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Using PHP

Posted: 21. May 2020 10:22
by Lammerts

I am creating my own module
Therefor I followed the instructions from the knowledge base ( ... rtal-2.1.x)
All is setup and working :-)

But it seems I can't use php coding in the module.
Am I doing something wrong?
How can I use php when creating my own module?

Thank you

Re: Using PHP

Posted: 26. May 2020 19:52
by Lammerts
Oh, almost 1k views but no one who can give me a little help?
I know I should use ***_side.php extension, but even that doesn't help me.

Maybe some have other ideas?

Re: Using PHP

Posted: 27. May 2020 09:02
by Kirk
What have you entered where?

Re: Using PHP

Posted: 27. May 2020 18:06
by Lammerts
Thank you for the reply

In my main file I have the line

Code: Select all

return '@lammert_daservermonitor/lammert_da_servermonitor_side.php';
I have the file called "lammert_da_servermonitor_side.php" in the folder .\phpBB3\ext\lammert\daservermonitor\styles\Hexagon\template.

The code in the file:

Code: Select all

{$LR_BLOCK_H_L}<!-- IF $S_BLOCK_ICON --><img src="{$IMAGE_SRC}" width="{$IMAGE_WIDTH}" height="{$IMAGE_HEIGHT}" alt="" />&nbsp;<!-- ENDIF -->{$TITLE}{$LR_BLOCK_H_R}
<div style="text-align: center;">

<?php echo "Hello"; ?>

<br />
In the block on the frontpage

Code: Select all

is displayed, so I think the file is in the correct location and the file is called into the block.

Re: Using PHP

Posted: 30. May 2020 09:26
by Kirk
What do you want to display in this module?

Re: Using PHP

Posted: 30. May 2020 10:06
by Lammerts
I try to create some custom modules for our Wolfenstein:ET community.
Some info about the server, the map plying and players on server.

The code is ready and the info is in a file I made: Here
The info is from een opensource (ET Splatterladder

This needs to be in a module on our community site: Here

When this is done, I want to create a module with names of the admins, which needs to be editable by admins.
But have not worked on that one yet.

Re: Using PHP

Posted: 30. May 2020 17:30
by Kirk
How to put something like this into a module, I'll have to pass.

Re: Using PHP

Posted: 30. May 2020 20:39
by Lammerts
Thank you for your time and effort :-)

To me it looks like the module can handle HTML, but not PHP.
Maybe someone can answer this?

If it is possible to use PHP in a module, then I wonder how it can be done.
Maybe someone knows this?

To me it feels like a rather simple question, but somehow it is not.
Maybe anyone knows why?

Re: Using PHP

Posted: 14. June 2020 17:24
by Lammerts
Seems no one knows how this module works.
Please close topic

Re: Using PHP

Posted: 25. June 2020 22:32
by dueller
I also tried to use php and it gets commented out.
In the above example the line <?php echo "Hello"; ?> it gets commented and so it doesn't produce the "Hello" message, but only "Hi" that is printed with html code.
Did I miss something?

Re: Using PHP

Posted: 26. June 2020 00:41
by dueller
Lammerts wrote: 27. May 2020 18:06 Thank you for the reply

In my main file I have the line

Code: Select all

return '@lammert_daservermonitor/lammert_da_servermonitor_side.php';
I have the file called "lammert_da_servermonitor_side.php" in the folder .\phpBB3\ext\lammert\daservermonitor\styles\Hexagon\template.

The code in the file:

Code: Select all

{$LR_BLOCK_H_L}<!-- IF $S_BLOCK_ICON --><img src="{$IMAGE_SRC}" width="{$IMAGE_WIDTH}" height="{$IMAGE_HEIGHT}" alt="" />&nbsp;<!-- ENDIF -->{$TITLE}{$LR_BLOCK_H_R}
<div style="text-align: center;">

<?php echo "Hello"; ?>

<br />
In the block on the frontpage

Code: Select all

is displayed, so I think the file is in the correct location and the file is called into the block.
At last I figured it out.
In the above example you have to give your file the html extension, lammert_da_servermonitor_side.html (php extension does nothing more).
Then you can't use php in it BUT INSTEAD OF IT YOU MUST USE twig template engine.
So instead of <?php echo "Hello"; ?> (that gets commented out) you MUST USE the equivalent {{ "Hello" }}
Such a basic thing that no one ever mentioned, I found it by searching in the code of other modules...