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"500 Internal Server Error" on install

Posted: 26. September 2010 08:30
by jacktaylor
Your Portal Version: 1.0.6
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

What have you done before the problem was there?
I already had one mod installed - Mobile Online phpBB3. I followed the installation instructions for Portal manually.

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
Renaming the .htaccess file, editing permissions to 777 for install/*.*

Description and Message
Hi everyone,

I've been trying to get Portal working on my test phpBB3 board, but when I try and navigate to install/index.php I get "500 Internal Server Error". My phpBB version is 3.0.7-PL1.

I've followed the installation instructions manually. I upload the new files and edit the existing files, then the error message occurs when I try to access the install script. I already have the MOphpBB3 mod installed (, but the only phpBB file this edits is includes/bbcode.php. The rest of this mod is copied to a new directory called "mo/". So I don't think that's the problem.

I've tried editing permissions to the install/ directory, but no luck.

I also tried renaming the .htaccess file. I know that .htaccess was working, because I got an Internal Server Error when trying to access the root folder of my site before I named it. After I renamed it, the root directory loaded normally. But whether I rename .htaccess or not, install/index.php comes back with an Internal Server Error.

I've been using gedit under Ubuntu Linux to edit the files. It should save everything in UTF-8, but I'm not exactly sure how to check.

Does anyone have any ideas what might be causing this?

Re: "500 Internal Server Error" on install

Posted: 26. September 2010 10:39
by Marc
Please try if turning on debug on your config.php gives you an error message. If not, you might want to contact your hoster if they can tell you what the exact error is.

Re: "500 Internal Server Error" on install

Posted: 26. September 2010 15:37
by jacktaylor
I just found a likely suspect - gftp doesn't automatically detect transfer mode for .php files. It looks like they might all have been uploaded in binary mode. I'll reinstall and see if that works.

Re: "500 Internal Server Error" on install

Posted: 27. September 2010 03:21
by jacktaylor
I finally worked out the problem. My host provider disabled DirectoryIndex in the .htaccess file. There might have been some other problem too, because I found this out after I reinstalled everything. Now I just have to write a normal redirect in the .htaccess and I should be all good. Thanks for your quick reply!