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screen resolution

Posted: 21. October 2009 11:04
by stevehurst
I have applied this mod and in general it's great! However, when running the portal under 1024 x 768 the forum doesn't display correctly, the Last Post colum overwrites the first column

Re: screen resolution

Posted: 21. October 2009 19:56
by Mike
Thats a problem only in prosilver based Styles... For our two Blocks: announcement_compact.html & news_compact.html you can set in ACP "Display the number of replies and views:" to NO, but if you show up the forumlist in the portal, theres no solution for this Block, since we use the template from the Board.
The only thing you can do is to use a subsilver2 based Style... ;)

Re: screen resolution

Posted: 21. October 2009 23:46
by stevehurst
Thanks - actually I've adjusted the right and left widths in the acp from 180 to 170 and this has solved the problem