Show portal on all pages giving me blank index page.

Current Version: 2.1.0
Released: 2015-10-26
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Show portal on all pages giving me blank index page.

Post by HoodieWeather »


Under the portal admin page. When I Show portal on all pages: and tick the box 'NO' the width of the site is normal it expands.

When I go to column to display on all pages: right

I don't get an error of a blank white page.

But If I click on 'Yes' to show portal on all pages, and keep the column to display on all pages ticked on 'right'

That's when I get the white page. Should, I just reinstall board3? I remember I wanted to heavily code so I could have both coloums on the website when someone is browsing the forum portion. But that did shrink the board down like you've mentioned.
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Re: Show portal on all pages giving me blank index page.

Post by Kirk »

HoodieWeather wrote: 19. January 2022 06:04 I remember I wanted to heavily code so I could have both coloums on the website when someone is browsing the forum portion.
Undo these changes.
Gruß Udo

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Re: Show portal on all pages giving me blank index page.

Post by HoodieWeather »

Thank You

I'm now getting

"[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/ext/board3/portal/portal/fetch_posts.php on line 137: A non-numeric value encountered"

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Re: Show portal on all pages giving me blank index page.

Post by HoodieWeather »

WHat's up?

I actually updated the PhpBB to the newest firmware and deleted the old board. Now, I don't have any problems having both side bars on the actual forum part of the site anymore. I liked it, but it did shrink the board down a bit, and I wasn't sure how to expand that so the board would be the same size as if the columns weren't there.

I decided to redo the site, and not do what I wanted to do back in 2019.

Thanks For The Help

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