Portal not visible for new users

Current Version: 2.1.0
Released: 2015-10-26
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Portal not visible for new users

Post by Vuzqii »

Hello there,

Well i'm using the portal mod for a few months now and everything works great! :D Now the problem is that i found out, that admins, moderators, members and guests can see the ''portal'' as default. But when a new user creates an account, The ''portal'' is not visible only the ''forum''
Now my question is how can i fix this?

Check the Screenshots below to see what i mean.

Logged in as ''Administrator''

So when a new user creates an account en logs in, they dont see ''portal'' they only see the ''forum''

I hope somebody can help me with this ;)

Grtz Vuzqii
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Re: Portal not visible for new users

Post by Kirk »

In ACP/Permissions into then User permissions/Group permissions can be setting under Miscellaneous, who can see the Portal.
Gruß Udo

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Re: Portal not visible for new users

Post by Vuzqii »

Well thanks for the reply but under the misc section i dont have the option to view the portal? Check the screenshot.

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Re: Portal not visible for new users

Post by Kirk »

Are you logged in as founder?
Gruß Udo

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Re: Portal not visible for new users

Post by Vuzqii »

Uh think so yes?

im logged in as administrator :roll:

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