Radio Stream Block?

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Radio Stream Block?

Post by AriaSilverfyre »

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I apologize if this is not the right place to post this. Please move this to the correct section, if needed.

I have an online radio station and I would like to add a block to my portal that would provide the stream links so that users could tune in from there. I did some searching, wasn't able to find anything. Can anyone help?
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Re: Radio Stream Block?

Post by MyLady »

I had the same problem. I found some flash players and put them in an "custom block". You can write your stream url into the files and put the player in portal (read the manual).

e.g: ffmp3-Player (now: Muses Radio Player) and skins for it

a bigger one: Native Flash Radio - you can have a bigger one for center block or a smaller one for side block (or both)

or you can google "flash radio player" :lol:

My code for the center block and native player big example:

Code: Select all

<script type="text/javascript" src="/radio/swfobject.js"></script>
<div id="flashcontent" style="text-align: center;">
    	<strong>Sorry this site have a flash based native radio and needed adobe flash 10+ support. </strong><br />
	    <a href="">Download Flash here.</a>


<script type="text/javascript">
	// <![CDATA[
	var so = new SWFObject("/radio/nativeradio2big.swf", "nativeradio", "398", "130", "10", "#cccccc");
	so.addParam("scale", "noscale");
	so.addVariable("swfcolor", "B0C1CB");
	so.addVariable("swfstreamurl", "");
	so.addVariable("swfpause", "1");
	// ]]>
</div>    </p>
<div style="text-align: center;">
<a href="/radio/natbig.html" onclick="popup(this.href, 430, 150); return false;"  title="Popup"><img src="/img/popup.png" width="64" height="24" /></a><br></div>
I hope it will help you
sorry for my bad english - I'm german and google is my friend :D

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Joined: 29. January 2013 18:45 User: AriaSilverfyre

Re: Radio Stream Block?

Post by AriaSilverfyre »

That's pretty neat though not quite what I was looking for (I may still use it anyway. :) ). I'm looking more for something that would allow users to click an icon that corresponds to their media player of choice (ie: iTunes, Winamp, etc) to play the stream, similar to other station sites such as I apologize if I wasn't quite clear in my first post.

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