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center block for ajax chat

Posted: 29. November 2010 19:57
by durangod
Your Portal Version: 1.0.6
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

PHP Version: 3.0.8

What have you done before the problem was there?
i just installed the portal, and that all went very well

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
i have tried all the methods give to me on the custom block instructions plus tried a few things of my own..

Description and Message
this is my first time doing a custom block i have tried the instructions and its not pulling the variable values, the chat has a box but it shows {whatever vaiable value} but no values.. i tried moving my custom file then gave up on that idea...

can you please explain to me where i put this line.. do i put it in the acp custom html box, do i put it inside of a file, and if put it inside of a file, it does not show values so please help thanks.. do i need to build a new chat body html just for the portal or use iframe i just lost here..

this is the call to my ajax chat... where do i put it... thanks

<!-- INCLUDE chat_body.html -->

Re: center block for ajax chat

Posted: 29. November 2010 23:48
by durangod
i got it figured out, first you have to edit the portal php just like we did with the root index php and put an include to the chat in there

then use the custom center html and get rid of all the code in there except the top tag line then put your include in there and go to acp and turn on the block, no code required in the html block and whalla there is your chat...