I have been building a raid and event planner to replace phpraider (mostly because php raider doesn't integrate very well into phpbb3). My new planner is fully integrated with loads of features. Now that I've got you kinda excited, I will say that there is no ETA on a finished product. this thing is huge with so much stuff built in it will blow your mind (at least I hope it will)
Some key feature
- doesn't require board3 portal (but incorporates into. ie: weekly raids block included on the portal page)
- Full permission system (user/mod/admin levels)
- all current raids are included in the system
- admin has the ability to create as many other raid/event types he wants
- events show on the calendar with a icon (admin defined)
- private / public events can be created (ie: your guild only, or anyone that you give permission to see the planner, like friends and family of the guild)
- when an event is created it automatically creates a thread in a admin defined forum, for user discussion (links back and forth from the event to the thread and vica versa)
- full sign up system with tracking
ie: you can choose ICC 10 as the event and then define 2 Tanks, 3 healers etc etc.
users then sign up to fill the spots that are available, if the spots are overfilled ie 3 tanks sign up, the 3rd tank is placed on a waitlist, during the raid if one tank drops, the raid leader can easily alt tab pull up the wait list see that tank3 is signed up and message him in game to fill the tank spot. summon him in and your back to keeeeling.

- all bbcodes your site uses are available when you create your event's information section (this includes the wowhead bbcodes and any others you may have created)
- and event tracking in the user control panel. you can pull a list of all the events you are the creator (raid leader) of, or all events you have signed up for.
- the main calendar and portal block have popups that include all relevant event info ( the popup looks like my raid progress block popup, so if you use that everything will look the same)
- plugin system in development for extra features to be added down the road
currently there is one plugin (mostly finished) a tracker for Main and Alt characters, with many features. like...
- time limits on how often you can change your main/alt status
- the ability to create Main/Alt Moderators to handle updating the tracker for users that can't/don't know how/too lazy
- mods can bypass the time limits on changes
- Only one main can be set at anytime, when one is changed all your other toons change to alts automatically
- you can never have all alt toons, one has to be main
- full permission system is in place on both the user and mod level
- and a bunch of other stuff
ok that became a lot longer then i first thought..
you can view the working demo at http://test.iron-circle.com/raid.php (because of the permission system in place you need to be logged in to view the raid planner, registration is open)
you can also view the portal block on my live site at wow.iron-circle.com (you do not need to be logged in to see it. but it may be empty of raids depends on what raids are currently being run in my guild ie: private or public)