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Design In Progress

Posted: 16. October 2008 04:56
by frank-bbhost
this is my attempt at modifying phpbb with board3 portal for the XN3 web-presence support grant website aimed at offering web-hosting grants for students. I used the Bl@ck theme available at bbhacks and some ajax code. Your critique is welcomed and encouraged.

Check it out at

Re: Design In Progress

Posted: 16. October 2008 13:32
by j.rhy@n
Blocks right site need to be moved to the left or the template made wider to allow more room for the blocks on the right, at the moment they are about 30 px wide..

Re: Design In Progress

Posted: 16. October 2008 17:20
by Maverick
It looks very good except for the right hand column as j.rhy@n says. Perhaps you move the one block you have there over to the left column and just have two columns?

Re: Design In Progress

Posted: 16. October 2008 18:33
by frank-bbhost
In response to Maverick and j.rhy@n: moved blocks in portal_body.html to left side for 2 column design.
I should add that the block in question had not shown up before I posted :ugeek: