspect ratio (bigger/smaller size) of the words, based upon their count (default=18)',

	// welcome message
	'ACP_PORTAL_WELCOME_INFO'				=> 'Welcome',
	'ACP_PORTAL_WELCOME_SETTINGS'			=> 'Welcome settings',
	'ACP_PORTAL_WELCOME_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN'	=> 'Here you can change the welcome message and certain specific options.',
	'PORTAL_WELCOME_INTRO'					=> 'Welcome message',
	'PORTAL_WELCOME_GUEST'					=> 'Welcome message only for guests?',
	'PORTAL_WELCOME_INTRO_EXPLAIN'			=> 'Change the welcome (plain text only). Max. 255 characters!',

	// minicalendar
	'ACP_PORTAL_MINICALENDAR_INFO'				=> 'Mini calendar',
	'ACP_PORTAL_MINICALENDAR_SETTINGS'			=> 'Mini calendar settings',
	'ACP_PORTAL_MINICALENDAR_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN'	=> 'Here you can change your mini calendar information and certain specific options.',
	'PORTAL_MINICALENDAR'						=> 'Display mini calendar block',
	'PORTAL_MINICALENDAR_EXPLAIN'				=> 'Display this block on the portal.',
	'PORTAL_MINICALENDAR_TODAY_COLOR'			=> 'Active day color',
	'PORTAL_MINICALENDAR_TODAY_COLOR_EXPLAIN'	=> 'HEX or named colors are allowed such as #FFFFFF for white, or color names like violet.',
	'PORTAL_MINICALENDAR_DAY_LINK_COLOR_EXPLAIN'=> 'HEX or named colors are allowed such as #FFFFFF for white, or color names like violet.',



Code: Select all


* @package - Board3portal
* @version $Id: lang_portal_acp_logs.php 99 2008-02-05 20:02:43Z IcedCold $
* @copyright (c) kevin / saint ( ), (c) Ice, (c) nickvergessen ( ), (c) redbull254 ( )
* @based on: phpBB3 Portal by Sevdin Filiz,
* @translator (c) Liquid Spark ( )
* @license GNU Public License 

if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))
if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
	$lang = array();

// All language files should use UTF-8 as their encoding, and the files must not contain a BOM.
// Placeholders can now contain order information, e.g., instead of
// 'Page %s of %s' you can (and should) write 'Page %1$s of %2$s'. This allows
// translators to re-order the output of data while ensuring that it remains correct.
// You do not need this where single placeholders are used, e.g., 'Message %d' is fine.
// Equally, when a string contains only two placeholders which are used to wrap text
// in a url, you again do not need to specify an order: 'Click %sHERE%s' is fine.

$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
	'LOG_CONFIG_GENERAL'			=> '<strong>Portal: Altered general settings</strong>',
	'LOG_CONFIG_NEWS'				=> '<strong>Portal: Altered news settings</strong>',
	'LOG_CONFIG_ANNOUNCEMENTS'		=> '<strong>Portal: Altered announcements settings</strong>',
	'LOG_CONFIG_WELCOME'			=> '<strong>Portal: Altered welcome message settings</strong>',
	'LOG_CONFIG_RECENT'				=> '<strong>Portal: Altered recent topics settings</strong>',
	'LOG_CONFIG_WORDGRAPH'			=> '<strong>Portal: Altered wordgraph settings</strong>',
	'LOG_CONFIG_PAYPAL'				=> '<strong>Portal: Altered paypal donations settings</strong>',
	'LOG_CONFIG_ATTACHMENTS'		=> '<strong>Portal: Altered attachments settings</strong>',
	'LOG_CONFIG_MEMBERS'			=> '<strong>Portal: Altered latest members settings</strong>',
	'LOG_CONFIG_POLLS'				=> '<strong>Portal: Altered poll settings</strong>',
	'LOG_CONFIG_BOTS'				=> '<strong>Portal: Altered last visited bots settings</strong>',
	'LOG_CONFIG_POSTER'				=> '<strong>Portal: Altered most posters settings</strong>',
	'LOG_CONFIG_MINICALENDAR'		=> '<strong>Portal: Altered mini calendar settings</strong>',



Code: Select all


* @package - Board3portal
* @version $Id: portal_install.php 90 2008-02-03 21:43:30Z kevin74 $
* @copyright (c) kevin / saint ( ), (c) Ice, (c) nickvergessen ( ), (c) redbull254 ( )
* @based on: phpBB3 Portal by Sevdin Filiz,
* @translator (c) Liquid Spark ( )
* @license GNU Public License 

if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))
if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
	$lang = array();

// All language files should use UTF-8 as their encoding, and the files must not contain a BOM.
// Placeholders can now contain order information, e.g., instead of
// 'Page %s of %s' you can (and should) write 'Page %1$s of %2$s'. This allows
// translators to re-order the output of data while ensuring that it remains correct.
// You do not need this where single placeholders are used, e.g., 'Message %d' is fine.
// Equally, when a string contains only two placeholders which are used to wrap text
// in a url, you again do not need to specify an order: 'Click %sHERE%s' is fine.

$lang = array_merge($lang, array(

	'INSTALLER_MENU'						=> 'PInUp Menu',
	'INSTALLER_MENU_START'					=> 'Start',
	'INSTALLER_UNINSTALL'					=> 'Uninstall',
	'INSTALLER_UPDATE'						=> 'Update',
	'INSTALLER_INSTALL'						=> 'Install',

	'INSTALLER_INTRO_TITLE'				=> 'Portal Install/Update Utility',
	'INSTALLER_INTRO_NOTE'				=> 'Welcome to the Portal Install/Update Utility, hereafter referred to as PInUp',

	'INSTALLER_MENU_DONE'					=> 'Latest Version',
	'INSTALLER_MENU_DONE_TEXT'			=> 'You already have version %s installed, please delete the install_portal folder and return to your <a href="%s">forum</a>.',

	'INSTALLER_INSTALL_NOTE'				=> 'When you choose to install the MOD, any databases from previous versions will be dropped.',
	'INSTALLER_INSTALL_MENU'				=> 'Install Menu',
	'INSTALLER_INSTALL_SUCCESSFUL'		=> 'Installation of the MOD v%s was successful.',
	'INSTALLER_INSTALL_UNSUCCESSFUL'	=> 'Installation of the MOD v%s was <strong>not</strong> successful.',
	'INSTALLER_INSTALL_START'			=> 'Please click <a href="%s">Install</a> to start the install utility.',

	'INSTALLER_UPDATE_NOTE'				=> 'Update MOD from v%s to v%s',

	'INSTALLER_UNINSTALL_NOTE'			=> 'Welcome to the Update Menu',
	'INSTALLER_UNINSTALL_SUCCESSFUL'	=> 'The MOD v%s was successfully uninstalled.',

	'INSTALLER_NEEDS_ADMIN'			=> 'You must be logged in as an admin.<br /><a href="../ucp.php?mode=login"><strong>Go to login screen</strong></a>',

	'INSTALLER_UPDATE'						=> 'Update',
	'INSTALLER_UPDATE_MENU'				=> 'Update Menu',
	'INSTALLER_UPDATE_NOTE'				=> 'Update MOD from v%s to v%s',
	'INSTALLER_UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL'		=> 'The MOD was successfully updated from v%s to v%s.',
	'INSTALLER_UPDATE_UNSUCCESSFUL'	=> 'The MOD did <strong>not</strong> successfully update from v%s to v%s.',
	'INSTALLER_UPDATE_VERSION'			=> 'Update MOD from v%s',
	'INSTALLER_UPDATE_TO'					=> 'Update to',
	'INSTALLER_UPDATE_START'				=> 'Please click <a href="%s">Update</a> to start the update utility.',

	'INSTALLER_UNINSTALL_OLDVERSION'	=> 'Sorry, PInUp does not support the uninstallation of older versions of phpBB3 Portal.',

	'INSTALLER_ERROR'						=> 'PInUp Error',

	'INSTALLER_USEFUL_INFO'				=> 'Please delete the /install_portal directory.',

	'INSTALLER_UNINSTALL_USEFUL_INFO'	=> 'Remember to delete the portal files and remove the file edits.',

	'WARNING'									=> 'Warning',

Additional Changes:

Go to the root PhpBB3 Forum directory and open "language/en/common.php":


Code: Select all

	'TOTAL_POSTS'		=> 'Total posts',
	'TOTAL_POSTS_OTHER'	=> 'Total posts <strong>%d</strong>',
	'TOTAL_POSTS_ZERO'	=> 'Total posts <strong>0</strong>',
	'TOPIC_REPORTED'	=> 'This topic has been reported',
	'TOTAL_TOPICS_OTHER'=> 'Total topics <strong>%d</strong>',
	'TOTAL_TOPICS_ZERO'	=> 'Total topics <strong>0</strong>',
	'TOTAL_USERS_OTHER'	=> 'Total members <strong>%d</strong>',
	'TOTAL_USERS_ZERO'	=> 'Total members <strong>0</strong>',

Code: Select all

	'TOTAL_POSTS'	=> 'Posts:',
	'TOTAL_POSTS_OTHER'	=> 'Posts: <strong>%d</strong>',
	'TOTAL_POSTS_ZERO'	=> 'No posts',
	'TOPIC_REPORTED'	=> 'This topic has been reported',
	'TOTAL_TOPICS_OTHER'	=> 'Topics: <strong>%d</strong>',
	'TOTAL_TOPICS_ZERO'	=> 'No topics',
	'TOTAL_USERS_OTHER'	=> 'Members: <strong>%d</strong>',
	'TOTAL_USERS_ZERO'	=> 'No members',

Re: English Translation

Posted: 13. April 2008 03:50
by liquidspark
After you've installed this mod, you should notice a change in appearance on your portal and on your index in the Statistics section.



In my opinion, this is much cleaner and easier to read than the old version that spammed the word "total" everywhere.

Re: English Translation

Posted: 13. April 2008 13:48
by Christian_N
liquidspark wrote: Additional Changes:

Go to the root PhpBB3 Forum directory and open "language/en/common.php":


Code: Select all

	'TOTAL_POSTS'		=> 'Total posts',
	'TOTAL_POSTS_OTHER'	=> 'Total posts <strong>%d</strong>',
	'TOTAL_POSTS_ZERO'	=> 'Total posts <strong>0</strong>',
	'TOPIC_REPORTED'	=> 'This topic has been reported',
	'TOTAL_TOPICS_OTHER'=> 'Total topics <strong>%d</strong>',
	'TOTAL_TOPICS_ZERO'	=> 'Total topics <strong>0</strong>',
	'TOTAL_USERS_OTHER'	=> 'Total members <strong>%d</strong>',
	'TOTAL_USERS_ZERO'	=> 'Total members <strong>0</strong>',

Code: Select all

	'TOTAL_POSTS'	=> 'Posts:',
	'TOTAL_POSTS_OTHER'	=> 'Posts: <strong>%d</strong>',
	'TOTAL_POSTS_ZERO'	=> 'No posts',
	'TOPIC_REPORTED'	=> 'This topic has been reported',
	'TOTAL_TOPICS_OTHER'	=> 'Topics: <strong>%d</strong>',
	'TOTAL_TOPICS_ZERO'	=> 'No topics',
	'TOTAL_USERS_OTHER'	=> 'Members: <strong>%d</strong>',
	'TOTAL_USERS_ZERO'	=> 'No members',

Sorry for my bad English, but we will not change to the phpBB3 own language file Making how langauge/en/common.php we want to come to the Coding Guidelines.

To make it less so in the portal looks could be in the language/en/mods/lang_portal.php.

Let times what the boss (Kevin) says so. :D

Greeting Chris

Re: Coding Guidelines

Posted: 14. April 2008 06:57
by liquidspark
Where does it say in the coding guidelines that you cannot alter the language file?

P.S. I just edited it once more. I forgot to remove the word "SonataForum" (my site) from the donation text -- I replaced that with "this site" to apply to everyone.