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Unable to upload modules

Posted: 7. February 2015 13:18
by gazmon
Your Portal Version: 2.1.0
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

What have you done before the problem was there?
updated to 3.1.3

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
Randomly uploaded/deleted and clicked things

Description and Message

I've just updated to 3.1.3 which worked lovely and installed the portal, which appears to have worked although I have two issues.

1) there is no upload module option? I have a couple of wow related modules, I'd love to upload. I can't find a guide telling me how to do this. I tried guessing to put them in the upload folder but that didn't seem to work. Tried copying them into the same folders as other modules

2) I'm not sure the best way to set the portal to load as the initial page when visiting the site. Before there were instructions to edit certain files, but with the new version of phpbb and portal that appears to be different. So how do I do it?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Unable to upload modules

Posted: 7. February 2015 14:42
by talonos
the WOW modules havn't been remade to work with 2.1 yet. they will only work on 2.0 currently.

Re: Unable to upload modules

Posted: 7. February 2015 16:33
by gazmon
Ahh I misread the page! Thanks for that

Any ideas how to get the portal to be the default page? Any posts I find tend to point to 2.0 rather than 2.1

Re: Unable to upload modules

Posted: 7. February 2015 16:49
by talonos
check out kirk's post HERE for how to make portal main page.

Re: Unable to upload modules

Posted: 7. February 2015 22:56
by gazmon
Cheers man you're a star!