Board3 Portal
PHP Version: 5.3.13
DBMS: MySQL 4.1.24-log
phpBB3 Version: 3.0.11
Removing acp module: Upload module
ERROR: Module does not exist.
Removing acp module: Portal Modules
ERROR: Module does not exist.
Removing acp module: General settings
ERROR: Module does not exist.
Removing acp module: Portal
ERROR: Module does not exist.
Removing acp module: ACP_PORTAL_INFO
ERROR: Module does not exist.
Right now I have a portal on my site, but no way of setting it up or adding/removing blocks. And as I had a rather slim portal in the 1.0.6 version, all of these gazillions of blocks really cram up the way the site looks at the moment. Is there some way of fixing this?Board3 Portal
PHP Version: 5.3.13
DBMS: MySQL 4.1.24-log
phpBB3 Version: 3.0.11
Adding acp module: ACP_PORTAL_INFO
ERROR: The parent category specified for this module does not exist.
Adding acp module: Portal
ERROR: The parent category specified for this module does not exist.
Adding acp module: General settings
ERROR: The parent category specified for this module does not exist.
Adding acp module: Portal Modules
ERROR: The parent category specified for this module does not exist.
Adding acp module: Upload module
ERROR: The parent category specified for this module does not exist.
~ Naggie