Cannot access settings in ACP

Current Version: 2.1.0
Released: 2015-10-26
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Cannot access settings in ACP

Post by keesh7663 »

Your Portal Version: 2.1.0
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Advanced Knowledge

PHP Version: 5.4.43
MySQL Version: 5.5.42-37.1

What have you done before the problem was there?
Nothing. I installed portal 2.1.0 according to the instructions provided on the phpbb website for phpbb 3.1.x.

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
So I have scoured the phpbb forums here trying to find an answer and came up empty handed. I have installed portal v 2.1.0 on phpbb 3.1.6. I can view the portal just fine on my site but have tried everything I can to access the settings.

I looked in the Extensions tab of the ACP (not there), cleared browser cache, purged forum cache both more times than I can think. Disabled every other extension thinking maybe there is a conflict, no luck. Uninstalled every other extension thinking there might be a conflict, no dice.

So I reinstalled everything and put everything back to normal (portal still doesn't show me settings). I checked my ACP from both phone and tablet (used mobile data to avoid same ip trying to access it), no luck.

Description and Message
So I have scoured the phpbb forums here trying to find an answer and came up empty handed. I have installed portal v 2.1.0 on phpbb 3.1.6. I can view the portal just fine on my site but have tried everything I can to access the settings.

I looked in the Extensions tab of the ACP (not there), cleared browser cache, purged forum cache both more times than I can think. Disabled every other extension thinking maybe there is a conflict, no luck. Uninstalled every other extension thinking there might be a conflict, no dice.

So I reinstalled everything and put everything back to normal (portal still doesn't show me settings). I checked my ACP from both phone and tablet (used mobile data to avoid same ip trying to access it), no luck.

I like the concept of the portal and really want it on my site, but I also want to be able to have control over it. If I can't get this issue fixed I will uninstall until it is fixed.

I am a native php programmer as well, but really don't want to have to learn the inner workings of phpbb 3.1 and/or the portal's code and dive in and manually fix it to get this working. I have a busy enough schedule as it is.

Will repost this on the extension designer's website as well as on GitHub.
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Re: Cannot access settings in ACP

Post by Kirk »

Check if you have the permission "Can alter Portal settings"
Gruß Udo

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Re: Cannot access settings in ACP

Post by keesh7663 »

I'm an idiot. I totally overlooked admin specific permissions. That's what I get, I suppose, for doing things at 2am. Thanks for the help!

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