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Choose time limit in "new posts"

Posted: 19. January 2011 19:33
by Farmand
Your Portal Version: 1.0.6
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Beginner

What have you done before the problem was there?
No problem, but a feature which would be nice

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
Searh a lot for the feature

Description and Message
Dear Board3.

On my portal frontpage I have the block "New posts". I have modified the
"news.html" so it only shows "topic name", "author and time for post" and "the forum it comes from".

In ACP I can choose that for example only the recent 12 posts are to be shown.

I have seen on other portals, that this block can be supplied with a "drop down" box
allowing the user to choose if he/she wants to see all post from "today", "Yesterday",
"Last 3 days", "Last week", "Last month", etc etc...

Is this just a simple code to be put in the "news.html" or what?

Sorry, I am a newbie in this, but learning fast :D

Sorry for my poor english...

Kind regards


Re: Choose time limit in "new posts"

Posted: 21. January 2011 19:49
by Farmand
Please, I am really new in how to behave in forums like this.
Is there anyway, I can make my question more easy to answer or comment for you?
Do I need to give more information for you, to get help with this?

Re: Choose time limit in "new posts"

Posted: 21. January 2011 22:53
by Marc
I'm sorry but this is currenlty not possible with Board3 Portal.

Re: Choose time limit in "new posts"

Posted: 23. January 2011 18:20
by Farmand
Hej Mark,

thanks for your answer and interrest in my question.

I have seen this feature on a portal, that seems to be build on Board3.

I'm really a beginner but trying hard to learn more. Could I by any chance
ask you to take a brief look at this site, and tell me, what should prevent
me from implementing the same at my forum. I run the latest version of your
wonderful portal and installed php3 3.0.8 and a subsilverbased style.

Please look at - in the center block "Nyeste emner" just
below the "welcome text", you see in the rigth lower corner the feature I'm asking for.

Thanks again for any help. It will be appriciated indeed.