LastRSS agregator block for LastRSS agregator RC3

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Joined: 3. May 2009 15:53

Re: LastRSS agregator block for LastRSS agregator RC3

Post by [DRuG]NikT »

I installed this to display my lastRSS 2.0.0RC install, and it showed up perfectly on php 3.0.4/board3 1.0.3.

Thankyou for your fine work.

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Joined: 1. August 2009 18:14

Re: LastRSS agregator block for LastRSS agregator RC3

Post by thebonehead »

I installed the mod on my board3 and everything works as long as its board index...when I load the portal page I get loaded with errors from IE...says this.container is Null or not an object. Under board index it loads fine..this is on the portal page...I've searched and my code is the same as other posts here under Poral_body.html and portal.php....I'm at a loss...any help?

phpbb is the latest
board3 portal

and a few other mods...but don't think they are the cause cuz it loads in board index fine...

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