[REL] Gallery Block 1.4.1

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Re: [REL] Gallery Block 1.4.1

Post by CocoVFR »

archivar wrote:
archivar wrote:Hi,
I would remove the mod v. 0.4.0. and then install the mod v. 1.4.1.
Please save all the data.
Addon-Requirements: board3 Portal v1.0.4 (to download) and Gallery by nickvergessen v1.0.0 (to download)
look here:viewtopic.php?f=21&t=92
Ok, but i haven't package to update from 0.4.0 to 1.0.0 !
After some search, i've lost the 0.4.0 package too :evil: :evil:
So, i can't uninstall 0.4.0 bock gallery Mod....
Help !!!
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Re: [REL] Gallery Block 1.4.1

Post by Marc »

Marc wrote:Probiere mal das hier:
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Re: [REL] Gallery Block 1.4.1

Post by CocoVFR »

Nobody have my missing package ???
I've read the topic abour Gallery block. And in the dev process, it goes from 0.1.0 to 1.0.0...What i miss ???
I've a 0.4.0 package that seem not exist :o
Can i update my 0.4.0 to 1.0.0 without any trouble ?
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Re: [REL] Gallery Block 1.4.1

Post by Marc »

It's probably best if you ask the author of the gallery MOD, you probably has the package for updating your phpBB Gallery 0.4.0:
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Re: [REL] Gallery Block 1.4.1

Post by archivar »

CocoVFR wrote:Can i update my 0.4.0 to 1.0.0 without any trouble ?
depends on phpBB v., v. Board3 and Gallery v. you have the time?

Marc wrote:It's probably best if you ask the author of the gallery MOD, you probably has the package for updating your phpBB Gallery 0.4.0:
Last edited by archivar on 7. May 2010 14:40, edited 1 time in total.
V.G. archivar
sorry for my bad english

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Re: [REL] Gallery Block 1.4.1

Post by doergeloh »

!!!!!!!!!!!!!! legastenicker !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

danke vür die antwort,
leider funst es nicht !!!!!!!!!

Hab die datei so geändert wie beschrieben worde im Link,
habe das problehm auch nur im forum ,
kan zwar keinen block sehen im portal
aber wenn ich ins forum will komt immer nur dieser fehler

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare recent_gallery_images() (previously declared in C:\xampp\htdocs\phpBB3\gallery\includes\functions_recent.php:23) in C:\xampp\htdocs\phpBB3\gallery\includes\functions_recent.php on line 343

Grüse kai
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Re: [REL] Gallery Block 1.4.1

Post by CocoVFR »

I think nobody understand that i say, or my english is too bad for this.
I HAVE all the package to update "PhpBB", "PhpBB Gallery Mod", "PhpBB Board3Portal". For all this, no problem, i have every thinf i need to update.
I need package from 0.4.0 to 1.0.0 for "PhpBB Gallery Block". Note for Phpbb Gallery, but for PhpBB Gallery Block !
I have lost my "0.4.0 phpBB Gallery Block" package, so i can't uninstall this mod to install the V 1.0.0.
Marc wrote:It's probably best if you ask the author of the gallery MOD, you probably has the package for updating your phpBB Gallery 0.4.0:http://www.flying-bits.org
It seem that Christian_N, who have open this topic, maintain this mod. One more time: phpBB Gallery bloc, and not PhpBB Gallery !
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Re: [REL] Gallery Block 1.4.1

Post by Marc »

Well, then I can't help you much.

@doergeloh: Hast du eventuell noch den Portalview MOD installiert?

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Re: [REL] Gallery Block 1.4.1

Post by doergeloh »

ich kan kein englisch :oops:

aber ich werde das mall durch google jagen

ich habe nur den Portal 3 mode instaliert
di meinst beschtimt den mode wo das portal auch im forum zu sehen ist richtig
den habe ich noch nicht instaliert aber bald
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Re: [REL] Gallery Block 1.4.1

Post by Marc »

Also das oben in Englisch war jetzt nichts was deinen Fehler angeht.

Ich weiß allerdings nicht wie ich den Fehler beseitigen kann. Christian ist zur Zeit auch nicht sehr aktiv, also denke ich nicht, dass er in nächster Zeit ein Update online stellen wird.

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Re: [REL] Gallery Block 1.4.1

Post by doergeloh »

kein ding
ist schon schön euch zu haben ;)

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Re: [REL] Gallery Block 1.4.1

Post by Mess »

doergeloh wrote:Fatal error: Cannot redeclare recent_gallery_images() (previously declared in C:\xampp\htdocs\phpBB3\gallery\includes\functions_recent.php:23) in C:\xampp\htdocs\phpBB3\gallery\includes\functions_recent.php on line 343
I'm also getting the above error. I'm using board3 version 1.0.5 and Gallery version 1.0.5.
I can see there are a few other with the same error. Unfortunately I don't read German very well, and Google translate isn't helping.
Anyone with a fix?
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Re: [REL] Gallery Block 1.4.1

Post by Nashra »

Den selben Fehler bekomme ich auch :?
Scheint sich bis jetzt leider nichts getan zu haben wegen einem Fix :(

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Re: [REL] Gallery Block 1.4.1

Post by Nashra »

Übergangslösung gefunden!

In der index.php diesen Code komplett löschen

Code: Select all

* Recent images & comments and random images
* borrowed from phpBB Gallery
* @author: nickvergessen
* @function: recent_gallery_images

$gallery_root_path = GALLERY_ROOT_PATH;

if (!function_exists('obtain_portal_config'))
	include($phpbb_root_path . 'portal/includes/functions.' . $phpEx);
	$portal_config = obtain_portal_config();
if (!function_exists('load_gallery_config'))
	$recent_image_addon = true;
	include($phpbb_root_path . $gallery_root_path . 'includes/common.' . $phpEx);
	include($phpbb_root_path . $gallery_root_path . 'includes/permissions.' . $phpEx);

include($phpbb_root_path . $gallery_root_path . 'includes/functions_recent.' . $phpEx);
$ints = array(
	'rows'		=> $portal_config['portal_pg_index_rows'],
	'columns'	=> $portal_config['portal_pg_index_columns'],
	'comments'	=> $portal_config['portal_pg_index_crows'],
	'contests'	=> $portal_config['portal_pg_index_contests'],
* int		array	including all relevent numbers for rows, columns and stuff like that,
* display	int		sum of the options which should be displayed, see gallery/includes/constants.php "// Display-options for RRC-Feature" for values
* modes		int		sum of the modes which should be displayed, see gallery/includes/constants.php "// Mode-options for RRC-Feature" for values
* collapse	bool	collapse comments
* include_pgalleries	bool	include personal albums
* mode_id	string	'user' or 'album' to only display images of a certain user or album
* id		int		user_id for user profile or album_id for view of recent and random images
if ($portal_config['portal_pg_index_mode'] != '!all')
	recent_gallery_images($ints, $portal_config['portal_pg_index_display'], $portal_config['portal_pg_index_mode'], $portal_config['portal_pg_index_comments'], $portal_config['portal_pg_index_pgalleries']);
danach ist der Fehler erstmal wenn man den Index aufruft weg.
Im Portal funktionieren alle Einstellungen mit der Anzeige welche im ACP vorgenommen wurden,
bis auf private Bilder die werden nur angezeigt wenn man online ist d.h. hier werden die
Rechte/Einstellungen beachtet.
Einzigstes Manko, die Bilder im Index werden nun immer angezeigt und auch nur mit den neuesten
und den privaten Bildern d.h. die Rechte und Einstellungen im ACP werden mißachtet.
Abhilfe hierfür, da private Bilder bei uns nicht angezeigt werden für Gäste,
in der .../template/index.html

Code: Select all

<!-- IF not S_IS_BOT and S_USER_LOGGED_IN -->
<!-- INCLUDE gallery/recent_body.html -->
<!-- ENDIF -->
oder eben ganz weglassen.
Naja, ich glaube damit kann man vorübergehend leben, ich jedenfalls ;)

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Re: [REL] Gallery Block 1.4.1

Post by Mess »

Can someone please translate Nashra's solution please? I can get the gist of it, but would like to be sure I understand all of it, and google/translator isn't helping. :)

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