Hebrew Translation (v1.0.0 RC1)


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Posts: 12
Joined: 6. August 2008 22:55

Hebrew Translation (v1.0.0 RC1)

Post by oferxxx »

Hello; i've traslated the portal to Hebrew, here are the results:


Code: Select all


* @package - Board3portal
* @version $Id: info_acp_portal.php 200 2008-04-25 22:31:59Z icedcold $
* @copyright (c) kevin / saint ( http://www.board3.de/ ), (c) Ice, (c) nickvergessen ( http://www.flying-bits.org/ ), (c) redbull254 ( http://www.digitalfotografie-foren.de )
* @based on: phpBB3 Portal by Sevdin Filiz, www.phpbb3portal.com
* @translator (c) ( You - http://www.yourdomain.com )
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License 

if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))
if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
	$lang = array();

$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
	'ACP_PORTAL_INFO'							=> '?????',
	'ACP_PORTAL_GENERAL_INFO'					=> '????? ??????',
	'ACP_PORTAL_ANNOUNCE_INFO'					=> '?????? ?????????',
	'ACP_PORTAL_NEWS_INFO'						=> '?????',
	'ACP_PORTAL_RECENT_INFO'					=> '?????? ???????',
	'ACP_PORTAL_WORDGRAPH_INFO'					=> '????? ????',
	'ACP_PORTAL_GENERAL_INFO'					=> '????? ??????',
	'ACP_PORTAL_PAYPAL_INFO'					=> '??????',
	'ACP_PORTAL_MEMBERS_INFO'					=> '??????? ???????',
	'ACP_PORTAL_POLLS_INFO'						=> '?????',
	'ACP_PORTAL_BOTS_INFO'						=> '???????',
	'ACP_PORTAL_MOST_POSTER_INFO'				=> '???????? ???????',
	'ACP_PORTAL_WELCOME_INFO'					=> '???? ???',
	'ACP_PORTAL_CUSTOM_INFO'					=> '???? ????',
	'ACP_PORTAL_LINKS_INFO'						=> '???????',


Code: Select all


* @package - Board3portal
* @version $Id: lang_portal.php 227 2008-05-02 10:58:38Z kevin74 $
* @copyright (c) kevin / saint ( http://www.board3.de/ ), (c) Ice, (c) nickvergessen ( http://www.flying-bits.org/ ), (c) redbull254 ( http://www.digitalfotografie-foren.de )
* @based on: phpBB3 Portal by Sevdin Filiz, www.phpbb3portal.com
* @translator (c) ( You - http://www.yourdomain.com )
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License 

if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))
if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
	$lang = array();

// Placeholders can now contain order information, e.g. instead of
// 'Page %s of %s' you can (and should) write 'Page %1$s of %2$s', this allows
// translators to re-order the output of data while ensuring it remains correct
// You do not need this where single placeholders are used, e.g. 'Message %d' is fine
// equally where a string contains only two placeholders which are used to wrap text
// in a url you again do not need to specify an order e.g., 'Click %sHERE%s' is fine

$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
	// General
	'PORTAL'				=> '?????',
	'WELCOME'				=> '???? ???',

	'PORTAL_ERROR'			=> '?????',
	'PORTAL_DELETE_DIR'		=> '??? ??? ?? ????? ????? ??????: %s',
	'PORTAL_UPDATE'			=> '????? ?????',
	'PORTAL_UPDATE_TEXT'	=> '?? ?????\?? ?????? ??????! ????? <a href="%1$s">%2$s</a>!',

	// news & global announcements
	'LATEST_ANNOUNCEMENTS'	=> '?????? ????????? ???????',
	'GLOBAL_ANNOUNCEMENT'	=> '?????? ?????????',
	'VIEW_LATEST_ANNOUNCEMENT'   => '??? ?????? ??????',
	'VIEW_LATEST_ANNOUNCEMENTS'   => '%d ??? ??????? ???????',
	'LATEST_NEWS'			=> '????? ???????',
	'READ_FULL'				=> '??? ??? ?????',
	'NO_NEWS'				=> '??? ?????',
	'NO_ANNOUNCEMENTS'		=> '??? ?????? ?????????',
	'POSTED_BY'				=> '????? ?? ???',
	'COMMENTS'				=> '??????',
	'VIEW_COMMENTS'			=> '??? ??????',
	'POST_REPLY'			=> '???? ?????',
	'TOPIC_VIEWS'			=> '???',
	'JUMP_NEWEST'			=> '???? ?????? ???????',
	'JUMP_FIRST'			=> '???? ?????? ???????',
	'JUMP_TO_POST'			=> '???? ??????',
	'BACK'							=> '?????',

	// who is online
	'WIO_TOTAL'			=> '?? ???',
	'WIO_REGISTERED'	=> '??????',
	'WIO_HIDDEN'		=> '???????',
	'WIO_GUEST'			=> '??????',
	//'RECORD_ONLINE_USERS'=> 'View record: <strong>%1$s</strong><br />%2$s',

	// Birthday
	'BIRTHDAYS_AHEAD'              => '%s ??? ????? ???? ?????',
	'NO_BIRTHDAYS_AHEAD'        => '??? ??? ????? ???????? ????? ??.',

	// user menu
	'USER_MENU'			=> '????? ?????',
	'UM_LOG_ME_IN'		=> '???? ????',
	'UM_HIDE_ME'		=> '???? ????',
	'UM_MAIN_SUBSCRIBED'=> '??? ?????? ???????',
	'UM_BOOKMARKS'		=> '??? ???????',

	// statistics
	'ST_NEW'		=> 'New',
	'ST_NEW_POSTS'	=> 'New post',
	'ST_NEW_TOPICS'	=> 'New topic',
	'ST_NEW_ANNS'	=> 'New announcment',
	'ST_NEW_STICKYS'=> 'New sticky',
	'ST_TOP'		=> '?? ???',
	'ST_TOP_ANNS'	=> '?? ??? ??????:',
	'ST_TOP_STICKYS'=> '?? ??? ??????:',
	'ST_TOT_ATTACH'	=> '?? ??? ????? ???????:',

	// search
	'SH'		=> '???',
	'SH_SITE'	=> '???????',
	'SH_POSTS'	=> '??????',
	'SH_AUTHOR'	=> '????',
	'SH_ENGINE'	=> '???? ?????',
	'SH_ADV'	=> '????? ?????',
	// recent
	'RECENT_NEWS'		=> '????? ???????',
	'RECENT_TOPIC'		=> '?????? ???????',
	'RECENT_ANN'		=> '?????? ???????',
	'RECENT_HOT_TOPIC'	=> '?????? ?????????? ???????',

	// random member
	'RND_MEMBER'	=> '????? ?????',
	'RND_JOIN'		=> '????? ?',
	'RND_POSTS'		=> '???? ??????',
	'RND_OCC'		=> '?????',
	'RND_FROM'		=> '?????',
	'RND_WWW'		=> '?? ????',

	// top poster
	'TOP_POSTER'	=> '???????? ???????',
	// attachments
	'DOWNLOADS'			=> '??????',
	'NO_ATTACHMENTS'	=> '??? ??????',

	// links
	'LINKS'				=> '???????',
	'NO_LINKS'			=> '??? ???????', 
	// latest members
	'LATEST_MEMBERS'	=> '??????? ???????',

	// make donation
	'DONATION' 		=> '???? ????',
	'DONATION_TEXT'	=> 'is a formation suplying services with no intention of any revenue. Anyone who wants to support this formation can do it by donating so that the cost of server, the domain and etc. could be paid of.',
	'PAY_MSG'		=> '???? ????? ???? ????? ???????, ????? ?????? ?? ??? ????? ?? ?????? ?? PayPal.',
	'PAY_ITEM'		=> '???? ????', // paypal item

	// main menu
	'M_MENU' 	=> '????',
	'M_CONTENT'	=> '????',
	'M_ACP'		=> '??? ???? ????? ????',
	'M_HELP'	=> '????',
	'M_BBCODE'	=> '????? ?????? ?? BBCODE',
	'M_TERMS'	=> '????? ???? ?????',
	'M_PRV'		=> '??????? ??????',
	'M_SEARCH'	=> '?????',

	// link us
	'LINK_US'		=> '???? ?????',
	'LINK_US_TXT'	=> '?? ?????? ????? ????? ?? ????? : "<strong>%s</strong>". ??? ????? ???? HTML ???:',

	// friends
	'FRIENDS'				=> '?????',
	'FRIENDS_OFFLINE'		=> '???????',
	'FRIENDS_ONLINE'		=> '???????',
	'NO_FRIENDS'			=> '??? ?????',
	'NO_FRIENDS_OFFLINE'	=> '??? ????? ???????',
	'NO_FRIENDS_ONLINE'		=> '??? ????? ???????',
	// last bots
	'LAST_VISITED_BOTS'		=> '%s ??????? ???????',
	// wordgraph
	'WORDGRAPH'				=> '????? ????',

	// change style
	'BOARD_STYLE'			=> '????? ??????',
	'STYLE_CHOOSE'			=> '??? ?????',
	// team
	'NO_ADMINISTRATORS_P'	=> '??? ?????? ??????',
	'NO_MODERATORS_P'		=> '??? ?????? ?????????',

	// average Statistics
	'TOPICS_PER_DAY_OTHER'	=> '?????? ????: <strong>%d</strong>',
	'TOPICS_PER_DAY_ZERO'	=> '?????? ????: <strong>0</strong>',
	'POSTS_PER_DAY_OTHER'	=> '?????? ????: <strong>%d</strong>',
	'POSTS_PER_DAY_ZERO'	=> '?????? ????: <strong>0</strong>',
	'USERS_PER_DAY_OTHER'	=> '??????? ????: <strong>%d</strong>',
	'USERS_PER_DAY_ZERO'	=> '??????? ????: <strong>0</strong>',
	'TOPICS_PER_USER_OTHER'	=> '?????? ??????: <strong>%d</strong>',
	'TOPICS_PER_USER_ZERO'	=> '?????? ??????: <strong>0</strong>',
	'POSTS_PER_USER_OTHER'	=> '?????? ??????: <strong>%d</strong>',
	'POSTS_PER_USER_ZERO'	=> '?????? ??????: <strong>0</strong>',
	'POSTS_PER_TOPIC_OTHER'	=> '?????? ?????: <strong>%d</strong>',
	'POSTS_PER_TOPIC_ZERO'	=> '?????? ?????: <strong>0</strong>',

	// Poll
	'POLL'					=> '???',
	'LATEST_POLLS'			=> '????? ???????',
	'NO_OPTIONS'			=> '??? ?? ?? ????.',
	'NO_POLL'				=> '??? ????? ??????',
	'RETURN_PORTAL'			=> '%s???? ??????%s',

	// other
	'VIEWING_PORTAL'         => '?????',
	'CLOCK'		=> '????',
	'SPONSOR'	=> '???',
	'PORTAL_COPY'	=> '<a href="http://www.board3.de" title="board3.de">board3 Portal</a> - based on <a href="http://www.phpbb3portal.com" title="phpBB3 Portal">phpBB3 Portal</a>',

// mini calendar
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
	'Mini_Cal_calendar'		=> '??? ???',
	'Mini_Cal_add_event'	=> '???? ?????',
	'Mini_Cal_events'		=> '??????? ??????',
	'Mini_Cal_no_events'	=> '???',
	'Mini_cal_this_event'	=> '??? ????? ?????',
	'View_next_month'		=> '???? ???',
	'View_previous_month'	=> '???? ????',

// uses MySQL DATE_FORMAT - %c  long_month, numeric (1..12) - %e  Day of the long_month, numeric (0..31)
// see http://www.mysql.com/doc/D/a/Date_and_time_functions.html for more details
// currently supports: %a, %b, %c, %d, %e, %m, %y, %Y, %H, %k, %h, %l, %i, %s, %p
	'Mini_Cal_date_format'		=> '%b %e',
	'Mini_Cal_date_format_Time'	=> '%H:%i',

// if you change the first day of the week in constants.php, you should change values for the short day names accordingly
// e.g. FDOW = Sunday -> $lang['mini_cal']['day'][1] = 'Su'; ... $lang['mini_cal']['day'][7] = 'Sa'; 
//      FDOW = Monday -> $lang['mini_cal']['day'][1] = 'Mo'; ... $lang['mini_cal']['day'][7] = 'Su'; 
	'mini_cal'	=> array(
		'day'	=> array(
			'1'	=> '?',
			'2'	=> '?',
			'3'	=> '?',
			'4'	=> '?',
			'5'	=> '?',
			'6'	=> '?',
			'7'	=> '?',

		'month'	=> array(
			'1'	=> '???',
			'2'	=> '???',
			'3'	=> '???',
			'4'	=> '???',
			'5'	=> '???',
			'6'	=> '???',
			'7'	=> '???',
			'8'	=> '???',
			'9'	=> '???',
			'10'=> '???',
			'11'=> '???',
			'12'=> '???',

		'long_month'=> array(
			'1'	=> '?????',
			'2'	=> '?????',
			'3'	=> '???',
			'4'	=> '?????',
			'5'	=> '???',
			'6'	=> '????',
			'7'	=> '????',
			'8'	=> '??????',
			'9'	=> '??????',
			'10'=> '???????',
			'11'=> '??????',
			'12'=> '?????',



Code: Select all


* @package - Board3portal
* @version $Id: lang_portal_acp.php 201 2008-04-25 22:32:54Z icedcold $
* @copyright (c) kevin / saint ( http://www.board3.de/ ), (c) Ice, (c) nickvergessen ( http://www.flying-bits.org/ ), (c) redbull254 ( http://www.digitalfotografie-foren.de )
* @based on: phpBB3 Portal by Sevdin Filiz, www.phpbb3portal.com
* @translator (c) ( You - http://www.yourdomain.com )
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License 

if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))
if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
	$lang = array();

// All language files should use UTF-8 as their encoding and the files must not contain a BOM.
// Placeholders can now contain order information, e.g. instead of
// 'Page %s of %s' you can (and should) write 'Page %1$s of %2$s', this allows
// translators to re-order the output of data while ensuring it remains correct
// You do not need this where single placeholders are used, e.g. 'Message %d' is fine
// equally where a string contains only two placeholders which are used to wrap text
// in a url you again do not need to specify an order e.g., 'Click %sHERE%s' is fine

$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
	'ACP_PORTAL_INFO_SETTINGS'			=> '?????? ??????',
	'ACP_PORTAL_INFO_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN'	=> '???? ????? ?????? phpBB3. ??? ??? ??? ???? ???? ?? ?????? ?? ?????? ???. ????? ??? ???? ?? ??? ???? ?? ??????? ?? ??????, ??? ?? ???? ?? ????? ?? ???????. ???????? ??? ?????? ?? ???? ???? ?? ????? ?? ?? ??? ?????? ???.',

	'ACP_PORTAL_SETTINGS'				=> '?????? ?????',
	'ACP_PORTAL_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN'		=> '???? ????? ?????? phpBB3. ??? ??? ??? ???? ???? ?? ?????? ?? ?????? ???. ????? ??? ???? ?? ??? ???? ?? ??????? ?? ??????, ??? ?? ???? ?? ????? ?? ???????. ???????? ??? ?????? ?? ???? ???? ?? ????? ?? ?? ??? ?????? ???.',

	// general
	'ACP_PORTAL_GENERAL_INFO'				=> '????? ?????',
	'ACP_PORTAL_GENERAL_INFO_EXPLAIN'		=> '???? ????? ?????? phpBB3. ??? ??? ??? ???? ???? ?? ?????? ?? ?????? ???. ????? ??? ???? ?? ??? ???? ?? ??????? ?? ??????, ??? ?? ???? ?? ????? ?? ???????. ???????? ??? ?????? ?? ???? ???? ?? ????? ?? ?? ??? ?????? ???.',
	'ACP_PORTAL_VERSION'						=> '<strong>???? ?????? v%s</strong>',
	'ACP_PORTAL_GENERAL_SETTINGS'			=> '?????? ??????',
	'ACP_PORTAL_GENERAL_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN'	=> '??? ???????? ????? ?? ????????? ??????? ???????? ???.',
	'PORTAL_ADVANCED_STAT'					=> '???? ?????????? ?????',
	'PORTAL_ADVANCED_STAT_EXPLAIN'			=> '??? ???? ?? ??????.',
	'PORTAL_LEADERS'						=> '???? ????',
	'PORTAL_LEADERS_EXPLAIN'				=> '??? ???? ?? ??????.',
	'PORTAL_CLOCK'							=> '???? ????',
	'PORTAL_CLOCK_EXPLAIN'					=> '??? ???? ?? ??????.',
	'PORTAL_LINK_US'						=> '???? ???? ?????',
	'PORTAL_LINK_US_EXPLAIN'				=> '??? ???? ?? ??????.',
	'PORTAL_BIRTHDAYS'						=> '???? ??? ?????',
	'PORTAL_BIRTHDAYS_EXPLAIN'				=> '??? ???? ?? ??????.',
	'PORTAL_BIRTHDAYS_AHEAD'				=> '??? ????? ???? ?????',
	'PORTAL_BIRTHDAYS_AHEAD_EXPLAIN'		=> '??? ???? ????? ????????.',
	'PORTAL_SEARCH'							=> '??? ????',
	'PORTAL_SEARCH_EXPLAIN'					=> '??? ???? ?? ??????.',
	'PORTAL_WELCOME'						=> '???? ???? ??? ?????',
	'PORTAL_WELCOME_EXPLAIN'				=> '??? ???? ?? ??????.',
	'PORTAL_WHOIS_ONLINE'							=> '?? ?????',
	'PORTAL_WHOIS_ONLINE_EXPLAIN'					=> '??? ???? ?? ??????.',
	'PORTAL_CHANGE_STYLE'							=> '??? ?????',
	'PORTAL_CHANGE_STYLE_EXPLAIN'					=> '??? ???? ?? ??????.
	<br /><span style="color:red">????:</span> ?? "???? ????? ?? ?????" ??? ?????? ???? ????? ?"??", ???? ???? <u>?? ????</u>, ????? ???????.',
	'PORTAL_FRIENDS'						=> '???? ?????',
	'PORTAL_FRIENDS_EXPLAIN'				=> '??? ???? ?? ??????.',
	'PORTAL_MAX_ONLINE_FRIENDS'				=> '???? ?????? ???????? ?????? ????? ????? ???????',
	'PORTAL_MAX_ONLINE_FRIENDS_EXPLAIN'		=> '????? ???? ?????? ???????? ?????? ?????? ????? ????? ???????.',
	'PORTAL_MAIN_MENU'						=> '????? ????',
	'PORTAL_MAIN_MENU_EXPLAIN'				=> '??? ???? ?? ??????.',
	'PORTAL_USER_MENU'						=> '????? ????? / ???? ???????',
	'PORTAL_USER_MENU_EXPLAIN'				=> '??? ???? ?? ??????.',
	'PORTAL_FORUM_INDEX'							=> '???? (????? ???????)',
	'PORTAL_FORUM_INDEX_EXPLAIN'					=> '??? ???? ?? ??????.',

	// random member
	'PORTAL_RANDOM_MEMBER'					=> '???? ????? ?????',
	'PORTAL_RANDOM_MEMBER_EXPLAIN'			=> '??? ???? ?? ??????.',

	// global announcements
	'ACP_PORTAL_ANNOUNCE_INFO'					=> '?????? ?????????',
	'ACP_PORTAL_ANNOUNCE_SETTINGS'				=> '?????? ?????? ?????????',
	'ACP_PORTAL_ANNOUNCE_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN'		=> '??? ???????? ????? ???? ?? ?????? ?????????.',
	'PORTAL_ANNOUNCEMENTS'						=> '??? ?????? ?????????',
	'PORTAL_ANNOUNCEMENTS_EXPLAIN'				=> '??? ???? ?? ??????.',
	'PORTAL_ANNOUNCEMENTS_STYLE'				=> '????? ??????? ?? ????? ?????? ?????????',
	'PORTAL_ANNOUNCEMENTS_STYLE_EXPLAIN'		=> '??? ??? ???? ?? ????? ?????? ??????? ??????? ?????????, ?? ?????? ????',
	'PORTAL_NUMBER_OF_ANNOUNCEMENTS'			=> '???? ??????? ??????',
	'PORTAL_ANNOUNCEMENTS_DAY'					=> '???? ????? ????? ?? ?????',
	'PORTAL_ANNOUNCEMENTS_DAY_EXPLAIN'			=> '???? 0 ????? ??????',
	'PORTAL_ANNOUNCEMENTS_LENGTH'				=> '???? ???????? ?? ?????? ?????????',
	'PORTAL_ANNOUNCEMENTS_LENGTH_EXPLAIN'		=> '???? 0 ????? ??????',
	'PORTAL_GLOBAL_ANNOUNCEMENTS_FORUM'			=> '????? ??????? ????? ?????? ?????????',
	'PORTAL_GLOBAL_ANNOUNCEMENTS_FORUM_EXPLAIN'	=> '????? ????? ????? ?????? ?????????, ???? ??? ??? ?????? ??? ????????, ???? ??????? ????? ??? ???????, ??????: 1,2,5',
	'PORTAL_ANNOUNCEMENTS_PERMISSIONS'			=> '????/???? ??????',
	'PORTAL_ANNOUNCEMENTS_PERMISSIONS_EXPLAIN'	=> '???? ?????? ????? ??????? ????? ???? ?????? ?????',
	'PORTAL_ANNOUNCEMENTS_ARCHIVE'				=> '???? ?????? ??????? ??????',
	'PORTAL_ANNOUNCEMENTS_ARCHIVE_EXPLAIN'		=> '?? ????? ?????? ??????? ?????? / ????? ???? ????????.',

	// news
	'ACP_PORTAL_NEWS_INFO'				=> '?????',
	'ACP_PORTAL_NEWS_SETTINGS'			=> '?????? ?????',
	'ACP_PORTAL_NEWS_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN'	=> '??? ???????? ????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ???.',
	'PORTAL_NEWS'						=> '??? ???? ?????',
	'PORTAL_NEWS_EXPLAIN'				=> '??? ???? ?? ??????.',
	'PORTAL_NEWS_STYLE'					=> '????? ??????? ????? ?????',
	'PORTAL_NEWS_STYLE_EXPLAIN'			=> '?? ???? ??, ????? ?????? ??????? ????? ???? ?????, ?? ?????? ????.',
	'PORTAL_SHOW_ALL_NEWS'				=> '??? ?? ?? ??????? ?????? ??',
	'PORTAL_SHOW_ALL_NEWS_EXPLAIN'		=> '???? ?????? ?????? ???????.',
	'PORTAL_NUMBER_OF_NEWS'				=> '???? ????? ????? ??????',
	'PORTAL_NUMBER_OF_NEWS_EXPLAIN'		=> '???? 0 ????? ??????',
	'PORTAL_NEWS_LENGTH'				=> '???? ??????? ?? ???? ?????',
	'PORTAL_NEWS_LENGTH_EXPLAIN'		=> '???? 0 ????? ??????',
	'PORTAL_NEWS_FORUM'					=> '????? ??????? ????? ????? ?????',
	'PORTAL_NEWS_FORUM_EXPLAIN'			=> '????? ????? ????? ????? ?????, ???? ??? ??? ?????? ??? ????????, ???? ??????? ????? ??? ???????, ??????: 1,2,5',
	'PORTAL_EXCLUDE_FORUM'				=> '???? ???????',
	'PORTAL_EXCLUDE_FORUM_EXPLAIN'		=> '????? ????? ????? ????? ?????, ???? ??? ??? ?????? ??? ????????, ???? ??????? ????? ??? ???????, ??????: 1,2,5',
	'PORTAL_NEWS_PERMISSIONS'			=> '????/???? ??????',
	'PORTAL_NEWS_PERMISSIONS_EXPLAIN'	=> '???? ?????? ????? ??????? ????? ???? ??????? ?????? ?????',
	'PORTAL_NEWS_SHOW_LAST'				=> '??? ?????? ?????',
	'PORTAL_NEWS_SHOW_LAST_EXPLAIN'		=> '???? ?????, ????? ??????? ??????, ???? ?? ???????, ?????? ??????? ?? ????? ????.<br />?????? ??????? ????? ????? ?????? ????? ?????? ???????.',
	'PORTAL_NEWS_ARCHIVE'				=> '???? ????? ??????? ??????',
	'PORTAL_NEWS_ARCHIVE_EXPLAIN'		=> '?? ????? ????? ??????? ?????? / ????? ???? ????????.',

	// recent topics
	'ACP_PORTAL_RECENT_INFO'				=> '?????? ???????',
	'ACP_PORTAL_RECENT_SETTINGS'			=> '?????? ?????? ???????',
	'ACP_PORTAL_RECENT_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN'	=> '??? ??? ???? ????? ?? ?????? ??????? ???????? ?????? ???.',
	'PORTAL_RECENT'							=> '??? ???? ?????? ???????',
	'PORTAL_RECENT_EXPLAIN'					=> '??? ???? ?? ??????.',
	'PORTAL_MAX_TOPIC'						=> '????? ???? ??????? ????????/ ??????? ????????? ????????',
	'PORTAL_MAX_TOPIC_EXPLAIN'				=> '???? 0 ????? ??????',
	'PORTAL_RECENT_TITLE_LIMIT'				=> '????? ????? ??? ????',
	'PORTAL_RECENT_TITLE_LIMIT_EXPLAIN'		=> '???? 0 ????? ??????',

	// paypal
	'ACP_PORTAL_PAYPAL_INFO'				=> '??????',
	'ACP_PORTAL_PAYPAL_SETTINGS'			=> '?????? ??????',
	'ACP_PORTAL_PAYPAL_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN'	=> '??? ??? ???? ????? ?? ?????? ???????.',
	'PORTAL_PAY_C_BLOCK'					=> '??? ???? ?????? ?????',
	'PORTAL_PAY_C_BLOCK_EXPLAIN'			=> '??? ???? ?? ??????.',
	'PORTAL_PAY_S_BLOCK'					=> '??? ???? ?????? ???',
	'PORTAL_PAY_S_BLOCK_EXPLAIN'			=> '??? ???? ?? ??????.',
	'PORTAL_PAY_ACC'						=> '????? ??????? ??????',
	'PORTAL_PAY_ACC_EXPLAIN'				=> '???? ????? ?????? ???? ??????? ??????. xxx@xxx.com',

	// last member
	'ACP_PORTAL_MEMBERS_INFO'				=> '??????? ???????',
	'ACP_PORTAL_MEMBERS_SETTINGS'			=> '?????? ??????? ???????',
	'ACP_PORTAL_MEMBERS_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN'	=> '??? ??? ???? ????? ?? ??????? ?? ????? ??????? ???????.',
	'PORTAL_LATEST_MEMBERS'					=> '??? ???? ??????? ???????',
	'PORTAL_LATEST_MEMBERS_EXPLAIN'			=> '??? ???? ?? ??????.',
	'PORTAL_MAX_LAST_MEMBER'				=> '????? ???? ???????? ???????? ??????',
	'PORTAL_MAX_LAST_MEMBER_EXPLAIN'		=> '???? 0 ????? ??????',

	// bots
	'ACP_PORTAL_BOTS_INFO'						=> '???????',
	'ACP_PORTAL_BOTS_SETTINGS'					=> '?????? ???????',
	'ACP_PORTAL_BOTS_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN'			=> '??? ??? ???? ????? ?? ?????? ???????? ?????? ???.',
	'PORTAL_LOAD_LAST_VISITED_BOTS'				=> '??? ???? ???????',
	'PORTAL_LOAD_LAST_VISITED_BOTS_EXPLAIN'		=> '??? ???? ?? ??????.',
	'PORTAL_LAST_VISITED_BOTS_NUMBER'			=> '??? ??????? ?????',
	'PORTAL_LAST_VISITED_BOTS_NUMBER_EXPLAIN'	=> '0 ??????? ??? ?????',

	// polls   
	'ACP_PORTAL_POLLS_INFO'				=> '???',
	'ACP_PORTAL_POLLS_SETTINGS'			=> '?????? ???',
	'ACP_PORTAL_POLLS_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN'	=> '??? ??? ???? ????? ?? ?????? ????.',
	'PORTAL_POLL_TOPIC'					=> '??? ???? ???',
	'PORTAL_POLL_TOPIC_EXPLAIN'			=> '??? ???? ?? ??????.',
	'PORTAL_POLL_TOPIC_ID'				=> '???? ?????? ????? ????? ??????',
	'PORTAL_POLL_TOPIC_ID_EXPLAIN'		=> '????? ????? ????? ?????, ???? ??? ??? ?????? ??? ????????, ???? ??????? ????? ??? ???????, ??????: 1,2,5.',
	'PORTAL_POLL_LIMIT'					=> '????? ?????',
	'PORTAL_POLL_LIMIT_EXPLAIN'			=> '???? ?????? ??????? ????? ??? ?????.',
	'PORTAL_POLL_ALLOW_VOTE'			=> '???? ??????',
	'PORTAL_POLL_ALLOW_VOTE_EXPLAIN'	=> '???? ???????? ???? ???? ?????? ??? ?????.',

	// most poster
	'ACP_PORTAL_MOST_POSTER_INFO'				=> '???????? ???????',
	'ACP_PORTAL_MOST_POSTER_SETTINGS'			=> '?????? ???????? ???????',
	'ACP_PORTAL_MOST_POSTER_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN'	=> '??? ??? ???? ????? ?? ?????? ????? ???????? ???????.',
	'PORTAL_TOP_POSTERS'                  		=> '??? ???? ???????? ???????',
	'PORTAL_TOP_POSTERS_EXPLAIN'				=> '??? ???? ?? ??????.',
	'PORTAL_MAX_MOST_POSTER'					=> '??? ??????? ???? ??? ???? ?????? ?????',
	'PORTAL_MAX_MOST_POSTER_EXPLAIN'			=> '???? 0 ????? ??????',

	// left and right collumn width 
	'ACP_PORTAL_COLLUMN_WIDTH_INFO'				=> '???? ??????',
	'ACP_PORTAL_COLLUMN_WIDTH_SETTINGS'			=> '?????? ???? ??????? ??????? ?????????',
	'PORTAL_LEFT_COLLUMN_WIDTH'					=> '???? ?????? ???????',
	'PORTAL_LEFT_COLLUMN_WIDTH_EXPLAIN'			=> '??? ?? ???? ?????? ??????? ????????, ?? 180',
	'PORTAL_RIGHT_COLLUMN_WIDTH'				=> '???? ?????? ??????',
	'PORTAL_RIGHT_COLLUMN_WIDTH_EXPLAIN'		=> '??? ?? ???? ?????? ?????? ????????, ?? 180',

	// attachments    
	'ACP_PORTAL_ATTACHMENTS_NUMBER_INFO'				=> '????? ???????',
	'ACP_PORTAL_ATTACHMENTS_NUMBER_SETTINGS'			=> '?????? ????? ???????',
	'ACP_PORTAL_ATTACHMENTS_NUMBER_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN'	=> '??? ??? ???? ????? ?? ?????? ????? ????? ???????.',
	'PORTAL_ATTACHMENTS'								=> '??? ???? ????? ???????',
	'PORTAL_ATTACHMENTS_EXPLAIN'						=> '??? ???? ?? ??????.',
	'PORTAL_ATTACHMENTS_NUMBER'							=> '????? ???? ?????? ???????? ??????',
	'PORTAL_ATTACHMENTS_NUMBER_EXPLAIN'					=> '???? 0 ????? ??????',
	'PORTAL_ATTACHMENTS_FORUM_IDS'							=> '???? ?????? ????? ????? ??????',
	'PORTAL_ATTACHMENTS_FORUM_IDS_EXPLAIN'				=> '????? ????? ????? ?????, ???? ??? ??? ?????? ??? ????????, ???? ??????? ????? ??? ???????, ??????: 1,2,5.',
	// friends
	'ACP_PORTAL_FRIENDS_INFO'				=> '?????',
	'ACP_PORTAL_FRIENDS_SETTINGS'			=> '?????? ?????',
	'ACP_PORTAL_FRIENDS_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN'	=> '??? ??? ???? ????? ?? ?????? ???? ?????? ???.',
	'PORTAL_FRIENDS'						=> '???? ???? ?????',
	'PORTAL_FRIENDS_EXPLAIN'				=> '??? ???? ?? ??????',
	'PORTAL_MAX_ONLINE_FRIENDS'				=> '??? ????? ?????',
	'PORTAL_MAX_ONLINE_FRIENDS_EXPLAIN'		=> '???? ???? ????? ??? ????? ?????.',

	// wordgraph
	'ACP_PORTAL_WORDGRAPH_INFO'				=> '????? ????',
	'ACP_PORTAL_WORDGRAPH_SETTINGS'			=> '?????? ?????? ?????',
	'ACP_PORTAL_WORDGRAPH_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN'	=> '??? ??? ???? ????? ?? ?????? ????? ????? ????.',
	'PORTAL_WORDGRAPH'						=> '??? ???? ????? ????',
	'PORTAL_WORDGRAPH_EXPLAIN'				=> '??? ???? ?? ??????.<br /><strong>Wordgraph does not work when fulltext mysql is selected as the search backend.</strong>',
	'PORTAL_WORDGRAPH_MAX_WORDS'			=> '??? ????? ?????',
	'PORTAL_WORDGRAPH_MAX_WORDS_EXPLAIN'	=> '???? 0 ????? ??????',
	'PORTAL_WORDGRAPH_WORD_COUNTS'			=> '???? ??? ????? ????? ?????',
	'PORTAL_WORDGRAPH_WORD_COUNTS_EXPLAIN'	=> '??? ?? ???? ?????? ?????? ?????, ??????: (25).',
	'PORTAL_WORDGRAPH_RATIO'				=> '????? ????? ???? ????',
	'PORTAL_WORDGRAPH_RATIO_EXPLAIN'		=> '???? ?? ???? ???? (????/???) ???  ???? ?????? ?????? (???? ????? ?????=18)',

	// welcome message
	'ACP_PORTAL_WELCOME_INFO'				=> '???? ???',
	'ACP_PORTAL_WELCOME_SETTINGS'			=> '?????? ???? ???',
	'ACP_PORTAL_WELCOME_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN'	=> '??? ??? ???? ????? ?? ?????? ???? ???.',
	'PORTAL_WELCOME_INTRO'					=> '????? ???? ???',
	'PORTAL_WELCOME_GUEST'					=> '????? ???? ??? ???????',
	'PORTAL_WELCOME_INTRO_EXPLAIN'			=> '??? ????? ???? ??? (???? ?????? ?-BBCode).',
	// links
	'ACP_PORTAL_LINKS_INFO' 			=> '???????',
	'ACP_PORTAL_LINKS_SETTINGS' 		=> '?????? ???????',
	'ACP_PORTAL_LINKS_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN' => '??? ??? ???? ????? ?? ?????? ????????.',
	'PORTAL_LINKS'						=> '???? ???????',
	'PORTAL_LINKS_EXPLAIN'				=> '??? ???? ?? ??????.',
	'PORTAL_LINK_TEXT'					=> '????/?????',
	'PORTAL_LINK_TEXT_EXPLAIN'			=> 'The text followed by the url for the link. Use the buttons to delete and reorder the links. Don\'t forget the http:// !',
	'PORTAL_ADD_LINK_TEXT'				=> '???? ?????',
	'PORTAL_ADD_LINK_TEXT_EXPLAIN'		=> '??? ?? ????? ??? ????? ?????.',
	'PORTAL_LINK_ADD'					=> '<strong>???? ?????</strong>',

	// custom
	'ACP_PORTAL_CUSTOM_INFO'								=> '???? ????',
	'ACP_PORTAL_CUSTOM_SETTINGS'							=> '?????? ???? ????',
	'ACP_PORTAL_CUSTOM_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN'				=> '??? ???? ????? ?? ?????? ????? ?????. ?????? ???? ?? ???? ?????? ?HTML ?? BBCode ?????? ???? ??????, ?????, ??????, ???? ?? ????. ?? ???? ?? ???? ?????.',
	'ACP_PORTAL_CUSTOM_SMALL_SETTINGS'							=> '?????? ???? ???? ???',
	'PORTAL_CUSTOM_SMALL_HEADLINE'						=> '????? ????? ???? ???',
	'PORTAL_CUSTOM_SMALL_HEADLINE_EXPLAIN'				=> '??? ???? ????? ?? ?????? ????? ???? ???.',
	'PORTAL_CUSTOM_SMALL'									=> '??? ???? ???? ???',
	'PORTAL_CUSTOM_SMALL_EXPLAIN'							=> '??? ???? ?? ??????.',
	'PORTAL_CUSTOM_SMALL_BBCODE'							=> '???? BBCode ????? ???? ???',
	'PORTAL_CUSTOM_SMALL_BBCODE_EXPLAIN'				=> '?????? ?? ???? ???? ?????? ?-BBCode. ?? ?-BBCode ?? ????, HTML ???? ???? ??????? ?????????.',
	'PORTAL_CUSTOM_CODE_SMALL'							=> '??? ????? ???? ???',
	'PORTAL_CUSTOM_CODE_SMALL_EXPLAIN'					=> '??? ??? ?? ???? ????? ???? ??? (HTML ?? BBCode).',
	'ACP_PORTAL_CUSTOM_CENTER_SETTINGS'							=> '???? ???? ???? ?????',
	'PORTAL_CUSTOM_CENTER'									=> '???? ???? ???? ?????',
	'PORTAL_CUSTOM_CENTER_EXPLAIN'						=> '??? ???? ?? ??????.',
	'PORTAL_CUSTOM_CENTER_HEADLINE'						=> '????? ????? ???? ?????',
	'PORTAL_CUSTOM_CENTER_HEADLINE_EXPLAIN'			=> '??? ???? ????? ?? ?????? ????? ???? ?????.',
	'PORTAL_CUSTOM_CENTER_BBCODE'						=> '???? BBCode ????? ???? ?????',
	'PORTAL_CUSTOM_CENTER_BBCODE_EXPLAIN'				=> '?????? ?? ???? ???? ?????? ?-BBCode. ?? ?-BBCode ?? ????, HTML ???? ???? ??????? ?????????.',
	'PORTAL_CUSTOM_CODE_CENTER'							=> '??? ????? ???? ?????',
	'PORTAL_CUSTOM_CODE_CENTER_EXPLAIN'				=> '??? ??? ?? ???? ????? ???? ????? (HTML ?? BBCode).',

	// minicalendar
	'ACP_PORTAL_MINICALENDAR_SETTINGS'			=> '?????? ??? ???',
	'ACP_PORTAL_MINICALENDAR_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN'	=> '??? ??? ???? ????? ?? ?????? ??? ???.',
	'PORTAL_MINICALENDAR'						=> '??? ???? ??? ???',
	'PORTAL_MINICALENDAR_EXPLAIN'				=> '??? ???? ?? ??????.',
	'PORTAL_MINICALENDAR_TODAY_COLOR'			=> '??? ?????? ???? ????',
	'PORTAL_MINICALENDAR_TODAY_COLOR_EXPLAIN'	=> '??? HEX ?? ???? ??????? ?????? #FFFFFF ????? ???, ?? ???? ????? ??? vilolet.',
	'PORTAL_MINICALENDAR_DAY_LINK_COLOR_EXPLAIN'=> '??? HEX ?? ???? ??????? ?????? #FFFFFF ????? ???, ?? ???? ????? ??? vilolet.',



Code: Select all


* @package - Board3portal
* @version $Id: lang_portal_acp_logs.php 202 2008-04-26 16:01:14Z kevin74 $
* @copyright (c) kevin / saint ( http://www.board3.de/ ), (c) Ice, (c) nickvergessen ( http://www.flying-bits.org/ ), (c) redbull254 ( http://www.digitalfotografie-foren.de )
* @based on: phpBB3 Portal by Sevdin Filiz, www.phpbb3portal.com
* @translator (c) ( You - http://www.yourdomain.com )
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License 

if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))
if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
	$lang = array();

// All language files should use UTF-8 as their encoding and the files must not contain a BOM.
// Placeholders can now contain order information, e.g. instead of
// 'Page %s of %s' you can (and should) write 'Page %1$s of %2$s', this allows
// translators to re-order the output of data while ensuring it remains correct
// You do not need this where single placeholders are used, e.g. 'Message %d' is fine
// equally where a string contains only two placeholders which are used to wrap text
// in a url you again do not need to specify an order e.g., 'Click %sHERE%s' is fine

$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
	'LOG_CONFIG_GENERAL'			=> '<strong>Portal: Altered general settings</strong>',
	'LOG_CONFIG_NEWS'				=> '<strong>Portal: Altered news settings</strong>',
	'LOG_CONFIG_ANNOUNCEMENTS'		=> '<strong>Portal: Altered announcements settings</strong>',
	'LOG_CONFIG_WELCOME'			=> '<strong>Portal: Altered welcome message settings</strong>',
	'LOG_CONFIG_RECENT'				=> '<strong>Portal: Altered recent topics settings</strong>',
	'LOG_CONFIG_WORDGRAPH'			=> '<strong>Portal: Altered wordgraph settings</strong>',
	'LOG_CONFIG_PAYPAL'				=> '<strong>Portal: Altered paypal donations settings</strong>',
	'LOG_CONFIG_ATTACHMENTS'		=> '<strong>Portal: Altered attachments settings</strong>',
	'LOG_CONFIG_MEMBERS'			=> '<strong>Portal: Altered latest members settings</strong>',
	'LOG_CONFIG_POLLS'				=> '<strong>Portal: Altered poll settings</strong>',
	'LOG_CONFIG_BOTS'				=> '<strong>Portal: Altered last visited bots settings</strong>',
	'LOG_CONFIG_POSTER'				=> '<strong>Portal: Altered most posters settings</strong>',
	'LOG_CONFIG_MINICALENDAR'		=> '<strong>Portal: Altered mini calendar settings</strong>',
	'LOG_CONFIG_CUSTOMBLOCK'		=> '<strong>Portal: Altered custom block settings</strong>',
	'LOG_CONFIG_LINKS'				=> '<strong>Portal: Altered links block settings</strong>',



Code: Select all


* @package - Board3portal
* @version $Id: portal_install.php 102 2008-02-09 10:44:56Z kevin74 $
* @copyright (c) kevin / saint ( http://www.board3.de/ ), (c) Ice, (c) nickvergessen ( http://www.flying-bits.org/ ), (c) redbull254 ( http://www.digitalfotografie-foren.de )
* @based on: phpBB3 Portal by Sevdin Filiz, www.phpbb3portal.com
* @translator (c) ( You - http://www.yourdomain.com )
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License 

if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))
if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
	$lang = array();

// All language files should use UTF-8 as their encoding and the files must not contain a BOM.
// Placeholders can now contain order information, e.g. instead of
// 'Page %s of %s' you can (and should) write 'Page %1$s of %2$s', this allows
// translators to re-order the output of data while ensuring it remains correct
// You do not need this where single placeholders are used, e.g. 'Message %d' is fine
// equally where a string contains only two placeholders which are used to wrap text
// in a url you again do not need to specify an order e.g., 'Click %sHERE%s' is fine

$lang = array_merge($lang, array(

	'INSTALLER_MENU'						=> 'PInUp ?????',
	'INSTALLER_MENU_START'				=> '????',
	'INSTALLER_UNINSTALL'					=> '???',
	'INSTALLER_UPDATE'						=> '????',
	'INSTALLER_INSTALL'						=> '????',

	'INSTALLER_INTRO_TITLE'				=> '????/???? ???? ?????',
	'INSTALLER_INTRO_NOTE'				=> '???? ??? ?????? ????/???? ????, ????? ?-PInUp',

	'INSTALLER_MENU_DONE'					=> '???? ??????',
	'INSTALLER_MENU_DONE_TEXT'			=> '???? %s ??? ?????? ??????, ??? ??? ?? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ????? <a href="%s">????????</a> ???.',

	'INSTALLER_INSTALL_NOTE'				=> 'When you choose to install the MOD, any database of previous versions will be dropped.',
	'INSTALLER_INSTALL_MENU'				=> '????? ?????',
	'INSTALLER_INSTALL_SUCCESSFUL'		=> '????? ???? v%s ????? ??????.',
	'INSTALLER_INSTALL_UNSUCCESSFUL'	=> '????? ???? v%s <strong>?????</strong>.',
	'INSTALLER_INSTALL_VERSION'			=> '???? ??? v%s',
	'INSTALLER_INSTALL_START'			=> '??? ??? ?? <a href="%s">????</a> ??? ?????? ?????? ?????.',

	'INSTALLER_UPDATE_TITLE'				=> 'PInUp ?????',
	'INSTALLER_UPDATE_NOTE'				=> '????? ??? ? v%s ? v%s',

	'INSTALLER_UNINSTALL_NOTE'			=> '???? ??? ?????? ??????',
	'INSTALLER_UNINSTALL_SUCCESSFUL'	=> '????? ???? v%s ????? ??????.',

	'INSTALLER_NEEDS_ADMIN'			=> '??? ???? ????? ????? ????? ????.<br /><a href="../ucp.php?mode=login"><strong>Go to login</strong>',

	'INSTALLER_UPDATE'						=> '????',
	'INSTALLER_UPDATE_MENU'				=> '???? ?????',
	'INSTALLER_UPDATE_NOTE'				=> '???? ??? ? v%s ? v%s',
	'INSTALLER_UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL'		=> '????? ???? ? v%s ? v%s ???? ??????.',
	'INSTALLER_UPDATE_UNSUCCESSFUL'	=> '????? ???? ? v%s ? v%s <strong>???</strong>.',
	'INSTALLER_UPDATE_VERSION'			=> '???? ??? ? v%s',
	'INSTALLER_UPDATE_TO'					=> '???? ?',
	'INSTALLER_UPDATE_START'				=> '??? ??? ?? <a href="%s">????</a> ??? ?????? ?????? ??????.',

	'INSTALLER_UNINSTALL_OLDVERSION'	=> 'Sorry, PInUp does not support the uninstallation of the origonal phpBB3 Portal.',

	'INSTALLER_ERROR'						=> 'PInUp ?????',

	'INSTALLER_USEFUL_INFO'				=> '??? ??? ?? ?????? /install_portal.',

	'INSTALLER_UNINSTALL_USEFUL_INFO'	=> '???? ????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?? ?????? ??????.',

	'WARNING'									=> '?????',

That's all :)
All rights reserves to me-oferxxx.
Last edited by Kevin on 7. August 2008 07:15, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Edited thread title (added version number)
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phpBB.de User: thomas.d
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Re: Hebrew Translation

Post by thomas.d »

Hi oferxxx,

thanks a lot for your work!

But ...
oferxxx wrote:... All rights reserves to me-oferxxx.
... what's that?

Which rights do you want to reserve for you?
Viele Grüße


Deutsche Sprachdateien für
[Alpha] phpBB Calendar 0.0.8 (alightner) | [RC] phpBB Arcade 1.0.RC8 |
ACP Add User MOD 1.0.0 |

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Re: Hebrew Translation

Post by oferxxx »

thomas.d wrote: Which rights do you want to reserve for you?
The rights for translating :)
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Re: Hebrew Translation

Post by Kevin »

Thanks oferxxx, i've added you to the group "translators".

And i've also edited the title of your thread to "Hebrew Translation (v1.0.0 RC1)"
~~~ They say the definition of madness is doing the same thing and expecting a different result ~~~

Kein Support per PN / No support via PM!

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