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Pitlane Fanatic

Posted: 10. September 2008 12:41
by Maverick
Well let me start by saying that a friend of mine spent weeks trying to get a portal to work on our site - and she works in webdesign. She had no end of problems trying to get portals to work with the style template we wanted to use.

Anyway, I decided to have a go with no experience at this sort of thing at all. So I stumbled across Board3 which I think she'd been put off by the language as her first language is Spanish. Anyway, half an hour later I have a working portal! In fact it was so easy that I was suspicious that something must be wrong but I've tested for weeks now, done all sorts of modifications to it and it's works perfect. More than enough blocks for my needs means that I can butcher some of my unused ones to have the bits I need rather than being limited to just the two custom blocks.

Anyway, thanks a lot. I'm still tweaking it, and it doesn't seem to like IE as much as FireFox (so it has great taste too!) but I'm just about there with it...

Re: Pitlane Fanatic

Posted: 10. September 2008 16:20
by Steve_B
I like the style very minimal, but fits in well, great job on the portal as well.... :)

Re: Pitlane Fanatic

Posted: 10. September 2008 17:51
by Ice
It looks very nice. Just one thing, why the redirecting page?

Re: Pitlane Fanatic

Posted: 17. September 2008 10:57
by Maverick
Ice wrote:...why the redirecting page?
That's just a temporary solution to a problem I was having. It's partly because I also own the domain.

Re: Pitlane Fanatic

Posted: 18. September 2008 15:39
by Ice
Ahh I see, it all looks very nice, great job! :)

Re: Pitlane Fanatic

Posted: 10. October 2008 22:44
by Simz
I really love this portal. May I ask how you do the menu buttons block and how you get them to change colour when you go to click on them?

Re: Pitlane Fanatic

Posted: 14. October 2008 14:53
by Maverick
Simz wrote:I really love this portal. May I ask how you do the menu buttons block and how you get them to change colour when you go to click on them?
Thanks - that's a little tricky to explain as they were part of the basic style template I used but my template has evolved enormously from that original template. I wouldn't really recommend the original anyway as it was full of bugs as it turned out to only really be compliant with internet explorer. Getting it to be compliant with other browsers took me several stubborn weeks. Therefore, since they're rather locked up in the stylesheets it probably isn't very useful to you as I'm sure you have your own template that you want to use.

Anyway they're called hover, mouse-over or roll-over buttons and if you search for those terms you find loads of examples to use on the web.

You then just need to create a block to put the code in and add an <--- include... to it, in portal_body.html

Sorry I can't really be more specific than that, I'm pretty new to this sort of thing really.