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Only display stickies on the portal

Posted: 6. January 2011 04:25
by melian

I love the mod but it has a real issue with what can be displayed on the portal. You can't have a good news system because all that can be posted is either announces or every topics.

In the first case you can give rights to a group of "newsers" to be able to post announces and thus post news on the portal. The problem is the announces won't move inside the forum and thus people won't see the new comments.

In the second case ANYBODY can post a topic that will show up on the portal and that's an issue because you don't want every internet trolls to post on your portal, especially if you have a crowded forum.

The best option would be to display only "Post-Its" or "Stickies" and exclude normal topics, thus you could give the rights to a group and the topics would move inside the forum. Is there a way to do that?