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Installation Error

Posted: 25. May 2010 12:02
by raiza
Your Portal Version: 1.0.5
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Beginner

PHP Version: PHPBB3

What have you done before the problem was there?
Attempted to install the Board3 Portal 1.0.5

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
I have rechecked the files but if i cant get a solution i'll just reupload the old backed up files. I Really have no knowledge of PHP so I really have no idea what to do.

Description and Message
I've been trying to install the Board3 Portal 1.0.5 and I followed all the procedures to my knowledge. I then got up to the last step where you are supposed to open the file install.php in the browser and I get the following error message displayed in the ACP ... /index.php

Prior to running the installation script, you need to upload the edited files, especially /includes/constants.php.

Im really confused about this because I have followed the instructions step by step.

When i go to I get the following error.

General Error
SQL ERROR [ mysqli ]

Table 'quietly_confide.PORTAL_CONFIG_TABLE' doesn't exist [1146]

An sql error occurred while fetching this page. Please contact an administrator if this problem persists.

Thanks for anyone who has time to take a look at this, any pointers would be appreciated.

Re: Installation Error

Posted: 25. May 2010 13:08
by Marc
Well it seems to me like you didn't edit includes/constants.php, else you wouldn't have that error.

Re: Installation Error

Posted: 25. May 2010 13:34
by raiza
ok I fixed that. I checked the file and placed the coding in the wrong place.

Now ive got a bigger problem

The page wont load at all.

Edit: Found this article knowledge/kb_show.php?id=3

But im sure what file's it means, does it mean all the files ive edited, because if it does they all have ' <?php ' at the start and ' ?> ' at the end.

Re: Installation Error

Posted: 25. May 2010 13:47
by raiza
ok ive followed that article and the pages are still blank.
Ive checked ALL the files ive been told to edit.

The only ones that dont have this are overall_header and overall_footer and stylesheet.css

Thats because i didnt think they needed them.

The only thing i cant do is clear the cache.

How do i do that if i dont have access to the forums?

Re: Installation Error

Posted: 25. May 2010 14:17
by raiza
I just followed this in an attempt to clear the forum cache ... &t=1461565

and still a blank page.

Re: Installation Error

Posted: 25. May 2010 14:34
by Marc
What editor did you use to edit the files? Make sure you used an editor that is capable of saving files as UTF8 without BOM. The normal Windows editor and Wordpad are not able to do this, you need an editor like Notepad++.

Re: Installation Error

Posted: 25. May 2010 15:19
by raiza
I used notepad to edit the files.

If you think you can proberbly fix it easily i can easily give u the FTP details

Its just a fresh forum.

Re: Installation Error

Posted: 25. May 2010 20:03
by Marc
As I already told you notepad (Windows editor) is not able to save files as UTF8 without BOM. Please use notepad++ and save the files (especially the php files) as UTF8 without BOM.

Re: Installation Error

Posted: 25. May 2010 21:36
by raiza
sorry i misread what you put

Re: Installation Error

Posted: 26. May 2010 12:04
by raiza
cheers mate fixed it!