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Posted: 26. March 2009 14:41
by djello
I was going to post this in the support forum, but the huge array of support radios told me that might not be the right place.

So .. I have a new site up and im looking for a portal. I read that you all are going to be updating soon .. so should I wait, or go ahead and install the current version? How hard will it be to update? How necessary (being that my site probably doesn't require a lot of the more technical aspects of this code)?

Another question, how hard is it to port a phpbb3 theme? I run the guildwars theme and was able to port a decently complicated gallery mod into it .. there are some loose ends I am dealing with, but it's not too bad. Looks pretty good. Also, the guildwars style is very similar and by the same author as the twilightbb style which I think you all have already ported.

Any advice on any of that would be great! Thanks!

8-) Dj

Re: Advice?

Posted: 26. March 2009 14:56
by Kevin
Regarding the update: we expect to release it the next sunday - if nothing bigger is explored by the testing team.
Regarding the style: viewtopic.php?style=1&p=12497#p12497

Re: Advice?

Posted: 26. March 2009 15:20
by djello
The style forum and topic are locked. Sorry, not sure if you were meaning for me to ask for a port there or not. I wasn't really asking for a port, though that would be great ... but was asking how hard it would be to port something similar to twilightBB. Well, by the same author anyway.

And will I be able to update when the new release comes out? Or will I have to re-install?
Thanks ^_^

8-) Dj